

任軍,醫學博士,教授、主任醫師,國內著名的腫瘤內科學家、腫瘤免疫治療學家。腫瘤學博士生導師、免疫學博士生導師、生物醫學工程博士生導師。首都醫科大學附屬北京世紀壇醫院(首都醫科大學腫瘤醫學院)院長助理、腫瘤中心主任 ,首都醫科大學腫瘤學系常務副主任,腫瘤治療性疫苗北京市重點實驗室主任,腫瘤免疫治療北京市國際科技合作基地主任。


任軍,醫學博士,教授、主任醫師,國內著名的腫瘤內科學家、腫瘤免疫治療學家。腫瘤學博士生導師、免疫學博士生導師、生物醫學工程博士生導師。首都醫科大學附屬北京世紀壇醫院(首都醫科大學腫瘤醫學院)院長助理、腫瘤中心主任,首都醫科大學腫瘤學系常務副主任,腫瘤治療性疫苗北京市重點實驗室主任,腫瘤免疫治療北京市國際科技合作基地主任。美國杜克大學醫學院在職教員(Faculty)。曾任第四軍醫大學西京醫院腫瘤中心、北京大學腫瘤醫院大內科主任。首批北京市衛生系統高層次人才腫瘤內科學科帶頭人。先後負責國家自然科學基金、軍隊傑出青年基金、 “十二五”重大科技專項、首都特色重大課項目等30餘項課題資助。《胃癌血清MG-Ag免疫聚合酶鏈反應技術的研製及套用》獲得國家技術發明三等獎和陝西省科技進步一等獎,1995年總後勤部“十大傑出青年”榮譽稱號;2000年獲總後勤部“科技新星”;榮立解放軍一等功;“首都勞動獎章”、“京城好醫生”獲得者。








在國內外雜誌發表論文226篇,其中SCI 70篇,培養博士生43名,碩士生29名。


1. 腫瘤化療、腫瘤內科綜合治療

2. 腫瘤免疫治療及其轉化研究

3. 抗腫瘤藥物臨床研究

4. 醫學教育與腫瘤學創新人才培養


2002.03-2002.12 美國哈佛大學醫學院(麻省總醫院MGH) (幹細胞治療);國家教育部公派“高等學校重點系主任/實驗室骨幹出國研修計畫”的高級訪問學者

1997.09-2000.06 第四軍醫大學第一附屬醫院內科學(消化系病) 博士

1995.12-1997.04 (WHO)腫瘤中心、韓國漢城大學腫瘤所(腫瘤免疫學)高級訪問學者

1991.08-1994.07 第四軍醫大學第一附屬醫院內科學(消化系病) 碩士

1983.09-1989.07 第四軍醫大學六年制臨床醫療系 學士


1989.07~1998.12 第四軍醫大學第一附屬醫院消化內科 歷任住院醫師、主治醫師、講師、副教授、碩士生導師

1998.09 破格晉升副教授、碩士生導師

1998.12~2001.05 第四軍醫大學第一附屬醫院腫瘤科 副主任

2001.05~2003.08 第四軍醫大學第一附屬醫院腫瘤科 主任

2000.09 破格晉升教授、博士生導師

2001.09 晉升主任醫師

2003.08~2006.06 北京大學臨床腫瘤學院大內科(傑出人才引進)、第四軍醫大學第一附屬醫院腫瘤科 主任

2006.06~2012.05 北京大學臨床腫瘤學院內科 主任, 主任醫師、教授、博士生導師

2008.10~至今 美國杜克(Duke)大學腫瘤中心 研究教授

2012.06~至今 首都醫科大學附屬北京世紀壇醫院 院長助理、首都醫科大學腫瘤學系 常務副主任 、主任醫師、教授、博士生導師

2013.05~至今 腫瘤治療性疫苗北京市重點實驗室 主任

2015.10~至今 腫瘤免疫治療北京市國際科技合作基地 主任








Scientific Reports雜誌編委;





1. Ren J, Pan BR, Li MF, Lu P, Yan PS, Miao JY, Dong Y, Luo WH. Preliminary study on the microbiology ofCamplylobacter pyloridis and gastric histopatholgy. Keio J Med. 1990 Jun;39(2):112-116

2. Ren J, Fan DM, Zhou SJ, Zhang XY, Yang AG, Li MF, Chen Z. Establishment of immuno-PCR technique for the detection of tumor-associated antigen MG7-Ag on the gastric cancer cell line. Chin J of Cancer Res. 1995, 7(4): 247-250.

3. Ren J, Bai J, Si XM, Kwon H.J., Chung H.K., Park J.G. Effect of disproportional expression of the aberrant and correct kappa chain transcripts on antibody secretion Of Sp2/0 derived-CEA and AFP hybridomas. Int J Modern Cancer Ther. 1999; 2(2):65-70.

4. Ren J, Chen Z, Juan SJ, Yong XY, Pan BR, Fan DM.* Detection of circulating gastric cancer associated antigen MG7-Ag in human sera with established immuno-PCR technique . Cancer. 2000;88(2):280-285.

5. Ren J,Fan DM. Application of Immuno-PCR technique in the detection of serelogical tumor marker associated antigen and genetical preparation of fusion protein of single chain antibody and streptavidin. Science Foundation in China. 2000; 8(2):22-25.

6. Ren J*, Ge L, Li YQ,Bai J,Liu WC,Si XM. Detection of circulating CEA molecules in human sera and leukapheresis of peripheral blood stem cell with E. Coli expressed bi-specific CEAScFv-treptavidin fusion protein based Immuno-PCR Technique .Ann NY Acad Sci. 2001; 945:116-118.

7. Xue FB*, Xu YY, Wan Y, Pan BR, Ren J, Fan DM. Association of H. pyloriinfection with gastric carcinoma:a Meta analysis. World J Gastroenterol. 2001;7(6):801-804.

8. Fan L, Ren J, Zhang YJ, You XH, Sheng R, Li YQ. Evaluation of improved quality life and thepeutic effect of duragesic on cancerous pain in patients with advanced tumors. Chin J Clin Rehabilitation. 2002; 6(16):2500.

9. Zhang LW, Ren J*, Zhang L, Zhang HM, et al. Construction and expression of recombined human AFP eukaryotic expression vector .Word J Gastroenterol. 2003;9(7) ; 1465-1468.

10. Wang HD, Ren J*,Zhang L. CDH1 germline mutation in hereditary gastric carcinoma. World J Gastrenterology. 2004;10(21):3088-3093.

11. Wan Y, Xu YY, Jiang JH, Kong FS, Xue FB, Bai YX, Pan BR, Ren J, Fan DM*. Chinese literature associated with diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori. Word J Gastroenterol. 2004;10(2) ; 231-233.

12. Huang XF, Wang CM*, Pan BR, Dai XW, Fang L, Yang JJ, Yu H, Ren J. Pathological characteristics of gastric leiomyoblastoma. Word J Gastroenterol. 2004;10(21) ; 3182-3184.

13. Zhang LW#, Zhang HM#, Liu WC,Wang H, Jia J, Si XM, Ren J*, Specific antihepatocellular carcinoma T cells generated by dendritic cells plused with hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2 total RNA, Cellular Immunology. 2005; 238(1),61-66.

14. Fan L*, Liu WC, Zhang YJ, Ren J, Pan BR, Liu DH, Chen Y, Yu ZC, Oral Xeloda plus bi-platinu two-way combined chemotherapy in treatment of advanced gastrointestinal malignancies. Word J Gastroenterol. 2005; 11(28) ; 4300-4304.

15. Zhang XT, Yashiro M*, Ren J, Hirakawa K, Histone deacetylase inhibitor,trichostatin A, increases the chemosensitivity of anticancer drugs in gastric cancer cell lines. Oncol Rep. 2006 :16(3);563-8.

16. Yang JY#, Cao DY#, Liu WC*, Zhang HM, Teng ZH, Ren J. Dendritic cell generated from CD34+ hematopoietic progenitors can be transfected with adenovirus containing gene of HBsAg and induce antigen-specific cytotoxic T cell responses. Cell Immunol. 2006; 240(1)14-21.

17. Zhang XT, Yashiro M, Ohira M, Ren J, Hirakawa K, Synergic antiproliferative effect of DNA methyltransferase inhibitor in combination with anticancer drugs in gastric cancer carcinoma. Cancer Sci. 2006; 97(9): 938-944.

18. Zhang HM, Zhang LW, Ren J*,Fan L, Si XM, Liu WC*, Induction of alpha-fetoprotein-specific CD4- and CD8- mediated T-cell response using RNA-transfected dendritic cells. Cell Immunol. 2006; 239(2);144-150.

19. Zhang HM#, Zhang LW#, Liu WC*, Cheng J, Si XM, Ren J.* Comparative analysis of DC fused with tumor cells or transfected with tumor total RNA as potential cancer vaccines against hepatocellular carcinoma. Cytotherapy. 2006;8(6):580-588.

20. Di Lijun,Ren J.,Yan Ying, A multicenter phase II trial of domestic product of zoliedronic acid in the treatment of malignant hypercalcemia. Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology ;2007;6(4) ;393-395.

21. Ren J#, Jia J#, Zhang HM, Zhang LW,Ma B, Jiang HF, Di LJ, Song GH, Yu J, Dendritic Cells Pulsed With Alpha-Fetoprotein and Mutant P53 Fused Gene Induce Bi-targeted CTL Response against Hepatic Carcinoma. Cancer Sci. 2008;99(7):1420-1426.

22. Di Lijun, Ren J*, Yan Ying, Wan Fengling, Song Guohong, Yu Jing. Long-term efficacy and safety of pamidronate disodium in treatment of bone metastases in breast cancer. Chin. J. Cancer Res.2009;21(2):109-114.

23. Zhang L#, Ren J#, Pan K, Ma J, Li J, Shen L, Zhang X, Li J, Fan D, Gail M, You W*. Detection of gastric carcinoma-associated MG7-Ag by serum immuno-PCR assay in a high-risk Chinese population, with implication for screening. Int J Cancer. 2010;126(2):469-73 (co-first author).

24. Song GH, Ren J*,Zhang LJ, Di LJ, Yuan YH, Yu J, Jia J. Low corresponsence of EGFR mutaions in tumor tissues and paired serum of non small cell lung cancer patiens. Chin J Cancer Res 22(1):27-31,2010

25. Cheng JP, Yan Y, Wang XY, Lu YL, Yuan YH, Wang XL, Jia J, Ren J*. Circulating tumor cells in metastatic breast cancer: monitoring response to chemotherapy and predicting progression-free survival. Chinese Journal of Cancer Research. Chin J Cancer Res. 22(3):200-209,2010.

26. Lu ZH, Jia J, Ren J*, Di LJ, Song GH, Yuan, YH , Ma, B Yu J, Zhu YL, Wang XL, Zhou XN DNA methyltransferase inhibitor CDA-2 synergizes high-dose thiotepa and paclitaxel for killing breast cancer stem cells. Frontiner in Bioscience. 2011;3(1):240-249,

27. Zhu BD, Li XL, Liu Y, Chang J,Liu Y, Zhang DD, Wang Q, Ren J*.Cui CP* Involvement of Hepatopoietin Cn in the development of human hepatocellular carcinoma. Clinical and Experimental Metastasis. 2010, 27:571–580

28. Jun Jia, Jun Ren, Jin Gu, Lijun Di, Guohong Song. Predominant sarcomatoid carcinoma of the lung concurrent with jejunal metastasis and leukocytosis. Rare Tumor. 2010;4 (2):120-123

29. Song GH, Ren J*, Di LJ, Yu J, Zhang J,Shao B,Jia J,Sun W. Decrease of peripheral blood CD8+/CD28- suppressor T cell followed by dentritic cells immunomodulation among metastatic breast cancer. Chin J Cancer Res. 2010;22(4):310-315.

30. Cheng JP, Yan Y, Wang XY, Lu YL, Yuan YH, Jia J, Ren J.*MUC1-positive circulating tumor cells and MUC1 protein predict chemotherapeutic efficacy in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer. Chin J. Cancer.2011;30(1):54-61.

31. Yu J, Ren J*, Di LJ, Song GH, Zhu YL, Zhang J, Liang X, Che L, Jiang HF, Jia J, Zhang CR. Mobilization of peripheral blood stem cells using regimen combining docetaxel with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in breast cancer patients. Chin J Cancer Res. 2011;23(1):49-53.

32. Lin XL, Wang XL, Ma B, Jia J, Yan Y, Di LJ, Yuan YH, Wan FL, Lu YL, Liang X, Shen T, Ren J*. HER2-Specific T lymphocytes Kill Both Trastuzumab-resistant and Trastuzumab-sensitive Breast Cell Lines in vitro. Chin J Cancer Res. 2012, 24(2):143-150.

33. Dong NN, Yu J, Wang CY, Zheng XH, Wang Z, Di LJ, Song GH, Zhu BD, Che L, Jia J, Jiang HF, Zhou XN, Wang XL, Ren J*. Pharmacogenetic assessment of clinical outcome in patients with metastatic breast cancer treated with docetaxel plus capecitabine. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology. 2012, 138:1197–1203.

34. Wang Z, Liang X, Yu J, Zheng XH, Zhu YL, Yan Y, Dong NN, Di LJ, Song GH, Zhou XN, Wang XL, Yang HB, Ren J*,Lyerly HK. Nongenetic risk factors and predicting efficacy for docetaxel-DILI among metastatic breast cancer patients. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2012, 27:1348–1352.

35. Siegfried N, Steinhausen K, Ren J, Cazap E, Melien O. Global core competencies for clinical trials. Lancet. 2012: 380:728.

36. Cao BS, Jia J, Ma LW ,Di LJ, Song GH, Yuan YH, Ma B, Zhu YL, Yu J, Wang XL, Zhou XN, H Kim Lyerly*, Ren J.*Recombinant human endostatin can suppress proangiogenesis induced by side population (SP) cells from non-small lung cancer cell lines. Clinical and Translational Oncology. 2012;14(8):575-585 .

37. Ma B, Jiang HF, Jia J, Di LJ, Song GH, Yu J, Zhu YL, Lu ZH, Wang XL, Zhou XN, Ren J.* Murine bone marrow stromal cells pulsed with homologous tumor derived exosomes inhibit proliferation of liver cancer cells. Clinical and Translational Oncology. 2012;14(10):764-773 .

38. Di LJ, Zhu YL, Jia J, Yu J, Song GH, Zhang J, Che L, Yang HB, Han Y, Ma B, Zhang CR, Yuan YH, You MN, Wan FL, Wang XL, Zhou XN , Ren J*. Clinical safety of induced CTL transfusion through recombinant adeno-associated virus transfected dendritic cells vaccination in Chinese cancer patients. Clinical and Translational Oncology. 2012;14(9):675-681.

39. Song GH, Ren J, Alexander Stojadinovic, Chen W, Ziad Sahab , Sidney W. Fu, Man YG. Conjunction of tumor cells with lymphocytes: Implications for tumor invasion and metastasis. Cancer Epidemiology. 2012;36(4):354-63.

40. Che L, Yuan YH, Jia J, Ren J*. Activation of sonic hedgehog signaling pathway is an independent potential prognosis predictor in human hepatocellular carcinoma patients. Chin J Cancer Res 2012;24(4):323-331

41. Sun HM, Jia J, Wang XL, Ma B, Di LJ, Song GH, Ren J*. CD44+/CD24- Breast Cancer Cells Isolated from MCF-7 Cultures Exhibit Enhanced Angiogenic Properties. Clinical and Translational Oncology. 2013, 15:46-54.

42. Liang X, Zhang J, Zhu YL, Lu YL, Zhou XN, Wang Z, Yu J, Yan Y, Di LJ, Che L, Jiang HF, Shao B, Wang XL, Yang HB, Lyerly H. K*, Ren J*. Specific Genetic polymorphisms of IL10-592 AA and IL10-819 TT genotype lead key role for inducing docetaxel-induced liver injury in breast cancer patients. Clinical and Translational Oncology. 2013 ;15(4):331-334

43. Zhu XS, He BX, Zhou XN, Ren J*.Effects of transplanted bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells in animal models of acute hepatitis. Cell and tissue research. 2013;351(3):477-86.

44. Zhu XS, He BX, Zhou XN, Ren J*.The comparison of effects of human adipose and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells on T lymphocyte. Cell biology international. 2013;37(1):11-18.

45. Quan Y#, Yan Y#, Wang XL, Fu QB, Wang WK, Wu JW, Yang G,∗ Ren J∗, Wang YG. Impact of cell dissociation on identification of breast cancer stem cells. Cancer Biomarkers. 2012/2013; (12): 125–133

46. Zhu XS, Zhou XN, He BX, Ren J*.Impaired immuno-modulatory function of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia cancer stem cells and the possible mechnism involved in it. Cancer Immunol Immunotherapy .2013;62(4):689-703.

47. Ren J*, Di LJ, Song GH, Yu J, Jia J, Zhu YL, Yan Y, Jiang HF, Liang X, Che L, Zhang J, Wan FL, Wang XL, Zhou XN, Lyerly H*. Selections of appropriate regimen of high-dose chemotherapy combined with adoptive cellular therapy with dendritic and cytokine-induced killer cells improved progression free and overall survival in patients with metastatic breast cancer: reagument of such contentious therapeutic preferences. Clinical and Translational Oncology.2013;15(10):780-788.

48. Song GH, Wang XL, Jia J. Yuan YH, Wan FL, Zhou XN, Yang HB, Ren J.*, Gu JZ, Lyerly HK.* Elevated Level of Peripheral CD8+CD28- T Lymphocytes Are an Independent Predictor of Progression-Free Survival in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer during the course of chemotherapy. Cancer Immunol Immunotherapy. 2013;62:1123-1130.

49. Jiang N, Zhu XS, Zhang HM, Wang XL, Zhou XN, Gu JZ, Chen BA, Ren J*. The relationship between methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphism and hematological malignancy. Clin. Lab. 2014; 60:767-774.

50. Zhu XS, Yu HJ, He BX, Zhou XN, Jiang N, Ni, Zhang HM, Wang XL, Ren J*. Mouse Flk-1+Sca-1- Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Functional Plasticity In Vitro and Immunoregulation In Vivo. Transplantation. 2014; 97(5): 509-17.

51. Song QK, Christiani DC, Wang XR, Ren J*. The global contribution of outdoor air pollution to the incidence, prevalence, mortality and hospital admission for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2014; 11(11):11822-32. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph111111822.

52. Song QK, Zhao L, Li J, Ren J*. Fruit consumption reduces the risk of esophageal cancer in Yanting, People’s Republic of China. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2015 May;27(4):469-75

53. Lu M, Zhou L, Zheng XH, Quan Y, Wang XL, Zhou XN, Ren J* . A novel molecular marker of breast cancer stem cells identified by cell-SELEX method. Cancer Biomark. 2015;15: 169–176

54. Lyerly H. K. *, Fawzy M, Aziz Z, Nair R, Pramesh C.S, Parmar P., Parikh P., Jamal R, Irumnaz A, Ren J, Stockler M, Abernethy A.P,. Regional vriation in identified cancer care needs of early career oncologist in China, India and Pakistan. The Oncologist. 2015; 20(5):532-8.

55. Zhao YJ#, Jiang N#, Song QK, Wu JP, Song YG, Zhang HM, Chen F, Zhou L, Wang XL, Zhou XN, Yang HB, Ren J,* Lyerly H.K*. Continuous DC-CIK infusions sufficiently restore CD8+cellular immunity, physical activity and improve clinical efficacy in advanced cancers patients failed and untolerated to conventional anti-cancer treatments. APJCP.2015.16(6):2419

56. Song QK#, Wang XL#, Zhou XN, Yang HB, Li YC, Wu JP, Ren J*, Lyerly H.K* Breast Cancer Challenges and Screening in China: Lessons From Current Registry Data and Population Screening Studies. The Oncologist . 2015;Jul;20(7):773-779.

57. Huang HY, Chen A, Wang T, Wang MN, Ning XK, He MF, Hu YZ, Yuan L, Li SC, Wang QW, Liu H, Chen ZL, Ren J*, Sun Q* . Detecting cell-in-cell structures in human tumor samples by E-cadherin/CD68/CD45 triple staining. Oncotarget .2015 Aug 21; 6(24):20278-87.

58. Zhou XN, Wang XL, Song QK, Yang HB, Zhu XS, Yu J, Song GH, Di LJ, Ren J*, Shao H*, Lyerly H.K. Transformation of alkylating regimen of thiotepa into tepa determines the disease progression through GSTP1 gene polymorphism for metastatic breast cancer patients receiving thiotepa containing salvage chemotherapy. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther.2015 Nov;53(11):914-922.

59. Song QK#, Ren J#*, Zhou XN, Wang XL, Song GH, Di LJ, Yu J, Hobeika A, Morse M, Yuan YH, Yang HB, Lyerly H.K*. The prognostic value of peripheral CD4+CD25+ T lymphocytes among early stage and triple negative breast cancer patients receiving dendritic cells-cytokine induced killer cells infusion Oncotarget .2015;6(380):41350-41359.

60. Song QK, Zhou XN, Yu J, Dong NN, Wang XL, Yang HB, Ren J*, Lyerly H.K*. The prognostic values of CYP2B6 genetic polymorphisms and metastatic sites for advanced breast cancer patients treated with docetaxel and thiotepa. Scientific Reports. 2015 Nov 25;5:16775.

61. Zhou XN#, Yu J#, Wang WM, Song GH, Wang XL, Ren J*, Di LJ*, Wang XH*. A Phase I dose-escalation study of the domestic Trastuzumab in Chinese metastasis breast cancer patients. Spriger Plus. 2015 Dec 22;4: 803.

62. Wang XL, Ren J* Zhang J, Yan Y, Jiang N, Yu J, Di LJ, Song GH, Che L, Jia J, Zhou XN, Yang HB, Lyerly H.K.. Prospective study of cyclophosphamide, thiotepa, carboplatin combined with adoptive DC-CIK followed by metronomic cyclophosphamide therapy as salvage treatment for negative metastatic breast cancers patients (aged<45). Clinical and Translational Oncology. 2016 Jan;18(1):82-87.

63. Qiao GL, Chen Z, Wang C Ge J, Li L*, Ren J*. Pure fetal histology subtype was associated with better prognosis of children with hepatoblastoma: a Chinese population-based study. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016 Mar; 31(3): 621-7.

64. Qiao GL, Cucchetti A, Li J, Cescon M, Xia Y, Ercolani G, Liu GH, Pinna AD. Shen F*, Li L, Ren J*. Applying of pretreatment extent of disease system in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after curative partial hepatectomy. Oncotarget. 2016 May 24;7(21):30408-19.

65. Gao YW, Gao WS, Chen X , Cha NE , Wang XL , Jia XD , Wang BP , Ren M, Ren J*. Enhancing the treatment effect on melanoma by heat shock protein 70-peptide complexes purified from human melanoma cell lines. Oncology Reports. 2016, 36: 1243-1250.

66. Cha NE, Han XH, Jia BQ, Liu YH, Wang XL, Gao YW, Ren J*. Structure-Based Design of Peptides against Her2 with Cytotoxicity on colon cancer. Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology. Artif Cells Nanomed Biotechnol. 2016 Apr 11:1-6. [Epub ahead of print]

67. Zhou L, Ding LH, Liu J, Zhang YN, Luo XL, Zhao LC, Ren J*.Four‑and‑a‑half LIM protein 1 promotes paclitaxel resistance in hepatic carcinoma cells through the regulation of caspase‑3activation. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics(in press 2017).

68. Zhang YB, Liu Y, Ye YJ, Shen DH, Zhang H, Huang HY, Li S, Wang S, Ren J*.Quantitative proteome analysis of colorectal-cancer-related differential proteins. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2017; 143:233–241.

69. Zhou L, Zhao LC, Jiang N, Wang XL, Zhou XN, Luo XL, Ren J*. MicroRNA miR-590-5p inhibits breast cancer cell stemness and metastasis by targeting SOX2. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences. 2017;21:87-94.

70. Ren J, Gwin W.R., Zhou XN, Wang XL, Huang HY, Jiang N, Zhou L, Agarwal P., Hobeika A, Morse M.A, Eng K., Lyerly H.K.*. Adaptive T cell responses induced by oncolytic Herpes Simplex Virus - Granulocyte- Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor therapy expanded by Dendritic Cell and Cytokine-Induced Killer Cell Adoptive Therapy. Oncoimmunology. 2016. DOI: 10.1080/2162402X.2016.1264563


