2015-2017,加拿大阿爾伯塔大學,國家公派聯合培養博士(師從Prof. Chintha Tellambura, IEEE Fellow)。
TPC Member:IEEE VTC2017-Fall, VTC2018-Spring, and VTC2018-Fall. Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Access, etc.
[7] Chao Ren,Haijun Zhang*,Jian Chen and Chintha Tellambura. "Exploiting Spectrum Access Ability for Cooperative Spectrum Harvesting".IEEE Transactions on Communications.Accepted for Publication. (中科院二區)
[6] Chao Ren, Haijun Zhang*, Jinming Wen, Jian Chen, and Chintha Tellambura."Successive Two-Way Relaying for Full-Duplex Users with Generalized Self-Interference Mitigation."IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. Accepted for Publication. (中科院二區)
[5] J. Wen, Chao Ren*(co-first author), and A. K. Sangaiah. "Energy-Efficient Device-to-Device Edge Computing Network: An Approach Offloading Both Traffic and Computation." IEEE Communications Magazine. Accepted. (中科院一區)
[4] Chao Ren, J. Chen*, Y. Kuo, D. Wu, and M. Yang. "Recommender system for mobile users." Multimedia Tools Appl., vol. 77, no. 4, pp. 4133-4153, Feb. 2018. (中科院三區)
[3] Chao Ren, J. Chen and C. Tellambura*. "Spectrum Sharing with Device-to-Device Successive Relaying and Hybrid Complex Field Network Coding." IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 7947-7963, Sep. 2017. (中科院二區)
[2] Chao Ren, J. Chen*, Y. Kuo, L. Yang, and L. Lyu. "Three‐path successive relaying protocol with blind inter‐relay interference cancellation and cooperative non‐coherent detection." Wireless Commun. Mobile Comput., vol. 16, no. 17, pp. 2778-2791, Dec. 2016. (中科院四區)
[1] Chao Ren, J. Chen*, Y. Kuo, and L. Yang. "Differential successive relaying scheme for fast and reliable data delivery in vehicular ad hoc networks." IET Commun., vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 1088-1095, May 2015. (中科院四區)
[2] (06/2018-12/2019).中央高校基本科研業務費. Grant No. FRF-TP-18-015A1,主持.
[1] (06/2018-05/2020).中國博士後科學基金(一等資助). Grant No. 2018M630072.主持.
[1] 2007-2011,每年中國海洋大學優秀學生、社會實踐獎,愛特信息網前端視覺設計、站長