







CCF高級會員;YOCSEF(哈爾濱)榮譽委員;黑龍江省計算機學會理事;IJALP編委。曾任香港大學榮譽教授、YOCSEF(哈爾濱)副主席。先後擔任多個學術會議程式委員會委員,包括ICCPOL 2006, ACL 2007, ICCC 2007, CLSW 2008, IALP 2008, ICCPOL 2009, IALP 2009, PACLIC 2009, ICMLC 2009, ICCPOL 2010, ICMLC 2010,CLSW 2010, IWWIP 2010, IALP 2010, PACLIC 2010, IWWIP 2011, IALP 2011, IJCNLP 2011, PACLIC 2011, ACL 2011, PACLIC 2012, IALP 2012,COLING 2012.





1. Yanqing Zhao, and Guohong Fu. A CRF sequence labeling approach to Chinese punctuation prediction. PACLIC 2012.

2. Chunyuan Fu, Yanqing Zhao, and Guohong Fu. Exploiting entity-level morphology to Chinese nested named entity recognition. International Journal of Asian Language Processing, 2012, 22(1): 33-46.

3.Chaoyue Wang, Yanqing Zhao, and Guohong Fu. Exploring multiple features for sense prediction of Chinese unknown words. ICMLC/IWWIP 2012.

4.Chunyuan Fu, and Guohong Fu. A dual-layer CRFs based method for Chinese nested named entity recognition. FSKD 2012.

5.Xin Wang, and Guohong Fu. Learning lexical subjectivity strength for Chinese opinionated sentence identification. LNCS, Vol. 7181, pp.580-590.

6.Xin Wang, and Guohong Fu. Chinese sentence-level sentiment classification based on morphemes. IALP 2010.

7. Guohong Fu, and Xin Wang. Chinese sentence-level sentiment classification based on fuzzy sets. COLING 2010.

8. Xin Wang, and Guohong Fu. Chinese subjectivity detection using a sentiment density-based naïve Bayesian classifier. IWWIP 2010.

9. Xin Wang, and Guohong Fu. Chinese subjectivity recognition using sentiment density. CLSW 2010.

10. Guohong Fu. Chinese named entity recognition using a morpheme-based chunking tagger. IALP 2009.

11. Guohong Fu, Chunyu Kit, and Jonathan J. Webster. Chinese word segmentation as morpheme-based lexical chunking. Information Sciences, 2008, 178(9): 2282-2296.

12. Guohong Fu, Kang-Kwong Luke, and Jonathan J. Webster. Automatic expansion of abbreviations in Chinese news text: A hybrid approach. International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, 2007, 20(2&3): 165-179.

13. Guohong Fu, Min Zhang, GuoDong Zhou, and Kang-Kwong Luke. A unified framework for text analysis in Chinese TTS. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ISCSLP 2006), 4274/2006, pp.200-210.

14. Guohong Fu, Kang-Kwong Luke, GuoDong Zhou, and Ruifeng Xu. Automatic expansion of abbreviations in Chinese news text. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (AIRS 2006), 4182/2006, pp.530-536.

15. Guohong Fu, and Kang-Kwong Luke. Chinese POS disambiguation and unknown word guessing with lexicalized HMMs. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 2006, 2(1): 39-50.

16. Guohong Fu, and Kang-Kwong Luke. Chinese named entity recognition using lexicalized HMMs. ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter, 2005, 7(1): 19-25.

17. Guohong Fu, and Kang-Kwong Luke. An integrated approach to Chinese word segmentation. Journal of Chinese Language and Computing, 2004, 13(3): 249-260.

18. Guohong Fu, and Kang-Kwong Luke. Chinese unknown word identification using class-based LM. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence(IJCNLP 2004), 3248/2005, pp.704-713.

19. Guohong Fu, Ruifeng Xu, Kang-Kwong Luke, and Qin Lu. Chinese text chunking using lexicalized HMMs. ICMLC 2005.

20. Guohong Fu, and Kang-Kwong Luke. Chinese named entity recognition as known word tagging. AIRS 2004.

21. Jun Xu, Guohong Fu, and Haizhou Li. Grapheme-to-Pinyin for Chinese text-to-speech system. ICSLP 2004.

22. Guohong Fu, and Kang-Kwong Luke. Chinese unknown word identification as known word tagging. ICMLC 2004.

23. Guohong Fu, and Kang-Kwong Luke. Integrated approaches to prosodic word prediction for Chinese TTS. NLPKE 2003.

24. Guohong Fu, and Xiaolong Wang. Chinese parsing with a word-sense-based LPCFG. Journal of Chinese Language and Computing, 2001, 10(2): 135-154.

25. Guohong Fu, Xiaolong Wang, and Shouxu Jiang. Chinese word boundary ambiguity and unknown word resolution using unsupervised methods. High Technology Letters, 2000, 6(2): 29-39.

26. Guohong Fu, and Xiaolong Wang. Unsupervised Chinese word segmentation and unknown word identification. NLPRS’99.

27. 付國宏, 王曉龍. 漢語詞語邊界自動劃分的模型和算法. 計算機研究與發展, 1999, 36(9): 1142-1147.

28. 付國宏, 王曉龍. 基於詞形的漢語文本切分方法. 情報學報, 1999, 18(3): 235-240.



2. 自適應的中文網路意見挖掘關鍵技術研究,國家自然科學基金,項目編號:60973081,2010-2012.

3. 多粒度的漢語情感計算關鍵技術研究,黑龍江省人力資源和社會保障廳留學人員科技活動項目,2011-2013.

4. 融合淺層語言知識的漢語句法分析技術研究,哈爾濱市科技創新人才研究專項基金項目,項目編號:2009RFLXG007,2009-2011


