
亞歷山大的聖加大肋納,又稱 車輪聖加大肋納及 大殉道者聖加大肋納(希臘文 ἡ Ἁγία Αἰκατερίνη ἡ Μεγαλομάρτυς) (天主教中文除“加大肋納”外,也有簡稱“佳琳”者,聖公會譯“聖傑靈”)是一位基督教的聖人和殉道,據稱是4世紀早期的著名學者。1100年之後,聖女貞德稱加大肋納在其面前顯靈許多次。正教會將其敬禮為"大殉道",天主教會傳統上將其視為十四救難聖人之一。

亞歷山大的加大肋納(Sainte Catharine of Alexandria),天主教聖人,大約生於公元287年死於305年。傳說中她時常勸阻羅馬皇帝迫害天主教徒,最後自己也被斬首。11月25日為她的紀念節日。加大肋納出生於亞歷山大,生來便是異教徒,但十來歲出頭便皈依了基督教。據說她訪問了她的同輩人,羅馬皇帝馬克森提烏斯(Maxentius),並試圖勸說他相信迫害基督徒是個道德錯誤。她成功地令皇后皈依了基督教,皇帝派來與她論辯的許多異教徒哲學家也在她的勸說下皈依了基督教。這些人隨後很快便殉道了。皇帝不能辯贏加大肋納,便把她關進監獄;當訪問她的人紛紛皈依時,她被判死刑,以磔輪(英語:breaking wheel)這一酷刑工具行刑。根據傳說,當她觸碰到輪子時,輪子自己就壞了,所以她最後被斬首。
根據基督教傳統,天使將其遺體運到了西奈山(天主教中文稱西乃山),在公元6世紀,東羅馬皇帝查士丁尼一世於西奈山建立了聖加大肋納隱修院,教堂於548年至565年間於埃及西奈半島的聖凱薩琳建成。聖加大肋納隱修院保存著許多著名的早期基督教藝術、建築作品和泥金寫本(illuminated manuscript),如今它們仍對前來參觀的學者開放。

聖加大肋納是中世紀晚期宗教文化中最有影響力的聖人之一,並被視為最重要的童貞-殉道。她作為代禱者(英文intercessor)的力量為人所熟知,並牢牢地植根於她的大多數版本的傳說中,在這些傳說中她在臨死之時特別懇求上帝回應那些呼喚她名字的人。中世紀有關她的崇敬(英文cult)被800年在西奈山發現她的遺體的報告所激發,報告稱她的頭髮仍然不斷生長,沒藥源源不斷地從她的體內流出。許多朝聖者編年記述了去西奈山的行程,其中最著名的是約翰·曼德維爾(John Mandeville)和修士菲里克斯·法夫里(Felix Fabri)然而,聖加大肋納隱修院仍然是加大肋納的最著名的朝聖地,也是最難到達的朝聖地。最知名的西方朝聖地是法國魯昂的一個隱修院,據說珍藏著加大肋納的手指。這不是西方她唯一的朝聖地,在法國和英國還有許多她的朝聖地和祭台。有一些十分有名,比如坎特伯雷座堂(聖公會)和威斯敏斯特主教座堂(羅馬天主教會),據稱其擁有裝在小藥瓶內的懺悔者愛德華自西奈山帶回來的她的沒藥。其他朝聖地主要被本地朝聖者朝聖,其中許多都只是在不同文獻中被簡短提到,而沒有實物證據。
她的女性追隨者很多,她們的敬禮不太可能通過朝聖表達出來。作為敬禮和女性怡行楷模的關注點,童貞殉道者的重要性在中世紀晚期獲得了極大提高。在這其中,她特別被當作婦女的榜樣(英文exemplar), 這一地位有時甚至超過了她作為代禱者的地位。克里斯蒂娜·德皮薩(Christine de Pizan)和若弗魯瓦·德拉圖爾·朗德里(Geoffrey de la Tour Landry) 表明加大肋納是年輕女性的典範,強調了她是處女和“妻子般忠貞”(wifely chastity)的模範。14世紀早期起,聖加大肋納的神秘婚姻(Mystic marriage of Saint Catherine)首次出現在聖人傳文學中,此後又出現在藝術作品中。
歷史學家哈羅德·T. 戴維斯(Harold T. Davis)稱,加大肋納的故事只能追溯至10世紀,並且“勤勉的研究也沒能將加大肋納與任何歷史名人區別開來”(assiduous research has failed to identify Catherine with any historical personage)。戴維斯認為,加大肋納可能是被人從殉道的異教徒哲學家亞歷山大的希帕蒂亞(Hypatia of Alexandria)的故事中吸取靈感而創造出來。像希帕蒂亞一樣,她也學識淵博(在哲學和神學方面),美若天仙,謹守貞節,而且也因為公開表達其信仰而被殘暴地處決。加大肋納的故事在時間上被說成早於希帕蒂亞去世約100年,但沒有同時代的資料來源說明其生平。
由於有關她殉道的描述美妙動人,而又缺乏可靠的文獻記錄,羅馬天主教會1969年將她的瞻禮日從羅馬普通曆法中移走。But she continued to be commemorated in the Roman Martyrologyon November 25.2002年,她的瞻禮日被放進羅馬普通曆法(General Roman Calendar)作為可選的紀念日。
1908年版 天主教百科全書描述了對她的信仰的歷史重要性:
Ranked with St Margaretand St Barbaraas one of the fourteen most helpful saints in heaven, she was unceasingly praised by preachers and sung by poets. It is believed that Jacques-Benigne Bossuetdedicated to her one of his most beautiful panegyrics and that Adam of St. Victorwrote a magnificent poem in her honour: Vox Sonora nostri chori, etc. In many places her feast was celebrated with the utmost solemnity, servile work being suppressed and the devotions being attended by great numbers of people. In several dioceses of Franceit was observed as a Holy Day of Obligationup to the beginning of the seventeenth century, the splendour of its ceremonial eclipsing that of the feasts of some of the Apostles. Numberless chapels were placed under her patronage and her statue was found in nearly all churches, representing her according to medieval iconographywith a wheel, her instrument of torture. Meanwhile, owing to several circumstances in his life, Saint Nicholas of Myrawas considered the patron of young bachelorsand students, and Saint Catherine became the patroness of young maidens and female students. Looked upon as the holiest and most illustrious of the virgins of Christ after the Blessed Virgin Mary, it was natural that she, of all others, should be worthy to watch over the virgins of the cloister and the young women of the world. The spiked wheelhaving become emblematic of the saint, wheelwrights and mechanics placed themselves under her patronage. Finally, as according to tradition, she not only remained a virgin by governing her passions and conquered her executioners by wearying their patience, but triumphed in science by closing the mouths of sophists, her intercession was implored by theologians, apologists, pulpitorators, and philosophers. Before studying, writing, or preaching, they besought her to illumine their minds, guide their pens, and impart eloquence to their words. This devotion to St. Catherine which assumed such vast proportions in Europeafter the Crusades, received additional éclatin Francein the beginning of the fifteenth century, when it was rumoured that she had spoken to Joan of Arcand, together with St. Margaret, had been divinely appointed Joan's adviser.

對聖加大肋納的敬禮在正教會基督徒中仍然很重。現代由於交通方便,去西奈山的聖加大肋納隱修院朝聖的人增加了不少。在分娩時,呼喚聖加大肋納可減輕痛苦,有助順產。訪問西奈山聖加大肋納隱修院的朝聖者會獲贈聖加大肋納戒指,這戒指被放在這位聖人的聖髑上作 evlogia(祝福),以紀念他們的訪問。