





歷時三十餘載 匯聚數十位專家 具有里程碑意義


主任委員 武衡
王忍之 甘子玉 何 康 金祥文
張友漁 陳俊勇 黃秉維 曾世英
秘書長 馮孟華
副秘書長 張冰如
委 員(按姓氏筆畫為序)
萬遇賢 馬 安 王大鈞 方 俊
方 磊 尹 達 葉永毅 史念海
呂叔湘 朱則民 劉 岳 劉大年
許光建 孫鴻烈 李廷棟 李廷贊
李旭之 李海晨 楊 生 吳傳鈞
吳忠性 吳征鎰 閔布裘 沈玉昌
宋叔和 張文佑 陸漱芬 陳述彭
陳繼選 周立三 周起鳳 鄭作新
侯仁之 高 德 黃汲清 梁其荀
喻 滄 程純樞 傅懋勣 曾呈奎
廖 克 譚其驤 繆鴻基


總圖例 General Legend
序圖 Introductory Maps
(一)民族 Nationalities
(二)人口 Population
(三)都市分布 Distribution of Urban Centers
(四)城市遺址與布局 Ruins of Cities and Their Layouts
(五)氣候 Climate
(六)自然災害 Natural Disasters
水旱災 Floods and Droughts
蝗 災 Locust Plague
地 震 Earthquakes
索引 Indexes


1. This Atlas has taken China in a historical period to be the space scope of editorial and mapping working, that is to say, taking the historical territory of China after the fulfillment of unification by Qing dynasty in the 1750s and before the invasion by the Western powers in the 1840s, as the basic standard. All activities of the political powers and the nationalities that existed in this scope and during this historical period should be reflected in this Atlas. However, owing to the limitation of the available data and research results, in most of the map-groups, it is impossible to draw the maps that display the whole of China at every stage of history. Therefore, with the exception of the map-group of the territory and administritive regions, the space scope of all other map-groups have been depicted according to what is practically possible and needed. The cross-border nationalities in the nationalities map-group, the communication routes between China and foreign countries in the communication map-group, are also presented on the basis of historical realities, and are not restricted to the historical territory of China.
2. The general time span of this Atlas begins with the prehistorical eras and ends at 1949. However, in view of the differences of information conveyed by different map-groups and the variety of their data sources and research results, no unified rule has been established for the concrete time of beginning and ending in each specific case.
3. The information provided by the maps and the texts (including tables ) is based on written historical records, ancient maps, reports on archaeological findings and related research results. Most maps were designed according to the data collected by the compilers themselves or the results of his own research and partly those of other people’ s research (including their maps), with explicit explanations to this effect in the group or maps in question. Other people’ s unpublished data or research results are used always with their own consent.
4. Generally, maps are presented in this Atlas with double reference to the past and the present on a comparative basis. This means that the historical geographical elements to be displayed are drawn upon a corresponding contemporary geographical base map, so that the reader can make a comparison. However, the degree of minuteness of this double reference and the number of geographical elements chosen for comparison depend on what is needed and possible. Differences are allowed between map-groups and maps of the same group.
All the ancient populated sites at county level and above (including the county) are generally marked in the maps in the following way:
(A) Those having the same location and the same name both in the past and at present are marked with their ancient names only, without repeating the same names they are used now (excluding the national and provincial capitals).
(B) Those having the same location both in the past and at present but whose ancient name differs from the present one are marked with both names.
(C) Those representing in the past a different location from the present one with the same name should have this identical name put at both the ancient and the present locations.
(D) Those having ancient names only are marked with the names of the present-day counties or municipalities where they are closed to, together with their ancient names.
5. The base historical maps are based upon the Historical Atlas of China published by the Cartographic Publishing House of China and with Tan Qixiang as its editor-in-chief. Wherever the standard year referred to in our Atlas coincides with its counterpart in the chief source, maps were made usually in keeping with the corresponding ones contained therein. Wherever the standard year turns out to be another one, maps were made in accordance with maps the compiler found to be close to the year he had in mind, plus some updating as was necessary. Wherever oversights or omissions were found in the old Historical Atlas or any view different from it was held by the compiler, it was up to the latter to redress what was wrong and to add what was missing. Base historical maps unavailable with the Historical Atlas of China as the chief source were made from scratch.
6. As tentatively planned, this Atlas consists of 20 map-groups and contains over 1,300 maps in three volumes. In view of the fact that the different groups were not finished all at the same time but it was necessary to bring our work to public view as soon as possible, and, furthermore, taking into account the relatively independent nature of the contents of each group, the three volumes were made and published one after another basically in the sequence of the dates of finishing of the different groups, giving due consideration, nevertheless, to the logical sequence of contents inside each group.
7. The sequence of contents inside each map-group is as follows: introduction; compiling principles; maps. The introduction explains what basic information is to be conveyed in the given group of maps, the role and significance of the elements dealt with herein in China’ s history and historical geography, the main sources of such information and the ways for their display, the process of mapmaking and some explanations,if any. The compiling principles refer to those specific ones governing the compilation of the given group other than the more general ones governing the entire Atlas as a whole.
8. The sequence of maps inside each group is basically chronological, except for a few maps where small adjustments were made to meet special requirement in layout technique. Whenever different categories or regions are dealt with inside the same group, the sequence is at first by categories and regions and only turns into essentially chronological under each category or region. The different categories are arranged in a sequence in accordance with what is convention for the relevant disciplines, and the different regions in accordance whether with what was customary at the given stage of history or with the present-day sequence of the administrative regions.
9. Whenever the exact year can be identified, the year number in terms of the reign of the sitting monarch is indicated, accompanied by the year number of the Christian era between brackets, or only the latter is indicated, omitting the former. On some maps dealing with the entire period of a dynasty, only this period is indicated, without specifying any year numbers of the Christian era, as is the case with the “Spring and Autumn Period”, the “Period of the Warring States”, the “Period of the Qin Dynasty” and the “Period of the Western Han Dynasty”, etc. The major dynasty periods and their respective years of Christian era are as follows:
10. The great variety of sub-disciplines determines the variety of map types in this Atlas. Some of the maps are divided into general maps and fragments, the former dealing with the overall contents of a given category or region of a given group and the latter providing detailed information about given smaller segments of the area covered by the general map. Other maps are divided into main maps, insets devoted to enlarged segments or for depicting the location of the map area within a larger one, as well as supplementary maps. If, with the general map to scale, the excessive density of elements crowded in a particular segment of the general area makes it impossible to name them, an inset depicting this segment on a larger scale is added. When the location of the area that the general map is devoted to is hard to display or when it can be hard for the reader to find it out, another inset is added depicting its location. Geographical elements or historical vestiges impossible of display on the general map are shown on supplementary maps. Maps indicating evolutions of city sites of the past dynasties are also added in the map-group of sites of lost cities and their layouts.
11. The diversity between the different groups and maps in terms of minuteness of information and magnitude of land involved, a unified scale is impossible, each map being made on the scale most suitable to its specific conditions.
12. The general legend deals only with the information provided by the base historical and present-day maps, whereas those legends related to specialized disciplines pertaining to the ancient times are placed on the relative maps.
13. The information provided by each map is conveyed essentially by means of the visual graphic of the map as well as the legend. Any information that can be made clear by the legend is given without any more text explanation. Some important information impossible of conveying by means of the legend only or in need of further explanation for the reader to understand is given in succinct texts or tables on the same map or somewhere else inside the group.
14The contemporary base maps in the first volume of this Atlas indicate the information about administrative regions up to 2010.


The compilation of the National Atlases is one of the key national scientific research projects of the State Twelve year Plan of Development of Sciences worked out in 1956 under the direct leadership of Premier Zhou Enlai. The compiling work started in 1958, in accordance with a preliminary plan for four Atlases, namely the general,physiographical,historical and economic. One of which,the Physiographical Atlas of the People’ s Republic of China, was published in 1965, whereas most of the work process for the other volumes was brought to a halt owing to the ten years of turmoil of the Cultural Revolution, except for the publication in 1969 of an Atlas of the Provinces and Regions of the People’ s Republic of China, as part of the unfinished overall project for a general national atlas.
In December 1980, the 14th conference of the Permanent Committee of the Fifth Chinese People’ s Political Consultative Conference adopted a proposal put forward by seventeen of its members to the effect that “the work of compiling the National Atlases should be brought into line with the State plans and carried on as before so that these Atlases may be available to the general public”. In May the following year, the State Council approved a “Request for Instructions Concerning the Continuation of the Work of Compiling and Publishing National Atlases”, jointly submitted by the State Science and Technology Commission, the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and decided that five different National Atlases be compiled and published, namely general, physical, historical, agricultural and economic .
The National Atlases are of an encyclopedic nature and serve as scientific reference tools of nationwide significance, published in large volumes and encompassing a wide range of information. Making full use of the wealth of historical data accumulated over long periods of Chinese history and the achievements scored in China’ s scientific research work and offering information by means of graphic images and distinct maps, they are intended to provide in a comprehensive, systematic and visual way different kinds of basic data concerning the Nation’ s realities such as its physiographical conditions,the history of its society and its economic and cultural conditions. They contain important scientific information to be taken into account by the State in making overall planning, exploiting the Nation’ s natural resources, transforming nature and drawing up projects for industrial and agricultural production. Their compilation constitutes a groundwork of economic planning and geo-sciences and is a mirror of the level attained by the country’ s science and technology in their development. At the same time, they are needed to educate the people in a patriotic spirit, enhance the understanding of China by other peoples and build socialism with advanced material and spiritual civilizations.
The Chinese Nation has a long-standing civilization of five thousand years. On a good many occasions in China’ s history, when prosperity prevailed in the country, large volumes of maps were compiled and printed. Since the People’ s Republic of China has up to now a glorious history of forty years, we are all the more in a position to compile the new National Atlases. This set of National Atlases is a summary of the achievements obtained in various fields of academic research and the crystallization of the wisdom of a great number of scientists and technicians. As to the oversights and omissions that may occur owing to the unequal level of development in different fields of academic research as well as to the limitations of the editors’ capacity, we are looking forward to receiving criticisms from our readers.
The Compiling Commission of National Atlases of
the People’ s Republic of China
November 5,1988


李孝聰 北京大學中國古代史研究中心教授
林甘泉 中國社會科學院學部委員、歷史研究所研究員
中國社會科學院學部委員 張海鵬
中國社會科學院歷史研究所研究員 杜瑜
北京大學歷史系教授 辛德勇


