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《中國植物志(第20-21卷)(英文版)》內容簡介:The Chinese flora, with an estimated 31.500species, is of immense scientific and horticulturalimportance. Noteworthy, too. is Chinese traditionalmedicine, which is based on the remarkableplant resources of the country. Descriptions andidentification keys for this diverse flora, untilnow unavailable in English, have been publishedOver the past 18 years in the Flora of China, inconjunction with a separate series, the Flora ofChina Illustrations. Forty of the total of 47 textarid illustration volumes have already beenpublished, thanks to an unprecedented andlong-standing collaboration between Westernand Chinese scientists.
This is the largest single volume of the Floraof China, entirely devoted to the daisy family(Asteraceae, or Compositae), with more than2,300 species described in 248 genera and 15tribes. Among these, the largest genera are thedandelions ( Taraxacum, 116 species), the asters(Aster, 123 species), Ligularia(123 species),the wormwoods (Artemisia, 186 species),andthe saw-worts and snow-lotuses (Saassurea,289 species), Eighteen genera and 49% Of thespecies of Asteraceae are endemic to China. This corresponds closely with the Overallpercentage- 50.5 % - of ehdemic seed plantsin China.
To find out more about the Flora of Chinaproject, visit the website at


