出版社: 大連理工大學出版社; 第3版 (2008年6月1日)
外文書名: Century Business English
叢書名: 普通高等教育“十一五”國家級規劃教材(高職高專教育)
平裝: 117頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787561135068
條形碼: 9787561135068
尺寸: 25.2 x 18 x 1 cm
重量: 299 g
《世紀商務英語:聽說教程4(第2版)》按照每單元兩個教學課時設計,各校使用時可根據具體情況靈活掌握。《世紀商務英語:聽說教程4(第2版)》共分12個單元,各自圍繞一個主題展開,主要涉及賓館接待、貿易博覽會、廣告、物流、零售業、連鎖經營、電子商務、公共關係、企業文化、服務業、保險和投資等新興領域。第一部分Listening Comprehension包括兩個對話,一篇短文:第二部分Fun Break有故事、詩歌、笑話、歌曲、電影錄音剪輯等:第三部分Additional Listening包括一篇短文:第四部分Oral Practice形式多樣,便於操作,能讓師生有效地進行互動。在Unit6和Unit12後各有一個Test,測試內容既反映了所學過的相關主題,又兼顧了技能訓練,便於學生進行自測,了解自己的學習情況。
Unit1 Hospitality
1. To get Familiar with the special terms in hospitality industry.
2. To learn to solve some problems in hotels.
3. To get to know how to work in a hotel.
Unit2 Trade Fairs
1. To get familiar with the special terms about trade fairs.
2. To be able to arrange a booth.
3. To learn the correct manners at a trade fair.
Unit3 Advertising
1. To acquire the basic knowledge of advertising.
2. To know how to communicate with advertising designers.
Unit4 Logistics
1. Toget familiar with the terms of logistics.
2. To be able to discuss the modes of transportation.
3. To be able to talk about different means of packing and their respective advantages.
Unit5 Retailing
1. To get the basic knowledge of retailing business.
2. To know about the current formats of retailing.
3. To learn the secrets to the success of retailing business.
Unit6 Franchising
Unit7 E-Commerce
Unit8 Public Relations
Unit9 Corporate Culture
Unit10 Services
Unit11 Insurance
Unit12 Investment