錢伯斯基礎英語詞典 特色及評論
本詞典循序漸進地講解英語中最常用、最難掌握的英語辭彙;5萬個日常英語中的實例,取材於權威的英國國家語料庫中的1億書面和口語辭彙;詞條融入釋義的句子中,在上下文中更易理解;數千條同義詞和反義詞,有助於學習者深入理解詞條,擴大辭彙量;各種詞性以全稱的形式標出;灰網印刷的用法說明著重解釋難點或易混淆的語言點;短語動詞、情態動詞和助詞的用法用方框醒目標出;沒有複雜或縮略的體例符號,語法、語體、學科樗均用全稱;15頁插圖,令學習者一目了然;附錄中包括書信寫和標點格式,參加劍橋水平考試者必備。錢伯斯基礎英語詞典 內容簡介
本詞典是外語教學與研究出版社和PRENTICE HALL,INC。合作出版的錢伯斯詞典系列中的一本。錢伯斯詞典系列包括《錢伯斯學生英語詞典》、〈錢伯斯基礎英語詞典〉、〈錢伯斯英語詞詞典〉、〈錢伯斯英語慣用語詞典〉。這四種詞典釋義簡潔明了,通谷易懂,編排醒目,使用便捷,信息量大,內容權威,全部由英語詞典專家依據最新的英國國家語料庫精心編纂而成。錢伯斯基礎英語詞典 本書前言
Preface Chambers Essential English Dictionary is a new dictionary forintermediate and advanced learners that focuses on thosewords that are most frequently used in everyday speech and writing. It is these often highly idiomatic words that learners find most difficult to use correctly, and yet they are the very words that are essential to successful communication. It has been our aim in this dictionary to give the most completeinformation about these essential or ‘core’ words. We havedrawn Throughout on the authoritative British NationalCorpus for evidence of how words are used. and for examples real English. The exceptionally clear layout enables users to find the information they need quickly and easily.Full-sentence definitions show the word in the right grammatical context; sense and usage are readily understood, and the learner is immediately able to use the word correctly. In short, this dictionary gives information about everydayenglish that no learner should be without. Every dictionary is the work of a dedicated team of people,and the editors would like to thank everyone involved, especially Kay Cullen and Howard Sargeant for their unfailing energy and commitment to the project, Ilona Morison for keepping the computer systems running, John-Paul Young for help with the appendices, and Stephanie Pickering for help with proofreading. We would also like to thank Penny Hands, whose work in the final stages of the project has beeninvaluable. Elaine Higgleton Anne Seaton May 1995錢伯斯基礎英語詞典 本書目錄
Organization of entries
Pronunciation guide