新編圖文對照少兒趣味英語 特色及評論
本書是一本圖解詞典,介紹了1200個基本詞,用簡單的句子示範其用法,並配以妙趣橫生的插圖,適合於各年齡段的少兒閱讀。本書是一本簡單而實用的參考書,書中的人物風趣可愛,能夠充分激發兒童閱讀的興趣,在輕鬆有趣的學習中教會他們一些最常用的英文單詞,從而幫助孩子們儘早進入主富多采的英語世界。新編圖文對照少兒趣味英語 內容簡介
新編圖文對照少兒趣味英語 本書後記
How to use this bookThis colourful and entertaining book is an exciting first dictionary and useful reference book. With the heIp of amusing pictures, it introduces hundreds of everyday words in alphabetical order and sets them in simple sentences.
You may be able to read the sentences by yourself. However, if you find any of the words difficult, try looking at the accompanying picture for clues. Many of the words do reappear in later sentences to help you to remember them.
At the back of the book there are some useful word lists which include numbers, days of the week, months of the year and countries. These can be used, along with the first part of the book. for checking the spelling of certain words.
On page 82 you can learn the names of all the different types of words, called "parts of speech", Learning about these will not only help you to write and speak good English, but will also be helpful when you learn another language.