《商務行銷管理 第七版》

商務行銷管理 第七版 特色及評論

Highlighting the similarities and emphasizing the differences between consumer goods and business-to-business marketing, this text focuses on market analysis, organizational buying behavior, relationship management, and the ensuing adjustments required in the marketing strategy elements used to reach organizational customers.

商務行銷管理 第七版 內容簡介

作為行銷教科書中一本綜合性主導教材,本書對商務行銷進行了最新且最完整的闡釋,書中將市場分析的最新發展、關係管理、供給鏈管理、行銷戰略管理及電子商務等幾方面的內容融在一起進行了介紹。自第一版面世以來,本書就一直是歐洲及美國大學深受歡迎的行銷學教材。本版中還增加了有關關係戰略、產品壽命周期的技術使用、高技術企業中的戰略公式、商務行銷中的最新產品及服務發展以及網上戰略等方面的內容。原名《Business Marketing Management:A Strategic View of Industrial and Organizational Markets, 7th》。

商務行銷管理 第七版 本書目錄

Part I. The Environment of Business Marketing.
1. A Business Marketing Perspective.
2. The Business Market Perspectives on the Organizational Buyer.
Part II. Managing Relationships in Business Marketing.
3. Organizational Buying Behavior.
4. Relationship Strategies for Business Markets.
Part III. Assessing Market Opportunities.
5. E-Commerce Strategies for Business Markets.
6. Supply Chain Management.
Part IV. Formulating Business Marketing Strategy.
7. Segmenting the Business Market.
8. Organizational Demand Analysis.
9. Business Marketing Planning: Strategic Perspectives.
10. Business Marketing Strategies for Global Markets.
11. Managing Products for Business Markets.
12. Managing Innovation and New Industrial Product Development.
13. Managing Services for Business Markets.
14. Managing Business Marketing Channels.
15. Pricing Strategy for Business Markets.
16. Business Marketing Communications: Advertising and Sales Promotion.
17. Business Marketing Communications: Managing the Personal Selling Function.
Part V. Evaluating Business Marketing Strategy and Performance.
18. Controlling Business Marketing Strategies.

商務行銷管理 第七版 作者介紹

Michael D. Hutt, Arizona State University
Michigan State University
Thomas W. Speh, Miami University, Ohio
Michigan State University


