
【原版】美國鬼怪故事(全八冊) 內容簡介


【原版】美國鬼怪故事(全八冊) 本書目錄

01 鬼屋
02 噩夢
03 心裡有鬼
04 死不瞑目
05 我是誰
06 死亡遊戲
07 梵谷的耳朵
08 名車鬼影

【原版】美國鬼怪故事(全八冊) 文章節選

01 Home Again It seemed a long way to the top of the hill.Helen Bennett was tired and her suitcase was very heavy.She had fallen asleep on the train,but it hadnt done her much good.When she woke up,she wasnt rested―just stiff and sleepy. She didnt feel like walking five miles,but she had to.There were no buses in this out-of-the-way place,not even a taxi.Still,she was almost there.Not far to go now.She brushed her blonde hair out of her eyes and walked on. As Helen got to the top of the hill,she saw Bennett House.It stood on the cliff top,tall and red in the sunset.One tower jutted up toward the sky.Its windows seemed to be on fire.Just a trick of the light,but it made her jump. Helen had to stop a moment and look.She was back in England at last.Long ago this was her grandparentshome.As a child she had lived here.Now she was back again after so many years.A grown woman.Suddenly she felt sad. She was being silly.This was no time to feel sad.She would soon be inside the house again.At last she would see her Uncle Melvin,her fathers brother.Bennett house belonged to him now.She would feel she had a family again.She had been very lonely since her father died. Helen picked up her suitcase and ran toward the house.The big gates swung open as the pashed them.She ran along the path and under the tall arch.She ran until she got to the door. For a Minute Helen just stood there.She felt as if she had come home.She tried to imagine how the huse looked inside.When she was a child,it seemed so grand.She was almost afraid to see it all again.Would it look different?Well,she would soon know. ……

