希臘駐華大使賽德羅斯·耶奧卡凱羅斯(Theodore Georgakelos)先生到場並致辭,他說:“值此中希建交四十周年之際,李六乙導演為觀眾奉上中希著名戲劇作品,可謂恰逢時宜!李六乙導演及其工作團隊在這方面做出的努力,必將推動中希兩國戲劇藝術的進一步鑑賞與比較,並為中國觀眾欣賞二者的異同開闢了廣闊的空間。”
Opening Concept of “Li Liuyi · ChinaMade”
As anancient art form, the development of drama is accompanied by the process ofpeople discovering the world and knowing themselves. Under the circumstance ofglobalization, the theater practitioners in China feel obliged to express theirattitude through this charming art form, which means to base it on the Chinesetraditional culture, to fetch new vigor by taking a broad view of the wholeworld and to avoid the manipulating of commercialization. By doing these, theycan achieve the recurrence of human beings as an individual —— deriving fromdrama, and return to drama. Right under this background, Li Liuyi Studio launchedthe drama scheme “Li Liuyi · China Made”.
Thewestern drama was born in Greece, and the Greek tragedy was originated from Homer Epics, which depicts the greatpower developed from the conflicts between human beings and the fate, as wellas the human beings and themselves. KingGesar, on the other hand, is deemed as “the oriental Homer Epics”, which is a collective creation of Tibetan people ofChina. Several works of Greek tragedy and Tibetan epic with vary ages, racesand temperaments will meet in this drama scheme. In the stance of seriousness,sincerity, and pithiness, the studio will return to “human” themselves andhistory. By taking up the responsibility of being a practitioner of drama, itwill also promote the cultural sharing and facilitate the communication of theeast and the west, so as to pass the life experience and extend the idea of drama.
Bypresenting Antigone, Oedipus the King, Prometheus Bound, King Gesar (partⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ), this dramaprogram aims to discuss the practical significance of this six works in thecontemporary cultural environment, and complete the cross-cultural, worldwidetheater practice and exploration together with audience.
As the initiator, director Li Liuyi always has his originalideas to drama performance, theater art, and aesthetics. He believes “Li Liuyi· China Made” has profound significance and universalvalue. Besides, director Li Liuyi will connect his poetic quality, modernspirit, and philosophical thinking with the principle of humanistic care, theconflict between the east and the west, with the aim of deeply reveal thecultural value and spiritual core of the mentioned four pieces of art, whichwill accomplished by broad field of view, the join-in of the A-line artistsfrom different domains in the world.