義大利名模兼電視節目主持人Ms Melissa Satta 亦自06 年開始,與馬爾蒂尼和維埃里一齊擔任品牌廣告主角。在歐洲深受歡迎,Sweet Years 現在已有一班年輕 fans,青年男女們都喜愛穿著這品牌運動服裝和輕便服裝,亦成為義大利各隊足球明星喜愛的品牌。
除了米蘭,西班牙、法國、葡萄牙,甚至中東和日本等地都有Sweet Years的分店,08 年春夏季更是進駐中國香港。Sweet Years香港店店址:LCX Fashion Walk (銅鑼灣京士頓街 9 號)
2008年5月22日,SWEET YEARS正式登入中國,在北京時尚陣地東方新天地開設了該品牌在中國內地的首家店鋪。維埃里(Mr Christian Vieri)和其創意總監 —— 享譽義大利及國際時尚界的Enzo Fusco以及眾演藝界明星出席了此次開幕活動。
sweet years
sweet years,由AC米蘭隊隊長馬爾蒂尼(Maldini)和現任亞特蘭大前鋒維埃里(Vieri)聯手投資創建。現已成為了義大利時尚界的一線招牌。
Macheng City
Environmental Resources Geographic Location Macheng City of Hube...
Historical Evolution Infrastructure -
Xinyang City
as 8,000 years ago, the territory... as 8,000 years ago, the territory...
Introduction Historical Evolution -
Yencheng City
, in at least two, three years ago that already..., Yancheng, in at least two, three years... indicates that no later than 4000 years ago...
Historical Evolution Traffic -
White tea
of many years of vine, is a valuable... years of history,Fuding was invented... production has been about 200 years...
A Basic Overview Historical Origin -
. Ming's reign (483), five years held... reign (483), five years held in Qi Chang...
Ethnic Population Economic Social Traffic -
1,500 years of history, is one...
Xiantao By By Historical Evolution -
. to 20th century 100 years in the field... of the to 20th century 100 years in the field...
Introduction Social Undertakings -
Fenghuang County
years ago (277) built Qianzhong Jun... emperor five years (BC 202 BC) more... years (BC 202 BC) more in the county...
Historical Evolution Geographic Location