shawn hlookoff

shawn hlookoff

shawn hlookoff,男,出生於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省的nelson市,是一個創作型歌手。

大多數人認識他是從abc的電視劇kylexy中的一首she could be you
Shawn 出生於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省的nelson市,是一個創作型歌手。

Shawn是一名來美國不到一年的來自加拿大的歌手,他前途無量,如暴風般席捲整個音樂界。他為abc及abc家庭台的連續劇寫歌曲,如Eli Stone .KYLE XY.Greek和即將上演的Samurai Girl。他最近的一首歌曲“Without You”最初在電視劇The Hills的mtv中出現。在kyle xy中,Shawn的歌曲she could be you 成了此劇的actual premise(實際主線),並成為跨越兩集的主線。當女主角在一張唱盤上發現這首歌是,她試著用它揭開它與自己過去的聯繫。Shawn最近公開的表演是在REO Speedwagon 和Gin Blossoms,他的表演在不同的媒體都得到讚揚。
She Could Be You歌詞:
Haunted by this photograph
dont know why
everytime i look
i get Shivers down my spine
thiers such a beautiful face
i know those eyes
that take me back in time
she could be you
i wouldnt even know
she could be you
but that was long ago
she could be you
wish that i could tell you
what you dont know
i dream about that day
but its impossible
in another world
id be yours tonight
but i cant break free from this life
she could be you
i wouldnt even know
she could be you
but that was long ago
she could be you
i see it all the time
i know its true a picture doesnt lie
she could be you
i wouldnt even know
but that was long ago
she could be you
she could be you
she could be you
*Soldier 是十分靜的一首歌曲,我很喜歡。
歌詞: soldier
some peole say i am a fighter
some peole hate what i do
i stand for my country
i stand for you
i've got a family that loves me
they respect what i do
try telling your child you are living
believe me is the hard thing to do
so if i die don't judge me 這段高潮最感人
cause i will not judge you 是啊,對於保護我們的人
and if i die please except it 我們無權評價他們
cause i will die for you
Life Goes on
Jealousy Is Killing Me
Be Myself
Get It Right
My Neighborhood
Without You
What You Did
Doesn't Get Much Better Tha...


