【譯 名】:天國的女兒 / 與上帝對話的姑娘
【首 播】:2003年9月26日
【國 家】:美國
【語 言】:英語
【演 員】:Joe Mantegna - Will Girardi
Christopher Marquette - Adam Rove (SEASONS 2+; recurring previously)
Jason Ritter - Kevin Girardi
Mary Steenburgen - Helen Girardi
Amber Tamblyn - Joan Girardi
Becky Wahlstrom - Grace Polk (Seasons 2+; recurring previously)
Michael Welch - Luke Girardi
劇集的內容是講述一個對她的非典型家庭開始感覺到困惑,名為瓊的十來歲少女與家人從大城市搬往小鎮後,突然間得到一種特殊能力 - 與上帝對話,並受到上帝的指派,到處幫助有需要的人為序幕。那么,究竟她真的是聖女貞德的現代版,還是只是她患上逃避現實生活的妄想症?
Millions of people speak to God. What if God spoke back? Life just got a hell of a lot more confusing for teenage Joan Girardi, who already deals with feeling out of place in her family : her police chief father, her somewhat overbearing mother, her geeky younger brother and former football star older brother, now paralyzed. They'd never believe her if she told them that God is talking to her. Does Joan have a higher purpose on earth, or are these strange conversations just in her head?