everything is alright[Laura Shigihara演唱歌曲]

everything is alright[Laura Shigihara演唱歌曲]
everything is alright[Laura Shigihara演唱歌曲]
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《everything is alright》是一首英文歌曲,由Laura Shigihara演唱。


everything is alright[Laura Shigihara演唱歌曲] everything is alright[Laura Shigihara演唱歌曲]

《everything is alright》是遊戲《to the moon》(《去月球》)中約翰尼腦海中關於莉娃的回憶被抹消時的背景音樂,歌詞雖是男女對唱,但其大意為莉娃的內心獨白,詮釋了莉娃試圖喚起約翰尼的記憶卻無功而返,無人能理解的無奈與孤寂。歌手為Laura Shigihara,其中運用了捲舌與抖舌等技巧,音樂曲調輕柔,回味無窮,是一首不可多得的好歌。


Short steps, deep breath 短短移步,深深呼吸

Everything is alright 一切都會變好

Chin up, I can't 但我卻不能提起勇氣

Step into the spotlight 將全部心意表明

She said, "I'm sad," 她說:「我很悲傷。」

Somehow without any words 卻欲語還休

I just stood there 我只能孑然站立

Searching for any answers 苦苦追尋

When this world is no more 若這個世界不復存在

The moon is all we'll see 月亮就是我們的唯一所見

I'll ask you to fly away with me 我會邀你一同飛往

Until the stars all fall down 直到星星隕落

They empty from the sky 天空空曠

But I don't mind 我也不會在意

If you're with me, then everything's alright 有你陪伴,一切皆安

Why do my words 為何我的言語

Always lose their meaning? 總是詞不達意?

What I feel, what I say 我的所想所說

There's such a rift between them 皆有不同之處

He said, "I can't, 他說:「我無法

really seem to read you." 完全理解你。」

I just stood there 我只能孑然獨立

Never know what I should do 不知所措

When this world is no more 若這個世界不復存在

The moon is all we'll see 月亮就是我們的唯一所見

I'll ask you to fly away with me 我會邀你一同飛往

Until the stars all fall down 直到星星隕落

They empty from the sky 天空空曠

But I don't mind 我也不會在意

If you're with me, then everything's alright 有你陪伴,一切皆安

If you're with me, then everything's alright 有你陪伴,一切皆安

