cara dillon

cara dillon

Cara Dillon(卡拉·狄龍/卡蘭·迪倫),北愛爾蘭民謠歌手,英國國籍,天主教徒,1975年7月21日出生於北愛爾蘭Londonderry(倫敦德里)(北愛爾蘭西北部一自治社區,位於貝爾法斯特市西北)的Dungiven。


Cara Dillon卡拉·迪倫是愛爾蘭歌手,一心想促進民族的融合。她借鑑引入了多個民族音樂特有的元素,並融入自己天然的個性和感染的魅力,在歌曲中敘述一則美妙的故事

cara dilloncara dillon


愛爾蘭歌手Cara Dillon 。
並融入自己天然的個性和感染力,在《craigie hill 》一曲中敘述一個優美的故事。

她出生於1975年7月21日,來自一個愛爾蘭傳統音樂世家。她的聲音如此清透美麗而極具風格,讓觀眾們覺得相見恨晚。用這樣一句話來形容Cara Dillon不足為過:Cara Dillon是個不尋常的天才! 14歲的時候,Cara Dillon就贏得了全愛爾蘭傳統歌唱比賽冠軍。在開始她自己喜歡的事業之前,她和她的夥伴Sam Lakeman和一家唱片公司簽約想做流行歌手,可之後他們發現自己並不喜歡做流行音樂。於是他們出了一張悽美的民歌專集Cara Dillon/Rough Trade Records,出乎意料地贏得了廣泛好評。這股隨之而來的Cara Dillon效應讓她和她的夥伴完全轉型。而之後她所獲得的無數獎項更加肯定了他們的轉型。 《愛爾蘭音樂雜誌》說,Cara Dillon冷酷卻富有感染力的聲音包含著她對家鄉的熱情和對國家的熱愛。
關於Cara Dillon
14歲的時候,Cara Dillon就贏得了全愛爾蘭傳統歌唱比賽冠軍。在開始她自己喜歡的事業之前,她和她的夥伴Sam Lakeman和一家唱片公司簽約想做流行歌手,可之後他們發現自己並不喜歡做流行音樂。於是他們出了一張悽美的民歌專集Cara Dillon/Rough Trade Records,出乎意料地贏得了廣泛好評。這股隨之而來的Cara Dillon效應讓她和她的夥伴完全轉型。而之後她所獲得的無數獎項更加肯定了他們的轉型。
《愛爾蘭音樂雜誌》說,Cara Dillon冷酷卻富有感染力的聲音包含著她對家鄉的熱情和對國家的熱愛。
Folk Roots Magazine評價說,毫不誇張地說,Cara Dillon有著極少數人才有的美妙嗓音。
Cara Dillon是愛爾蘭歌手,一心想促進民族的融合。她借鑑引入了多個民族音樂特有的元素,並融入自己天然的個性和感染的魅力,在歌曲中敘述一則美妙的故事,更是其獨特的創意。她精心採取各種手段來提高音樂的質量,而從不論國界,不計較文化和語言的種類。
Cara和她的夥伴Sam Lakeman毅然從龐大而頗具實力的集體中脫離出來,開始開創自己的天地。她更多地把眼光集中關注到大眾化的歌星中,創作了以精美和憂鬱為特點的個性風格突出的鄉村歌曲,他們演唱自己欣賞喜愛的這些歌曲,以激情如珠炮連發的爵士樂,在歐洲擁有特別廣泛的聽眾。
我們很快就能感受到了Cara Dillon的影響。Cara 與 Sam從沿襲他人到自成風格;從與大獎失之交臂,到以"Black Is The Colour"(黑色也是多彩的)和"Hotpress 'Best Trad "專輯唱片在英國廣播電台名列榜首保持了整整一年的記錄,2001年在HMV Choice雜誌民意投票中位居第9位,在WOMAD節獲得了演出的圓滿成功,他們在全世界廣泛地證明了他們的吸引力是強烈的。
他們的第二張唱片是在自己的家中錄製出品的,名為'Sweet Liberty'(甜蜜的自由),與第一張風格很相似,又做了許多頗有意義的增添。從標題' The Emigrant's Farewell '(移民的告別)到最後的關鍵注釋都是由Sam親自創作,它抓住了Cara對傳統歌曲闡釋的情感本質。其中還有他們以前的5首歌曲,和Cara已經在北愛爾蘭聞名的敘述事件形式的歌曲譯本。
"There Were Roses",這首歌曲Cara曾在電視節目中

cara dilloncara dillon
演唱,觀眾強烈的反響瞬間就如排山倒海之勢。Cara 說:"人們可能對我很驚詫,因為我以前從未做過任何政治方面的事務,但是我對和平一直有很強烈的感覺,特別贊同這首歌曲的精神,我相信我對它的理解絕對準確?quot;
Sam的創作,在Cara的基礎上增強了發聲的熟練,發展逐步趨於熟練,還將向新的台階繼續邁進,並創作出新的歌曲來。然而儘管他們在不斷發展求異,但對Cara來說,沒有任何東西能如"Sweet Liberty'這首歌曲那樣能帶她回到她生根的故土。還有歌曲'The Gem Of The Roe' 和 'The Winding River Roe',都深深的牽引她回到夢一般的童年,在那個叫作Dungiven的小城。她的歌曲會告訴你一些她自己的故事。
儘管她現在住在英格蘭,但是她仍然注重保留和接近那些給予她創作來源的東西。她對她的母親有著非常豐富生動的記憶,那些母親帶著她和她姐姐到愛爾蘭,以及她常常跑到自由街(Liberty Street)去一位老人黑黑的小酒吧聽那些有趣民謠的往昔歲月。
Cara的姐姐瑪麗,就是一名優秀歌手,常常成為Sweet Liberty的特約演員,她如同發現一箱財寶一樣發現了一些老歌帶,這些老歌帶記錄了那些小酒吧的老朋友及那些豐富的日子。她把這些都傳遞給了Cara,Cara也在她的唱片中一一記錄了這些。


那間黑酒吧對Cara的內心來說,感覺是特別的親切。從根本上說,它就是培養她的土地。她還記得曾經聽過的一些著名的傳統歌手,象Paddy Tunney 和 rosin,他們都常到Dungiven來演唱。Cara14歲時,就在整個愛爾蘭獲得成功。一年以後,她加入了她的第一個樂隊,Oige。這個樂隊也取得了非常大的成功。但1995年,Cara得到去英格蘭演唱藍調歌曲(又叫勃魯斯歌曲,一種緩慢而傷感的美國黑人民歌)的邀請,她就代表大學加入了Equation樂隊。Equation樂隊 ,這是她無法拒絕的,它簡直就堪稱頂峰之頂峰,但是他們錄製的唱片"Return To Me"並沒有得到公開發行。但是她有幸於樂隊遇見了能與之心靈產生共鳴的同伴――Sam Lakeman。這一對人,遂決定依彼此的興趣開始演奏二重唱。接著經過了一段漫長的挫折期,他們和著名的創作家和製作家一起試驗寫作和錄製歌曲。但是沒有任何方案和合作作品看來能夠表現Cara 和

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已經有了這些大膽的開創者開闢了新的發展道路。Cara唱的'Man In The Rain',顯示出了非凡的活力。現在,她擁有了自己的樂隊。她說:"我非常幸運。我能夠與著名的。樂家一起演奏我自己喜歡的音樂,而且我們從中獲得了很多的快樂―――沒有比這更快樂的了!"


Cara Dillon (born July 21, 1975 in Dungiven, County Londonderry, Northern Ireland) is an Irish folk singer. In 2001, she launched her career as a solo artist in the UK with the eponymous Cara Dillon album. However, Dillon had been pursuing a career in music since her teenage years, progressing through folk bands Oige and Equation and spending time working with her husband Sam Lakeman under the duo name Polar Star. She has also collaborated with artists from a variety of genres along the way.
The early years (1992–1995)
Dillon comes from an area steeped in Irish traditional music. Since she was a schoolgirl she has sung and performed. She learned local folk songs from teachers and workshops held in the town. She can also play the fiddle and WHISTLES. At the age of fourteen she won the All Ireland Singing Trophy at Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann.[1]
In 1992 she formed a band called Oige (an Irish word meaning 'youth') with school friends Murrough and Ruardhrai O'Kane, bringing her take on Irish traditional songs to Ireland, Scotland and further afield. During this time she also performed with big names such as De Dannan and Phil Coulter. Oige recorded two albums with Dillon: a studio and a live album. Inspiration was recorded in 1992 to sell at concerts in Europe. The live album, simply called Live, was recorded at a concert in Glasgow in 1994. A cassette tape version also exists under the name Live in Glasgow. Dillon left Oige in 1995 after being asked to replace Kate Rusby in a so-called folk supergroup Equation; however, she guests on their second studio album, Bang On, playing fiddles on the last track, "Maids Of Mitchelstown".
[edit] The major years (1995–2000)
Equation comprised five members: Sean, Sam and Seth Lakeman, Kathryn Roberts and Dillon. They signed a major record deal with Blanco y Negro (part of Warner Music Group) and recorded an album at Peter Gabriel's Realworld Studios in winter 1995-'96. The album, entitled Return to Me, was produced by David Bottrill. There was a single release, "He Loves Me", with an accompanying promotional video.[2] The band performed on MTV and VH1, but weeks before the release of the album the record label shelved it. It was not released in 1996, but in 2003 it saw a release under Rough Trade after Geoff Travis (the band's former manager) bought its rights.
Dillon left Equation with original band member Sam Lakeman because of musical differences and together they immediately signed a separate deal with the same label. The duo was known as Polar Star. During this time Dillon formed a strong musical partnership with Lakeman. They recorded several albums with top songwriters and producers in the UK and San Francisco, but none of their work was released. The record label stated that the recordings showed no hit single potential. By 2000, Dillon had decided that she would never be able to give the label what they wanted. circa 2000, Dillon and Lakeman ended their five year relationship with Warner Music Group and signed to Indie label Rough Trade.
[edit] The Rough Trade records (2001–present)
Dillon recorded her FIRSt album in The Firs, Lakeman's parents' house. There were also recordings made in County Donegal, Ireland. The album was mixed by John Reynolds (Sinead O'Connor and Damien Dempsey). It contained nine traditional songs Dillon had since her schooldays and also had two original songs "Blue Mountain River" (which became a single in her native land) and "I Wish I Was". The album was released on 16 July 2001, to critical acclaim. The reaction to the album, according to Dillon,[3] was very unexpected. The opening track of the album is "Black is the Colour". The track was given a very modern and appealing arrangement with Hammond organs and subtle bass playing combined with a delicate, catchy piano riff and a pure, crystalline vocal earned her comparisons to Kate Bush. Throughout 2001 and 2002, Dillon toured the album in the UK, Ireland and Europe and her fan base grew steadily. The album won many awards and got very positive reviews (some of which are listed below). The couple ended 2002 on a high with their marriage in December.
The follow up album, Sweet Liberty, was released on 22 September 2003. In terms of sales and airplay, the album was a bigger success. Sales were helped by the inclusion of Dillon's popular version of "There Were Roses", and the album entered the Irish album charts and the UK indie album charts. The album was promoted with songs "High Tide", "There Were Roses" and "Everywhere". The album also had a more balanced mix of traditional and original material, including another Kate Bush-esque track, "Falling Like a Star" and "Broken Bridges". Both songs showed Dillon and Lakeman's songwriting could successfully cross musical borders. Also included was a cover of the Anne Briggs song "Standing on the Shore". The album was again mixed by John Reynolds and Alan Branch and was recorded "at home in Somerset".
In January 2004, Dillon travelled to Japan on a promotional tour of the album. Cara's solo career up this point was polished with her receiving the Meteor Irish Music Award for Best Irish Female. With two albums under her belt, Dillon's music was showcased on an international scale. Her relationship with WOMAD played a crucial part in this. The couple returned to the studio again in summer 2004 to record their third album.
Dillon's third album was released on 27 February 2006. The album was the longest in the making to date and featured several guest appearances. The Czech Philharmonic Orchestra recorded for two tracks on the album, Garden Valley & The Snows They Melt The Soonest; Martin Simpson, the acclaimed blues guitarist featured on Grace; two of Ireland's finest traditional musicians Mairtin O'Connor and Cathal Hayden perform on Bold Jamie and Cara duetted with Paul Brady on album highlight The Streets Of Derry.
The album gave Cara her most successful radio hit to date, Never In A Million Years, garnering a good amount of airplay on radio stations in the UK and Ireland. The song featured on the Radio 2 playlist for six weeks and was record of the week on BBC Radio Ulster. Despite the encouraging reception of the song, an official single release was never given to the song. It was released on download-only by iTunes a week prior to the album release and climbed into the top 40 most downloaded songs that week. An official single release was planned for after the album came out but it did not happen. The next single to be released from the album was a double A side: This Time/I Wish You Well. It featured a new radio mix of This Time with added vocals and guitars. The single generated some airplay on Radio 2 in July 2006 and was scheduled for release on 14 August, however Rough Trade cancelled it, citing a lack of airplay. Some copies of the single are in circulation but are difficult to find.
[edit] Collaborations and guest appearances
Throughout Dillon's career she has ventured into many successful collaborations with a range of artists. In 1998, she was guest vocalist (credited as "Cara from Polar Star") for Mike Oldfield on the single from his Tubular Bells III album, Man in the Rain. In 2001, she featured on two tracks on the John Reynolds project Interview With The Angel, an album by Ghostland. Cara sang on the tracks Faith In Love and Sacred Touch Of Beauty, the former being the album's lead single. 2005 saw Cara guest on the soundtrack to the British comedy featuring Rowan Atkinson and Maggie Smith, Keeping Mum. In 2006, Judge Jules released his debut album, to which Cara provided vocals on the lead UK single Ordinary Day. The trance track was a big club hit and entered the UK dance charts at 3.
Also on the dance scene, Dillon's award winning version of Black Is The Colour was remixed by DJ Pete Devine (2Devine/Coco & Green) and became an instant hit on the dance floors in 2005. Over the next year, the popularity grew steadily and the track topped many polls and became a favourite of the top DJs on the scene. Following legal difficulties with the clearance of the track for release, the remix was scheduled for release on the Anjunabeats dance label on 11 December 2006, but has now been pushed back to 19 March 2007.
2006 also saw Dillon involved with the BBC Radio 2 2006 Radio Ballads, and her vocals feature on the episode Thirty Years Of Conflict. This was released on CD and an album of songs from the radio ballads has also been released (see Discography).
[edit] Other
In 2003, Dillon performed at the Belfast Festival at Queen's Opening Ceremony with the Ulster Orchestra. In 2006, Dillon was honoured with the invitation to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2006 Ryder Cup at the K Club in Ireland. She sang the Irish song Mo Ghile Mear to an audience of over 1 billion worldwide with Afro Celt Soundsystem vocalist Iarla O Lionaird, a 60 piece choir and 23 piece band. In October 2006, she performed at the re-opening of the Grand Opera House in Belfast.


第一張 《Cara Dillon》:
1.Black is the colour
2.Donald of Glencoe
3.Craigie Hill
4.Green grows the laurel
5.Lark In The Clear Air
6.Lone some scenes of Winter
7.Blue mountain river
8.I wish I was
9.Maid of Culmore
10.She's like the swallow
11.I am a youth that's in clined toramble

cara dilloncara dillon

《甜蜜的自由》Sweet Liberty
1.High Tide
2.The Winding River Roe
4.There Were Roses
5.Where Are You
6.The Gem Of The Roe
7.Bonny Bonny
8.Erin The Green
9.Broken Bridges
10.Falling Like A Star
11.Standing On The Shore
12.The Emigrates Farewell
《清晨之後》After The Morning
1.Never In A Million Years
2.I Wish You Well
3.Here's A Health
4.Brockagh Braes
5.Garden Valley
6.October Winds
7.Bold Jamie
8.The Streets Of Derry (With Paul Brady)
9.This Time
10.The Snows They Melt The Soonest
cara dilloncara dillon

Lark In The ClearAir



AsIhearthesweetlarksing 靈魂便沉醉於此


Foratenderbeaming 傾聽百靈清脆甜美的歌聲

smiletomyhopehasbeengranted 他所擁有我夢寐以求


longstosay 明日他將知曉我長久以來的

Iwilltellhimallmylove 愛慕之心

allmysoul'spureadoration 我將對他表白我的愛

AndIknowhewillhearmyvoice 我的愛

andhewillnotanswermenay 我靈魂對他崇高的敬佩

Itisthisthatgivesmysoul 我明了他會聽到我的心聲

allit'sjoyouselation 而他將沉默不語


intheclearairoftheday 好似在純淨的空氣中



愛爾蘭 音樂 歌手



