Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Zhongnan University of Economics and the school began in 1948 as the first secretary of the Central Plains Bureau created by chen became Director of the Organizing Committee of the 1998 IEEE is directly under Ministry of economics, law, management, combining with literature, historiography, philosophy, science, engineering and other disciplines of the eight colleges, is the "Project 211" universities.By the original membership of Zhongnan University of Finance and the Ministry of Justice, the original affiliate of the South Central Institute of Political Science and Law in creating the infrastructure.School has two campuses, one campus is located at the centre of the revolt, the Yellow Crane Tower, the South Campus is located at the lakefront of nanhu in The School covers an area of 2911 mu, building area of 110 square meters, located in the South Campus of Xiao Nanhu Lake is China's largest campus.In the past 60 years, the school has cultivated for each level and type of students attracted a total of about 30 million people in China, and points out the construction and reform have made important contributions.


Zhongnan University of Economics is an economics, law, management is mainly dry, philosophy, literature, history, science, engineering, art and other nine disciplines of colleges, hqu is one of the institutions that Zhongnan University of Economics is an economics, law, management is mainly dry, philosophy, literature, history, science, engineering, art and other nine disciplines of colleges, hqu is one of the institutions that . school has two campuses, the South Campus, located in the beautiful Nanhu Lake, Shouyi Campus is located at the centre of the Yellow Crane Tower under school has two campuses, the South Campus, located in the beautiful Nanhu Lake, Shouyi Campus is located at the centre of the Yellow Crane Tower under .
under the Zhongnan University of Economics and the Faculty of Humanities, School of Economics, School of Finance and Taxation, Xinhua School of finance, insurance, law, public security, foreign languages, news, culture and the School of Journalism, the School of Business, College of Accounting, School of Public Administration,School of Information at the county and other existing formal 2445 under the Zhongnan University of Economics and the Faculty of Humanities, School of Economics, School of Finance and Taxation, Xinhua School of finance, insurance, law, public security, foreign languages, news, culture and the School of Journalism, the School of Business, College of Accounting, School of Public Administration,School of Information at the county and other existing formal 2445 . College faculty and staff, including teachers in 1329, the son of a professor in 189 teachers, professors, 461 doctoral tutors, 87;School has four national key disciplines, 1 national key (cultivation);Hubei Province - level key disciplines, 2 key disciplines, 4 national key disciplines of 3;Ministry of Education of humanities and social science key research base of humanities and social sciences key research base of China's Hubei province, four schools College faculty and staff, including teachers in 1329, the son of a professor in 189 teachers, professors, 461 doctoral tutors, 87;School has four national key disciplines, 1 national key (cultivation);Hubei Province - level key disciplines, 2 key disciplines, 4 national key disciplines of 3;Ministry of Education of humanities and social science key research base of humanities and social sciences key research base of China's Hubei province, four schools .
existing theoretical economics, applied economics, law, business administration, and 4 - level disciplines for doctorate;35 undergraduate programs, 64 master programs, 32 doctoral programs, and three post - doctoral programs, and has a Master of Business Administration (MBA), Executive MBA (EMBA), Master's program in law (JM), Master of Accountancy (MPAcc), public administration (MPA), foreign students, in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan students enrollment right;19100 school full - time undergraduate and graduate students, doctoral students, postdoctoral 4700 people, adult education and over 5000 students.With an area of 3200 mu, building area of 76 square meters, is China's earliest campus network of colleges and universities opened one of the hundred, 250 million library, auditorium with professional theater, unitary Apartments in successive stands;School Sports Ground was the fourth of the Universiade as the main venue and main venues, and has as a national football league competition;There are green trees and lakes in the campus, and its beautiful Nanhu School has a batch of scholarly attainments were considerable, in international and domestic financial circle, law circle with high popularity and influence of senior academics, and 45 teachers who enjoy government subsidies of the State Council, 28 teachers were awarded the People's Government of Hubei Province and middle - aged experts with outstanding contributions. It is called "
provicial government of hubei and special allowances of the Five - Year Plan" period, the school teacher has undertaken and completed over national and provincial key scientific research item 400), including the National Social Science Fund, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Ministry of Education to tackle the major scientific research projects, 100 items, the Ministry of Education,The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Justice and other research projects, 180 provicial government of hubei and special allowances of the Five - Year Plan" period, the school teacher has undertaken and completed over national and provincial key scientific research item 400), including the National Social Science Fund, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Ministry of Education to tackle the major scientific research projects, 100 items, the Ministry of Education,The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Justice and other research projects, 180 . since 1979, their achievements were nearly 3 million items, wherein the remainder of the 1,300 monographs, textbooks and 1700, which helped the 21000 thesis papers published in overseas achievements over 500 since 1979, their achievements were nearly 3 million items, wherein the remainder of the 1,300 monographs, textbooks and 1700, which helped the 21000 thesis papers published in overseas achievements over 500 .
in the academic exchanges, with schools in Europe, Asia, America, Australia and the 20 or so countries and regions of universities and research institutions to establish a broad international research and international cooperation and academic exchange in the academic exchanges, with schools in Europe, Asia, America, Australia and the 20 or so countries and regions of universities and research institutions to establish a broad international research and international cooperation and academic exchange .
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Historical Evolution

Chung - Yuan era (1948 - 1953) in June 1948, Comrade Deng Xiaoping at the secretary of the CPC Central Committee decision and reported to the secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, approved by the Chung - Chung - Yuan era (1948 - 1953) in June 1948, Comrade Deng Xiaoping at the secretary of the CPC Central Committee decision and reported to the secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, approved by the Chung - . Comrade Chen Yi Chung served as second secretary of the Preparatory Committee Director Comrade Chen Yi Chung served as second secretary of the Preparatory Committee Director .
November 1948 military region commander and comrade Liu Bocheng in Henan Baofeng formally announced the establishment of Chung - Yuan, Fan Wenlan's appointment as the principal comrades, November 1948 military region commander and comrade Liu Bocheng in Henan Baofeng formally announced the establishment of Chung - Yuan, Fan Wenlan's appointment as the principal comrades,. nian comrades to deputy in December 1948, pp. 53 to Kaifeng
May 1949 to August moving to Wuhan Hubei University May 1949 to August moving to Wuhan Hubei University . period (1958 - 1970.) 11 1958 of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Justice and Hubei Province received the surrender of the South - Central Finance and Economics, Zhongnan Institute of Political Science and Law and Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Zhongnan Cadre School of Politics and Law, Faculty of Law at Wuhan University in Hubei province were merged into the university, at the same time is extended and the professional literature and mathematics, physics and chemistry, covering the area of Hubei University building it into a comprehensive university by the Hubei Vice - Governor Meng
headmaster of Don, who is also Secretary of the Committee of Zhu Shao days,Bishop has been Vice President Li Guangdou headmaster of Don, who is also Secretary of the Committee of Zhu Shao days,Bishop has been Vice President Li Guangdou . Hubei College for the financial period (1971 - 1977. 12) in the "Cultural Revolution" of Devastation in the atmosphere, the higher education garden land of
Hubei University was forced to withdraw, to be combined into Hubei College of Finance, was the country's original 18 financial institutions only "a half" in the "semi - selected" Hubei University was forced to withdraw, to be combined into Hubei College of Finance, was the country's original 18 financial institutions only "a half" in the "semi - selected" . in the most difficult conditions, and the rest of the faculty hold positions in financial education, and try our best to preserve the political, legal, professional faculty force in the most difficult conditions, and the rest of the faculty hold positions in financial education, and try our best to preserve the political, legal, professional faculty force .
This is the history of the school's most depressed but This is the history of the school's most depressed but . six faculties and students, as well as the Party's solidarity, consideration for the post,positive work, and ensuring the development of the school, as the "Cultural Revolution" after the school quickly laid the groundwork for the recovery and reconstruction period six faculties and students, as well as the Party's solidarity, consideration for the post,positive work, and ensuring the development of the school, as the "Cultural Revolution" after the school quickly laid the groundwork for the recovery and reconstruction period .
Hubei Academy of Finance (1978 - 1985. 10) in January 1978, the school was renamed as Hubei Academy of Finance, the reversion to a four - year undergraduate education and graduate education, to become a member of the "Cultural Revolution" after the earliest resumption of undergraduate, postgraduate enrollment of colleges and one in January 1979, the school leadership system changed, and the leadership of the Ministry of Finance, from school to enter a period of rapid growth in the South Central Institute of Political Science and Law ( in January 1979, the school leadership system changed, and the leadership of the Ministry of Finance, from school to enter a period of rapid growth in the South Central Institute of Political Science and Law (.
period 1984. 12 - 2000. 5), December 1984Hubei Finance and Economics and the Faculty of Law, on the basis of a new lead in the new district of renewal and restoration South Central Institute of Political Science and Law, affiliated to the Ministry of Justice South Central Institute of Political Science and Law, affiliated to the Ministry of Justice .
zhongnan financial period (1985 - 2000) of 30 September 1985, Hubei Finance and Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics from Zhongnan University of Economics and renamed zhongnan financial period (1985 - 2000) of 30 September 1985, Hubei Finance and Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics from Zhongnan University of Economics and renamed . period (May 2000 - present) in February 2000, with the approval of the State Council of the Ministry of Finance and Economics from Zhongnan University of Economics (formerly the South Central Institute of Political Science and Law) with the Chung - Yuan Chung - Yuan University (Political Science), Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, was directly subordinated to the Ministry of Education and period (May 2000 - present) in February 2000, with the approval of the State Council of the Ministry of Finance and Economics from Zhongnan University of Economics (formerly the South Central Institute of Political Science and Law) with the Chung - Yuan Chung - Yuan University (Political Science), Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, was directly subordinated to the Ministry of Education and .
on 26 May 2000, on 26 May 2000,. Zhongnan University of Economics and formally established in November 2004, the National Humanities and heavy portion portion portion portion of the province the joint constructed of Zhongnan University of Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics and co - constructed by provincial tripartite point research base of "intellectual property research center" Zhongnan University of Economics and formally established in November 2004, the National Humanities and heavy portion portion portion portion of the province the joint constructed of Zhongnan University of Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics and co - constructed by provincial tripartite point research base of "intellectual property research center" .
branch was established in September 2005, the school was finally included in the "Project 211" universities branch was established in September 2005, the school was finally included in the "Project 211" universities . in May 2011, the school was selected to be the focus of the 2010 - 2011 for Employment of Graduates in the typical college experience "one of the top 50 in May 2011, the school was selected to be the focus of the 2010 - 2011 for Employment of Graduates in the typical college experience "one of the top 50 .
in June 2011, the school was finally included on" 985 Project "Advantageous platform universities constructed on in June 2011, the school was finally included on" 985 Project "Advantageous platform universities constructed on . the same year, under the approval of the State Council, set up the Graduate School the same year, under the approval of the State Council, set up the Graduate School .
in August 2011, Zhongnan University of Economics and MBA and executive education programmes through the International Association of MBAs (AMBA), three of the world's largest business education certification organizations) in China to area 7 by AMBA accredited colleges of in August 2011, Zhongnan University of Economics and MBA and executive education programmes through the International Association of MBAs (AMBA), three of the world's largest business education certification organizations) in China to area 7 by AMBA accredited colleges of . May 26, 2012, the school enrolled the first batch of "Outstanding Legal Talent Training Plan" of all three types of cultured May 26, 2012, the school enrolled the first batch of "Outstanding Legal Talent Training Plan" of all three types of cultured .
base on July 25, 2012, from Zhongnan University of Economics,China University of Political Science and Peking University co - sponsored by the "knowledge - based economy and rule of the Collaborative Innovation Center base on July 25, 2012, from Zhongnan University of Economics,China University of Political Science and Peking University co - sponsored by the "knowledge - based economy and rule of the Collaborative Innovation Center . was formally inaugurated on August 30, 2012, by the Central University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics and former Treasury economic college affiliated to the construction of the" Chinese financial development plan of 2011 Collaborative Innovation Center was formally inaugurated on August 30, 2012, by the Central University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics and former Treasury economic college affiliated to the construction of the" Chinese financial development plan of 2011 Collaborative Innovation Center .
was formally inaugurated on October 23, 2012, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance and the Provincial People's Government formally signed an agreement to jointly build the Zhongnan University of Economics and was formally inaugurated on October 23, 2012, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance and the Provincial People's Government formally signed an agreement to jointly build the Zhongnan University of Economics and . Nov. 15, 2012schools among national universities and graduate programs in colleges and universities qualified
2 March 2013, the Ministry of Finance and Accounting Division of the Department of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Renmin University of China, the Central University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) includes 15 co - founded by "Accounting Reform and Development Collaborative Innovation Center 2 March 2013, the Ministry of Finance and Accounting Division of the Department of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Renmin University of China, the Central University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) includes 15 co - founded by "Accounting Reform and Development Collaborative Innovation Center . January 2014, the school received CFA Institute official certification, China's mainland area 7 obtainable by the Institute of the University January 2014, the school received CFA Institute official certification, China's mainland area 7 obtainable by the Institute of the University .
On March 7, 2014, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Centre for Policy Research to work together on the" National Home policy theory research, " On March 7, 2014, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Centre for Policy Research to work together on the" National Home policy theory research, ". March 12, 2014,School Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Center was approved as a national centre that is the country is one of only 10 home economics and management experimental teaching center of virtual simulation one March 12, 2014,School Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Center was approved as a national centre that is the country is one of only 10 home economics and management experimental teaching center of virtual simulation one .
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Discipline Construction

Better Teachers

According to the school in June 2013, the updated data in the display, the school has a staff of over 2,600 people, which has a staff of over 1600, a professor in the 215 teachers, professors, 529 tutor doctoral students and more than 160 people;wherein "Changjiang Scholars", 1" - scholar "19 people, there were 47 teachers are entitled to government subsidies of the State Council, 32 teachers won the People's Government of Hubei Province and middle - aged experts with outstanding contributions," the title of hubei province and killed 13 teachers have received the special allowances;There are 2 people with the honor of "Young Teacher Award of Higher Education";9 people were selected to be the "Young Teachers Scheme", 24 were elected to the "New Century Excellent Talent Support Program", were included in the 4 - level candidates of "Talents Engineering in the New Century;2 were included in the cultivation of accounting talents reserve plan (leader);1 person was with the Chinese accounting develop engineering masters;1 were included in Hubei Province "111 Talents Engineering", China's Hubei province, 42 were included in the "New Century Talent Project" According to the school in June 2013, the updated data in the display, the school has a staff of over 2,600 people, which has a staff of over 1600, a professor in the 215 teachers, professors, 529 tutor doctoral students and more than 160 people;wherein "Changjiang Scholars", 1" - scholar "19 people, there were 47 teachers are entitled to government subsidies of the State Council, 32 teachers won the People's Government of Hubei Province and middle - aged experts with outstanding contributions," the title of hubei province and killed 13 teachers have received the special allowances;There are 2 people with the honor of "Young Teacher Award of Higher Education";9 people were selected to be the "Young Teachers Scheme", 24 were elected to the "New Century Excellent Talent Support Program", were included in the 4 - level candidates of "Talents Engineering in the New Century;2 were included in the cultivation of accounting talents reserve plan (leader);1 person was with the Chinese accounting develop engineering masters;1 were included in Hubei Province "111 Talents Engineering", China's Hubei province, 42 were included in the "New Century Talent Project" . schools actively introducing overseas excellent teachers, from global institutions such as several full - time Professor of "Changjiang Scholar Programme", "Chutian Scholars" and" Wenlan academics", including the Boston Jianjun Miao recruits were named the first "Chutian Scholars", and the University of Michigan professor of Changjiang Scholars of the Proceedings () or the like, and has invited Nobel Prize - winning" Father of euro "Robert Mundell Robert Mundell,Nobel laureate Clive Granger (Clive W.J. Granger), Michael Norris at the University of Chicago professor Michael Connolly) and other internationally - renowned economist and Liu Hongru, Li Yang, Wu Xiaoqiu of domestic famous experts and scholars to the school as academic lectures and as honorary professor, and adjunct professor or

Department Setting

MBA College of Humanities, Department of Philosophy of History, Faculty of Political Sciences Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics in the Department of International Economics, National College of Financial and Revenue of Financial Department, Taxation Department of Xinhua Insurance Institute's Department of Finance Department of insurance investment at the Faculty of Law (law master) center theory in law and constitutional law - administrative civil and criminal procedural law in the Department of International Economic Department, Faculty of Law Faculty of International Economic Faculty of School of Criminal Investigation Department police criminal department Department of Border Management, School of Foreign Languages and Department of English Language and Literature Department of applied english studies, journalism and culture at the School of JournalismDepartment of Chinese Language and Literature, School of Business, Trade and Marketing and Business Administration in the Department of Management Sciences Department of Tourism Management Accountants (Shuo will center) Accounting Faculty of Financial Management, School of Public Administration (MPA) in labor and social security administrative department in the School of Information at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics Faculty of Economics and the number of Department of Computer Science and Technology, Department of Economic and Management Science and Information Security ManagementMBA College of Humanities, Department of Philosophy of History, Faculty of Political Sciences Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics in the Department of International Economics, National College of Financial and Revenue of Financial Department, Taxation Department of Xinhua Insurance Institute's Department of Finance Department of insurance investment at the Faculty of Law (law master) center theory in law and constitutional law - administrative civil and criminal procedural law in the Department of International Economic Department, Faculty of Law Faculty of International Economic Faculty of School of Criminal Investigation Department police criminal department Department of Border Management, School of Foreign Languages and Department of English Language and Literature Department of applied english studies, journalism and culture at the School of JournalismDepartment of Chinese Language and Literature, School of Business, Trade and Marketing and Business Administration in the Department of Management Sciences Department of Tourism Management Accountants (Shuo will center) Accounting Faculty of Financial Management, School of Public Administration (MPA) in labor and social security administrative department in the School of Information at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics Faculty of Economics and the number of Department of Computer Science and Technology, Department of Economic and Management Science and Information Security Management.

Key Disciplines

National finance accounting and finance of the Civil and Political Economy by Ji Shi Jin Rong National economics (including insurance) in industrial economics Tong Ji learn legal history of the Civil and Commercial Law (including: labour law, social security law (iel) business management (including: Financial Management, Marketing, Human Resource Management of Social Security)National finance accounting and finance of the Civil and Political Economy by Ji Shi Jin Rong National economics (including insurance) in industrial economics Tong Ji learn legal history of the Civil and Commercial Law (including: labour law, social security law (iel) business management (including: Financial Management, Marketing, Human Resource Management of Social Security).

Scientific Research Institutions

Intellectual Property Research Centre Wu Handong, Hubei Province, local legislation Research Center Chen Jun Zhao Lingyun Wuhan Institute for Development and the WTO with the Hubei Development Research Centre Wu Handong of Hubei Employment and Re - employment study center Zhao Man Hubei Finance and Development Research Center of Yang Ming, a financial research center of Hubei Zhu Rong, a professor of law at the new Center for the Study of Chen Jing Liang Shi Zhongxin legal Fan, Institute of European Law of Instituto wenkewang China Economy and Accounting Supervision Center for the Study of Guo Road of Chinese Modern Industry Investment Center for the Study of Zhang Zhonghua Hu Lijun Economic Research Centre, Institute of Economics of the Republic, Mrs Shi Yuan Jicheng Culture Communication Research InstituteLi Daorong Institute of Contemporary Foreign Philosophy Institute Wang Yuchen party history and party building of Institute of Economic Ethics Institute Cheng Li Hua Liu Kefeng Institute of Global Chinese Literature; Literary Philosophy Institute Zhang Zheng Lin of Taiwan, Fan Su less faithful in China Institute of Sustainable Development Liu Sihua, The Institute of Population and Regional Research Center, Yang Yun Yan Xia Xing Garden of the Academy of Macroeconomic Research Institute, Macao Economic Wu Tang Dai Ming Yang, labor and taxation institute, Institute of Economics, Institute of History of the Great Wall of China's fiscal Wang Chen Guangyan insurance institute Dongjiao Investment Research Institute, the Institute of Finance under the name Nie Hua Liu Hui over capital - market Zhang Jinlin, head of the Tourism Research Institutethe Ye Quanliang Constitutional Theory Research Institute, Institute of Criminalistics Qi Liu Maolin Wenyuan and Commercial Code, Xu Di Yu Institute of Intellectual Property Law Institute's new Institute for Economic Law Ming Cao Lei Xinghu European law and military law of Instituto ZHANG Yong Xia from Shanghai Institute of Law of Environment Institute lv Zhongmei Tort Law Institute with the Crime Prevention Law Research Institute Zhang Yuanhuang Police System Institute Yang Zong Hui foreign language and culture institute of law - related literature institute Yongwu Li De Mei Zhou Gu Kejian International Business Institute for technology economy and management institute Xiong Sheng Xu Li Xiaodan, Institute of Industrial Economics at the Institute for Rural Development (Chen Chi waveMergers in the public management institute after Wan Fen Xu Ren Zhang Zhao's Social Security Institute for Human Resource Research Center Chen Quan Ming Liu Baozhu Community Action and Social Work Institute of Financial Research Institute of Financial Management Yang Guo Dao De Wei Zhang Longping, that audit institute of Information and Computing Science Research Institute of Peng's accounting is on the line with the statistical calculability towards Shu Jian Zhao Xinquan, Institute of Economics, the number of statistical and social survey by Xu Ying Mei computer application technology of the institute of Qing Wei sports economics and sports law institute after Liu Zhen - hua, Peng Taxation Institute of Human Rights, the Institute of Foreign Trade And Economic Cooperation And The Commandery Qiong Tan of the Institute of Sociology at the Graduate Institute of International The Liu MingfangChen Bai Xiang Real Estate Research Institute of East China's Rural Land Law System Research Center Chen Xiaojun Zheng Zhu Institute of ascertainment of foreign lawsThe foreign - run public health insurance institute of Lu's supervision of the Center for the Study of Chen - mingIntellectual Property Research Centre Wu Handong, Hubei Province, local legislation Research Center Chen Jun Zhao Lingyun Wuhan Institute for Development and the WTO with the Hubei Development Research Centre Wu Handong of Hubei Employment and Re - employment study center Zhao Man Hubei Finance and Development Research Center of Yang Ming, a financial research center of Hubei Zhu Rong, a professor of law at the new Center for the Study of Chen Jing Liang Shi Zhongxin legal Fan, Institute of European Law of Instituto wenkewang China Economy and Accounting Supervision Center for the Study of Guo Road of Chinese Modern Industry Investment Center for the Study of Zhang Zhonghua Hu Lijun Economic Research Centre, Institute of Economics of the Republic, Mrs Shi Yuan Jicheng Culture Communication Research InstituteLi Daorong Institute of Contemporary Foreign Philosophy Institute Wang Yuchen party history and party building of Institute of Economic Ethics Institute Cheng Li Hua Liu Kefeng Institute of Global Chinese Literature; Literary Philosophy Institute Zhang Zheng Lin of Taiwan, Fan Su less faithful in China Institute of Sustainable Development Liu Sihua, The Institute of Population and Regional Research Center, Yang Yun Yan Xia Xing Garden of the Academy of Macroeconomic Research Institute, Macao Economic Wu Tang Dai Ming Yang, labor and taxation institute, Institute of Economics, Institute of History of the Great Wall of China's fiscal Wang Chen Guangyan insurance institute Dongjiao Investment Research Institute, the Institute of Finance under the name Nie Hua Liu Hui over capital - market Zhang Jinlin, head of the Tourism Research Institutethe Ye Quanliang Constitutional Theory Research Institute, Institute of Criminalistics Qi Liu Maolin Wenyuan and Commercial Code, Xu Di Yu Institute of Intellectual Property Law Institute's new Institute for Economic Law Ming Cao Lei Xinghu European law and military law of Instituto ZHANG Yong Xia from Shanghai Institute of Law of Environment Institute lv Zhongmei Tort Law Institute with the Crime Prevention Law Research Institute Zhang Yuanhuang Police System Institute Yang Zong Hui foreign language and culture institute of law - related literature institute Yongwu Li De Mei Zhou Gu Kejian International Business Institute for technology economy and management institute Xiong Sheng Xu Li Xiaodan, Institute of Industrial Economics at the Institute for Rural Development (Chen Chi waveMergers in the public management institute after Wan Fen Xu Ren Zhang Zhao's Social Security Institute for Human Resource Research Center Chen Quan Ming Liu Baozhu Community Action and Social Work Institute of Financial Research Institute of Financial Management Yang Guo Dao De Wei Zhang Longping, that audit institute of Information and Computing Science Research Institute of Peng's accounting is on the line with the statistical calculability towards Shu Jian Zhao Xinquan, Institute of Economics, the number of statistical and social survey by Xu Ying Mei computer application technology of the institute of Qing Wei sports economics and sports law institute after Liu Zhen - hua, Peng Taxation Institute of Human Rights, the Institute of Foreign Trade And Economic Cooperation And The Commandery Qiong Tan of the Institute of Sociology at the Graduate Institute of International The Liu MingfangChen Bai Xiang Real Estate Research Institute of East China's Rural Land Law System Research Center Chen Xiaojun Zheng Zhu Institute of ascertainment of foreign lawsThe foreign - run public health insurance institute of Lu's supervision of the Center for the Study of Chen - ming.

Campus Culture


Interpretation: The logo in the middle of the pattern portion of the entity is a "person" in the shape of body part is" text ", representing the school of humanities and social sciences at the University of humanoid nature Interpretation: The logo in the middle of the pattern portion of the entity is a "person" in the shape of body part is" text ", representing the school of humanities and social sciences at the University of humanoid nature . also said that schools" people oriented" concept, with open arms as a sign of open ness, stretching his legs in a show of also said that schools" people oriented" concept, with open arms as a sign of open ness, stretching his legs in a show of .
steady intermediate pattern is one of the arrow, penetrating the inner race, said, "to break out of China, the world", on behalf of the school building first - class, internationally renowned humanities and social sciences to the University's goal steady intermediate pattern is one of the arrow, penetrating the inner race, said, "to break out of China, the world", on behalf of the school building first - class, internationally renowned humanities and social sciences to the University's goal . "1948" and "China's Wuhan"School was founded in time and representing the school at the duty station at which the upper half is "1948" and "China's Wuhan"School was founded in time and representing the school at the duty station at which the upper half is .
Deng Xiaoping inscribed the name of Politics and Law from Zhongnan University of Economics (word for word) set Deng Xiaoping inscribed the name of Politics and Law from Zhongnan University of Economics (word for word) set . is half of the English School, the University on behalf of the world, building an internationally renowned humanities and social sciences to the University's goal is half of the English School, the University on behalf of the world, building an internationally renowned humanities and social sciences to the University's goal .
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law


Bo civilization Daniel Houde Jishi interpretation: the knowledgeable and meticulous thinking knows talent will be superior to the pseudo - truth Shoushen Chongde personality perfect social service people serving the country.

The Spirit For Running

conduct a watchman for the justice innovation, Resting in the Utmost GoodApplication of the "Interpretation: conduct means the teachers should make moral role models, to cultivate students' good moral character;Watching justice means attaches great importance to cultivating students' sense of social responsibility and justice, for students to access to jobs and laying a good foundation for the moral basis;advocating innovation refers to the pursuit of freedom of thought and the academic innovation of creativity and courage to carry on the system and mechanism reform of innovative spirit;Resting in the Utmost GoodApplication of the "refers to the self - cultivation and education must be perfect and unwavering conduct a watchman for the justice innovation, Resting in the Utmost GoodApplication of the "Interpretation: conduct means the teachers should make moral role models, to cultivate students' good moral character;Watching justice means attaches great importance to cultivating students' sense of social responsibility and justice, for students to access to jobs and laying a good foundation for the moral basis;advocating innovation refers to the pursuit of freedom of thought and the academic innovation of creativity and courage to carry on the system and mechanism reform of innovative spirit;Resting in the Utmost GoodApplication of the "refers to the self - cultivation and education must be perfect and unwavering .


Central Plains spirit: Active Learning with a view to innovation in education: learning for Criterion - related validity "for the public at the Zhongnan University of Economics and Journal" http: / / edu. cn / China is a Chinese key journal, Social Science Core Journals in Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) Original Periodicals, mainly published academic articles on economic management legal Stuies in http: / / edu. cn / Chinese laws are Chinese core journals, Top 100 National journals,China's humanities and social sciences research database for Statistics and Analysis of Core Periodicals, the 2nd edition of the Top 100 National Alumni Association of Zhongnan University of Economics Journals (
: http: / / alumni edu. cn / Youth League Committee of the Communist Youth League Committee of Zhongnan University of Economics of Zhongnan University of Economics in the superior organization of the Communist Youth League and the CPC operates under the leadership of the school is responsible for the mission of the organization construction, thought construction, scientific innovation, social practice, as well as guidance on college students' cultural quality education of college student council, school volunteer, a university student mass organization federation,Graduate Student Association at Youth League work full - time staff of 5 people, which the secretary of the person 1, person 2 Deputy secretary, CYL 2 Youth League work full - time staff of 5 people, which the secretary of the person 1, person 2 Deputy secretary, CYL 2 .
staff who currently are affiliated to the League Office, Organization Department, Propaganda Department, the network center staff who currently are affiliated to the League Office, Organization Department, Propaganda Department, the network center . is in school under the leadership of the Party committee and administrative, for students to carry out the work of the functional departments and is primarily responsible for the is in school under the leadership of the Party committee and administrative, for students to carry out the work of the functional departments and is primarily responsible for the .
Full - time StudentsIdeological Education of Self - education, full - time undergraduate student enrollment, to - day management, student management, records management, all the university's undergraduate students' military training, defense education and military theory class teaching, the students in the award, providing loans, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, management,the students in the college of arts and mental health education, counselling and guidance work Full - time StudentsIdeological Education of Self - education, full - time undergraduate student enrollment, to - day management, student management, records management, all the university's undergraduate students' military training, defense education and military theory class teaching, the students in the award, providing loans, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, management,the students in the college of arts and mental health education, counselling and guidance work . personnel mechanism Zhou Jing Ming: Vice President of Student Affairs Department and the Minister, the Chief of the student work, Armed Forces Minister, of the overall work of personnel mechanism Zhou Jing Ming: Vice President of Student Affairs Department and the Minister, the Chief of the student work, Armed Forces Minister, of the overall work of .
Huang) Spring: finance director of ministry of public works (at) the secondary portion (at length), Tibet, vice minister in charge of the Ministry of Civil Affairs Administration, undergraduate admissions, student financial assistance, education and other aspects of the work until Huang) Spring: finance director of ministry of public works (at) the secondary portion (at length), Tibet, vice minister in charge of the Ministry of Civil Affairs Administration, undergraduate admissions, student financial assistance, education and other aspects of the work until . Jing Chun: Student Affairs Department (at) the secondary portion (at the) long, in charge of the ideological and political education, student management, mental health education,art education of psychological health education work Jing Chun: Student Affairs Department (at) the secondary portion (at the) long, in charge of the ideological and political education, student management, mental health education,art education of psychological health education work .
Centre on Nov. 14, 2002 and formally established the Centre of not only directly undertake the psychological coaching of students while also paying out for training not only directly undertake the psychological coaching of students while also paying out for training .
. Its main functions are: 1, using various forms of the students in the widely publicized the importance of it. 2, organize students of knowledge lectures;which is responsible for completing the full - time and part - time instructor of psychology knowledge training 2, organize students of knowledge lectures;which is responsible for completing the full - time and part - time instructor of psychology knowledge training .
3 well implement college mental health curriculum teaching 3 well implement college mental health curriculum teaching . 4, which is beneficial to the improvement of the mental health of college students to conduct extracurricular activities, guidance of the "Psychological Association" of various types of activities 4, which is beneficial to the improvement of the mental health of college students to conduct extracurricular activities, guidance of the "Psychological Association" of various types of activities .
6, establish the students' psychological archive 6, establish the students' psychological archive . take various forms, so as to carry out the activities of individual counseling, group counseling and carrying out take various forms, so as to carry out the activities of individual counseling, group counseling and carrying out .
7, establishment and maintenance of mental health education, counselling and 7, establishment and maintenance of mental health education, counselling and . 8 website, as well as other school work 8 website, as well as other school work .
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Zhongnan University of Economics and Law


