Yanis Marshall是少數穿高跟鞋跳舞的男人。
高跟鞋是他最喜歡的跳舞配件。這是一種向我們展示 他完全接受自己,不給他的創造力添加任何限制 的方式。就像他的偶像——性感的麥當娜。他喜歡挑戰常規。
Yanis Marshall是來自巴黎的一位年輕的編舞者,舞蹈老師。

Yanis Marshall在早期從母親那裡開始舞蹈生涯。他的母親Nadia不僅是一名舞蹈老師,而且是舞蹈協會的領導。母親讓小Yanis接觸到不同的體育,藝術。他15歲就通過了Jazz EAT (Technical Ability Examination).作為一名舞者,他明顯的優勢促使他在這條路上走的更遠。
--What words of advice do you have for anyone who doesn’t feel like they fit in or aren’t accepted for who they are?
“Just be you, and if people don’t like it, well F*ck Them.”
I never said I was trying to be the BEST choreographer, teacher or dancer. But, I’m trying my BEST to inspire people and to be happy. I dance because it’s when I’m most honest and free. And Yes, I’m proud of who I am, And definitely happy to be Gay.
做你自己,如果人們不喜歡,那么就F*ck Them。
--Who has been your dancing inspiration?
Jonte’ is for sure a huge inspiration.
But I have a lot of Dance inspirations – Sheryl Murakami, Brian Friedman, Bobby Newberry, Jonte’ – they are all GENIUS.
Jonte無疑是一個極大的啟發靈感的人。還有Sheryl Murakami, Brian Friedman, Bobby Newberry, Jonte’--他們都是天才。
--Do you have a special name for this type of “high heel” dancing?
Nope, I guess the dance style is Street Jazz. But there is not a special name for it which is good. I hate labels or Boxes.
--What are some of your favorite quotes? 你喜歡哪幾句話?
“I think I need to believe that it works. Love, Couple-hood, partnerships. The idea that when people come together, they stay together. I have to take that with me when I go to bed at night, even if I’m going to bed alone.”
~ Ally McBeal
“The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you that you love, well, that’s just fabulous.”
~ Carrie Bradshaw
蔡依林《Dr. Jolin》編舞
Be yourself and do the things that interest you, not the things that you think people want to see or will be the most popular. People can tell when it’s not sincere, and they won’t like it.