
歌名:Write Your Name
歌手:Yelawolf (Feat. Mona Moua)
發行時間: 2011-06-21
Write Your Name收錄在Yelawolf簽入Eminem廠下Shady Records所發的第一張專輯《Radioactive》中,專輯發行於2011年。
穿越天際,我刻下你的名字,然後把星星帶走。因為你在這裡,伴隨著我。你像月亮一樣升起,你像繁星那樣閃耀。所以我要寫下你的名字,讓世界看得到你。” Radioactive里這首美麗的歌讓很多人沉醉。
必須要提的是副歌的演唱者Mona Moua是Yelawolf的一位女歌迷,因為錯過了yelawolf的演出,所以創作了一首歌,自彈自唱錄了一段視頻來表達自己的遺憾和對wolf的喜愛之情,歌詞里編入了很多yela的歌名。真誠之情感動了yelawolf,報答是請她在自己的第一張大廠牌專輯中獻聲,如此真誠的人唱這首真誠的歌,天作之合。
Write Your Name第一段描寫了一位老無所依的老人,孩子們留下他搬去了芝加哥從此失去聯繫,妻子已去世。Probably never see his name in the headlines But if I had a plane, I'd put it in the sky. 第二段講述了一個年僅16的單親母親被男友拋棄,獨自撫養孩子。第三段獻給所有默默無名的人們,也許你們默默無聞一輩子,也許你們非常艱苦,但你們都是真正耀眼的stars,你們,有了你們,這個世界才得以運轉。我要把你的名字寫在天際,帶走星星,因為你照亮了星空。和你在一起,就像和月亮一樣高,所以寫下你的名字,讓全世界都看到。
[Hook : Mona Moua]
I’ll write your name
Across the sky
And take away the stars
Cuz you light up the night
You as high as the moon
When you’re here with me
That’s why I’m gonna write your name
For the world to see
[1st Verse : Yelawolf]
Another old name on the porch with the bottle
Wind blows and the old rocking chair wobbles
He’s just the waving, everybody’s welcome
All he can say about the youth is lord help ‘em
Got a couple grand babies, but they never call though
?? left ?? in the south and they moved to Chicago
Wifes in heaven and, hes saying ever since
Vietnam life’s been hard as a veteran
Simple life, ?? shifting ?? six pack, yeah ice cold
Across the Georgia line for a ticket for the lotto
Probably never see his name in the headlines
But if I had a plane, I’d put it in the sky
[Hook : Mona Moua]
I’ll write your name
Across the sky
And take away the stars
Cuz you light up the night
You as high as the moon
When you’re here with me
That’s why I’m gonna write your name
For the world to see
[2nd Verse : Yelawolf]
She’s in love, yeah, Friends call her crazy
Met him at a party, they started dating
Daddy’s little angel, Momma’s little lady
Only 16 now Brenda’s got a baby
She can’t afford to, drop out of high school
Jimmy’s not a man and he can’t provide you
He doesn’t want to, but you keep it anyhow
Nine months down the road, what you gonna do now
Go to the food stamp, ??
You can find a job, it’ll help you get by
And you made it when you didn’t know how
Now that’s a real star put her name in the clouds
[Hook : Mona Moua]
I’ll write your name
Across the sky
And take away the stars
Cuz you light up the night
You as high as the moon
When you’re here with me
That’s why I’m gonna write your name
For the world to see
[3rd Verse : Yelawolf]
You may never be on television or be the one
Your boss at work loves giving you employee of the month
May never be the first dream on a champion team
You may be the star the world just hasn’t seen
But that don’t make you any less of a star to God
Being rich is only realizing it’s all a facade
You’re richer than you think in that old small town
Cos people like you make the world go round
[Hook : Mona Moua]
I’ll write your name
Across the sky
And take away the stars
Cuz you light up the night
You as high as the moon
When you’re here with me
That’s why I’m gonna write your name
For the world to see

美國白人說唱歌手Yelawolf 原名Michael Wayne Atha,生於1979年12月30日。來自阿拉巴馬州的加茲登,目前簽約於Shady Records唱片公司。
童年時的Atha在美國南部眾多城市都居住過,其中包括路易斯安那的巴吞魯日,喬治亞州的亞特蘭大,田納西州的安條克等。他是白人與美洲切羅基印第安人的混血,而他的藝名Yelawolf典故就是來自於印第安人文化。Yelawolf是個滑板愛好者,曾經甚至有過成為職業滑板手的想法,不過隨後由於傷病緣故不得不放棄了這個夢想。 2007年,Yelawolf開始獨立發行mixtape,同年簽約Columbia唱片公司,不過隨後不久便離開。2009年,Yelawolf客串了休斯頓著名說唱歌手Slim Thug的專輯《Boss of All Bosses》,並在紐約著名說唱歌手Juelz Santana的新專輯《Born to Lose, Built to Win》的主打歌“Mixin' Up The Medicine”中客串。2010,他分別在底特律說唱歌手Bizarre,亞特蘭大說唱歌手Big Boi,休斯頓說唱歌手Paul Wall的新專輯中客串,同年簽約了Interscope唱片公司。
現今,Eminem將他簽約到Eminem自己的廠牌Shady Records,此舉也是Eminem為了重振Shady Records的大手筆,被稱為“Shady 2.0”。