在2006年那張大獲成功的《King》之後,南方說唱之王T.I.在以每年一張的速度發新專輯。T.I.這張全新的錄音室專輯《Paper Trail》成為他在Billboard 200專輯榜中的連續第三張冠軍專輯,在全美上市第一周,《Paper Trail》以創T.I.個人最高紀錄的56萬8千張的單周銷量在Billboard 200專輯榜中空降榜首。據Nielson SoundScan統計,56萬8千張的單周銷量成績在2008年的美國唱片市場上發行的所有專輯中排在第三位。在2006年和2007年,T.I.的兩張專輯《King》和《T.I. Vs. T.I.P.》在全美上市第一周都曾在Billboard 200專輯榜中獲得冠軍。
雖然專輯剛上市不久,但其中的兩支單曲《Whatever You Like》和《Live Your Life (feat. Rihanna)》已經先後奪得了Billboard Hot 100單曲榜的冠軍,T.I.如今在美國Hip-Hop樂壇的號召力可見一斑。 對於T.I.來說,過去的一年並不順利,他因為被查出非法私藏槍枝而被軟禁,而當時正是他製作這張新作的時候。對於那些麻煩不斷的Rapper來說,他們的專輯總能夠大賣,對於T.I.來說,他已經精通於如何做出一張暢銷的專輯,但他近來的兩張專輯並不能讓大家完全滿意。
在這張新作當中,雖然有當紅女星Rihanna、R&B紅人Usher、另一位南方大腕Ludacris以及Jay Z、Kanye West和Lil Wayne等多位巨星助陣,但這次的合作還是略顯形式化,T.I.自己的特點並沒有完全發揮出來。與Rihanna合作的冠軍單曲《Live Your Life》雖然創造了T.I.在Hot 100單曲榜中單周提升的新紀錄,但開篇運用的那個採樣一定讓很多歌迷哭笑不得,另外,在有Jay Z、Kanye West和Lil Wayne三位巨星級的MC同時助陣的單曲《Swagga Like Us》中,幾位大腕配合的略顯凌亂。這是一張群星薈萃的暢銷大碟,但目前的T.I.明顯不在自己的最佳狀態。
熱門青春美劇《緋聞女孩》第三季第九集的插曲選用了美國歌手Anya Marina翻唱自T.I的冠軍單曲《Whatever You Like》。憑藉這支女聲柔美版的翻唱單曲,Anya Marina的《Whatever You Like》空降美國單曲榜第88位

所屬專輯:Whatever You Like (Single Version)
演唱者:Anya Marina
唱片公司:2009 Chop Shop Records/ Atlantic Recording Corporation for the United States and WEA International Inc. for the world outside of the United States
Stacks on deck
patron on ice
And we can pop bottles all night
Baby you can have whatever you like (you like)
I said you can have whatever you like (you like)
Baby i can treat you so special, so nice
I'll gas up the jet for you tonight
Baby you can go where ever you like (you like)
I said you can go where ever you like (you like)
Anytime you want to pick up the telephone
You know it ain't nothin to drop a couple stacks on you
Want it you could get it my dear
Five million dollar home, drop Bentley's I swear
Yeah I want'cho body, I need yo body
Long as you got me you won't need nobody
You want it I got it, go get it I buy it
Tellem other broke niggas be quiet
Stacks on deck
Patrone on ice
And we can pop bottles all night
Baby you can have whatever you like (you like)
I said you can have whatever you like (you like)
Late night sex so wet nd so tight
I'll gas up the jet for you tonight
Baby you can go where ever you like (you like)
I said you can go where ever you like (you like)