
Was It A Dream 是美國知名搖滾樂隊30 Seconds To Mars於2005年8月30日推出的樂隊第三張專輯《A Beautiful Lie》的一首歌曲。
01. Attack
02. A Beautiful Lie
03. The Kill
04. Was It A Dream?
05. The Fantasy
06. Savior
07. From Yesterday
08. The Story
09. R-Evolve
10. A Modern Myth
11. Battle of One*
12. Hunter*
*Bonus track
如同Tool及Deftones之急促吉他聲線牽引出怒式金屬力道,令人驚艷之撕裂咆嘯式的犀利嗓音,絕對刮目相看再度出發之激賞表現。 Limp Bizkit、Staind、Courtney Love搖滾界炙手可熱製作高手Josh Abraham護航跨刀製作。
殺光全球女冬粉底片的新生代帥氣小生Jared Leto,仍不忘情拿起吉他、獻出爆發力十足的好歌喉。 2002年順利簽下一紙契約,發行首張同名專輯『30 Seconds To Mars』,散發出新世紀搖滾之聲,融合多樣實驗精神,毫無掩飾表現出一份屬於搖滾樂的狂放霸氣!
相隔三年,在繁忙電影拍攝與巡迴表演的雙重勞累加身,Jared卻樂此不疲的不斷創作新品,早在2004年四月就進錄音室與搖滾界炙手可熱的製作高手Josh Abraham(Limp Bizkit、Staind 、Courtney Love),齊力商討第二張新作『A Beautiful Lie』的方向。仍然延續前作的高度實驗試探性,入選首波主打的開場曲"Attack",在陣陣急促吉他聲線牽引出怒式金屬力道,Jared令人驚艷的撕裂咆嘯式的犀利嗓音,絕對刮目相看他們再度出發的激賞表現;有著Space Rock迷離音場交錯譜入的同名單曲" A Beautiful Lie",陷入情緒營造的奇幻聲感當中;如同Tool及Deftones的樂曲演出架構堆疊之"The Fantasy" ,帶領樂迷體驗30 Seconds To Mars最為奇幻多元的音樂藍圖;"From Yesterday"完全崩裂的演唱方式,再次為Jared的表現鼓掌叫好;空心吉他的來回播奏,並加入弦樂潤飾,末曲" A Modern Myth"獻上耐聽度滿分的動人抒情小品,聽畢後,別急著按Stop,在12分25秒後,會出現延續A Modern Myth的神秘隱藏曲。
Was It A Dream?
30 Seconds To Mars
A Beautiful Lie
If this is where I\'ll hide
It was built deep inside
Yeah I\'m a selfish bastard
But at least I\'m not alone
My intentions never change
What I want still stays the same
And I know what I should do
Is understand myself
Was it a dream?
Was it a dream?
Is this the only evidence that proves
A photograph of you and I
Your reflection I\'ve erased
Like a thousand guns I asked today
Believe me when I say goodbye forever
Is for good
Was it a dream?
Was it a dream?
Is this the only evidence that proves
A photograph of you and I
Was it a dream?
Was it a dream?
Is this the only evidence that proves
A photograph of you and I
(A photograph of you and I)
Was it a dream?
Was it a dream?
Is this the only evidence that proves
A photograph of you and I
A photograph of you and I
A photograph of you and I