

“VIDEOCAM錯覺免費”是第一視頻攝像頭,讓你錄製視頻實時效果。 結合過濾器,效果和口罩,以創造出驚人的視頻編輯軟體沒有。 當你錄製,原創電影,你甚至可以保存您最喜愛的組合效果和變化。 - 升級到完整版,並得到了以下功能: 17過濾器:單聲道,消極的,棕褐色,淺綠色,老照片,鉛筆,粉筆,浮雕,LOMO,熱,漫畫,X-射線,石油,黑色和白色,紅色通道,綠色通道和藍色通道。 12種效果:瘦,胖的,高的,矮的,水平/垂直鏡像,像素化,魚眼,馬賽克,光隧道,捏,捻。 8口罩:框架,希望海報,花園標誌,顯示器,磚,軟木板上,選單板及負。 無廣告。 無水印。 3存儲器用於存儲您最喜愛的連擊。 更改的效果,同時錄音。 視頻直接存儲在“相機膠捲”下的“照片”。 附加功能的iPhone 4: - 使用前置攝像頭(的iPod touch4G)。 - 打開在閃光燈照亮現場。 需要iOS4.1或更高版本。 "Videocam illusion FREE" is the first video camera that lets you record videos with effects in real-time. Combine filters, effects and masks to create amazing videos without an editing software. You can even save your favorite combinations of effects and change while you're recording, creating original movies. - Upgrade to the FULL version and get the following features: 17 filters: mono, negative, sepia, aqua, old photo, pencil, chalk, emboss, lomo, thermal, comic, x-ray, oil, black & white, red channel, green channel & blue channel. 12 effects: thin, fat, tall, short, horizontal/vertical mirror, pixelization, fisheye, mosaic, light tunnel, pinch & twirl. 8 masks: frame, wanted poster, garden sign, monitor, bricks, cork board, menu board & negative. Ad-free. No watermark. 3 memories for storing your favorite combos. Change the effects while recording. Store the videos directly on "Camera Roll" under "Photos". Additional features for iPhone 4: - Use the front camera (also iPod touch 4G). - Turn on the flash to illuminate better the scene. Requires iOS 4.1 or later.




