
Sleepthief是由Justin Elswick製作的,這張專輯更是他的第一張作品。


很難想像其製作人兼編曲Sleepthief(本名Justin Elswick)的正職是個律師,而這張專輯更是他的第一張作品。這張發行於今年6月的《The Dawnseeker 尋找黎明》絕對是本年度(2006)極致精彩的New Age天籟女聲專輯之一。毫無疑問,這對Sleepthief來說是一個完美的開始,他在整張專輯中體現出來的對音樂的理解和操控能力甚至超過很多專業的音樂人。


從演唱陣容來看,所有擔綱的女歌手都是New Age類的常客,堪稱豪華陣容:Kirsty Hawkshaw經常與B.T.、DJ Tiesto、Delerium、Pole Folder等世界著名DJ合作並為其主唱、被譽為Trance界的最美女聲;Caroline Lavelle經常Radiohead、Loreena McKennitt、Massive Attack、B.T.等這些歐美大牌合作演出;Harland在Ferry Corsten、Delerium、Human II Human等的音樂中能聽到她的聲音;Kristy Thirsk參與了Delerium、Rose Chronicles等的音樂專輯製作;Jody Quine是Balligomingo樂隊主唱……
《The Dawnseeker 尋找黎明》花了Sleepthief兩年時間創作並製作完成。各大音樂網站均打出的5星滿分證明他的努力沒有白費,堪稱大氣、唯美、雄壯的完美之作。
Sleepthief's "the Dawnseeker" slips into your world like a faraway dream and then it takes over your every waking hour as you find yourself lost in its endless intoxicating dream. At times mythological (Eurydice) and at other times modern (The Metro). The songs can at times sink deeply into an almost gothic romantic contemplation (Kiss to Savor).
"You Did a Good Thing" has an uplifting hopeful quality, while Kristy Thirsk's crystalline vocals are truly angelic and stunning within the celestial textures of "Sublunar." The silky sensual mood remains consistent throughout making this a perfect album to listen to while reading, say a novel. I loved listening to this while reading Broken Paradise.
If you love Lunascape, Balligomingo (Beneath the Surface), zero 7 or Delerium or Kirsty Hawkshaw - Meta Message (she appears on The Chauffeur) you may find this intoxicating. If you love electronica, you may also want to take a romantic journey with "The Attraction" by Evening Ocean.
"Just say that you love me
Alone and silent face to face
just say that you need me
Those words that swallow this empty space"
~Just Say It featuring Kyoko Baertsoen (Lunascape)
Sleepthief's "the Dawnseeker" slips into your world like a faraway dream and then it takes over your every waking hour as you find yourself lost in its endless intoxicating dream. At times mythological (Eurydice) and at other times modern (The Metro). The songs can at times sink deeply into an almost gothic romantic contemplation (Kiss to Savor).
"You Did a Good Thing" has an uplifting hopeful quality, while Kristy Thirsk's crystalline vocals are truly angelic and stunning within the celestial textures of "Sublunar." The silky sensual mood remains consistent throughout making this a perfect album to listen to while reading, say a novel. I loved listening to this while reading Broken Paradise.
If you love Lunascape, Balligomingo (Beneath the Surface), Zero 7 or Delerium or Kirsty Hawkshaw - Meta Message (she appears on The Chauffeur) you may find this intoxicating. If you love electronica, you may also want to take a romantic journey with "The Attraction" by Evening Ocean.
"Just say that you love me
Alone and silent face to face
just say that you need me
Those words that swallow this empty space"
~Just Say It featuring Kyoko Baertsoen (Lunascape)
The Dawnseeker專輯曲目:
01. Eurydice (feat. Jody Quine)
02. Desire Of Ages (feat. Harland)
03. You Did A Good Thing (feat. Nicola Hitchcock)
04. Just Say It (feat. Kyoko Baertsoen)
05. The Chauffeur (feat. Kirsty Hawkshaw)
06. Tenuous (feat. Jody Quine)
07. Sublunar (Sweet Angel) (feat. Kristy Thirsk)
08. Nightjar (feat. Caroline Lavelle)
09. Fire From Heaven (feat. Roberta Carter Harrison)
10. The Metro (feat. Jerri Eckert)
11. Kiss To Savor (feat. Jody Quine)
12. Afterthoughts (feat. Lauren Edman)
13. Entre Ciel Et Mer (feat. San.Drine)< a> href=/view/66851.htm>官方網站



