Deluxe Edition

Deluxe Edition

《Deluxe Edition》是Blind Faith演唱的一首歌曲。


簡介:這是1969年,Eirc Clapton聯合了Baker,貝司手Rick Grech和Traffic樂隊的Steve Winwood,組成的Blind Faith樂隊.被稱為第一支搖滾樂的"超級樂隊"。如果你是Eirc Clapton的忠實fans,你該對Eirc Clapton做全面的了解.什麼都不用說,下載吧!



Short-lived classic-rock supergroup Blind Faith's sole album (1969) has aged remarkably well. Blind Faith fused the psychedelic blues of Eric Clapton and the soulful vocals and keyboards of Steve Winwood with the polyrhythmic, Afrocentric leanings of drummer Ginger Baker. "Can't Find My Way Home" is easily one of the hippie era's most lyrically poignant, sonically subtle tunes. The record has a lot of surprises; "Presence of the Lord" is rousing and melancholy at the same time, while the way the bass and guitar double-team on the introductory melodic line to "Had to Cry Today" makes a hard-rock cliché fresh again. The 10-minute drum solo on "Do What You Like" is pretty good as 10-minute drum solos go; Blind Faith is not a purchase for the jam-shy, especially in its present, bloated form, which adds almost an hour and a half of unreleased jams and mixes. And while surely there are levitational moments within the five 12-to-16-minute improv sections included here, the excess (and lack of great material; remember that this band was only together a few months) grows tiresome. One notable exception is the "Change of Address Jam," excerpts from which were pressed up as a record label change-of-address announcement back in the day. It's got a pleasant, near-swinging, Graham Bond/Booker T on Quaaludes vibe, with Winwood's keyboards rollicking nicely in a manner recalling his work on Electric Ladyland. The rest of disc two is for wank aficionados and completists only.


《Blind Faith: Deluxe Edition》向我們展示了兩項搖滾的傳統。第一,出專輯的是一支超級樂隊,全明星樂隊,它的成員全都來自已經蜚聲樂壇的樂隊,--他們是Cream的吉他手Eric Clapton和鼓手Ginger Baker,還有歌手/鍵盤手/吉他手Steve Winwood(Traffic)。這支樂隊出現在1969年的夏天,和Crosby, Stills & Nash正是一個時候,雖然當時後者的宣傳要比前者小得多,卻在最終取得了更大的成功。第二項傳統:在華麗的新瓶里裝的是舊酒-重新發行了Blind Faith最初的六首歌專輯,再加上4首額外奉送,就成了一張長達73分鐘的新專輯,也沒少了從最初美國版唱片上扒下來的那張有爭議的照片(一個穿袒胸衣的未發育女孩)。

即使這么多年過去了,有些看法還是無法改變。Blind Faith在這個地球上存在了僅僅6個月-他們在一次構想拙劣的巡演後解散,他們的唱片也正和這支樂隊的全程一樣糟糕。Blind Faith是一支草率成立的樂隊,無論是與Cream還是Traffic相比,它都顯得如此蒼白。Windwood是所有歌曲的主唱(這在情理之中),而Clapton這把主音吉他卻似乎在有意迴避那時已讓他成名的激進風格。當時的Clapton剛把Gibson換成了Fender,“Sunshine of Your Love(你的愛情陽光)”里含糊不清的女性音色換成了高聲尖叫,這在後來進化成了“Layla”,但在Blind Faith這個時期,轉折點上的Clapton用Fender弄出的聲音卻是滑稽可笑。另外,Baker和Rick Grech控制下的節奏實在令人不敢恭維。

就這樣一支樂隊,他們的聲音在當時就已經過時,更別提現在。不過,這其中還是有一支不朽的歌曲:原聲民謠“Can’t Find My Way Home(找不到我回家的路)”,那裡有Winwood的沉思。這首歌曲在新發行專輯中作為額外奉送的電聲版再一次證明了沒被選做發行的總是比選上的要差。Clapton的“Presence of the Lord(上帝的存在)”有著整張唱片裡最低沉的吉他solo。最有獨創性的groove是基於爵士化的“Do What You Like(做你喜歡的事)”,這個15分長的jam為這張專輯做了不小的貢獻。

唱片裡出現的新東西是一支最初沒有收錄的歌曲“Sleeping in the Ground(在地上睡覺)”的兩個版本(慢布魯斯版和快節奏版),和一個“原聲Jam”-從中可以看到Winwood試圖在和音上做些變化,在後來這些變化被他帶到重組後Traffic的那首“The Low Spark of High Heeled Boy”。類似的,“Time Winds(時間上發條)”中的東西在Traffic的“Empty Pages(空空的頁面)”里也可以看到試圖在和音上做些改變,在後來這些變化被他帶到重組後Traffic的那首“The Low Spark of High Heeled Boy”。類似的,“Time Winds(時間上發條)”中的東西在Traffic的“Empty Pages(空空的頁面)”里也可以看到。在另外的四個jam里,他們這四個人就像在進行傻子狂歡節,把Bob Diddley和John Lee Hooker常用的那幾個和弦翻來覆去的折騰,沒完沒了。如果不想在聽唱片的時候打瞌睡,你就得來杯濃濃的咖啡,或者乾脆拿起樣樂器加入這支短命的隊伍。



Disc: 1

1. Had to Cry Today

2. Can't Find My Way Home

3. Well All Right

4. Presence of the Lord

5. Sea of Joy

6. Do What You Like

7. Sleeping in the Ground

8. Can't Find My Way Home [Electric Version]

9. Acoustic Jam

10. Time Winds


Disc: 2

1. Jam No. 1: "Very Long & Good Jam"

2. Jam No. 2: "Slow Jam #1"

3. Jam No. 3: " Change of Address"

4. Jam No. 4: "Slow Jam #2"



