時間 | 作品名稱 | 收藏機構 |
2013.09 | 《佛本無形》 | 法國「BAPC」 |
1997.09 | 《東方欲曉》 | 中國美術館 |
1996.08 | 《凱瑟林.霍爾》 | 紐西蘭.奧克蘭大教堂收藏 |
時間 | 作品、展覽名稱等 | 舉辦地 |
1997.07 | 《東方欲曉》石雕(與線天長合作)中國藝術大展 | 中國美術館 |
2002.12 | 《魚》素描中央美術學院優秀作品展 | 中央美術學院 |
2003.08 | 《藍色空間》綜合材料“藍色空間”國際雕塑邀請展 | 北京 |
2013.9 | 《天馬行空》等收穫的季節-秋實作品聯展 | 北京 |
2014.3 | 《無畏無韁》中國馬文化藝術交流展 | 北京中華世紀壇 |
2014.3 | 《V時代青年當代藝術展》 | 北京樹美術館 |
2014.8 | 《石語》 | 北京 |
2014.8 | 《無法言說》 | 北京89號藝術空間 |
2014.8 | 《第一屆後真實主義作品展》 | 中央美術學院燕郊美術館 |
2014.8 | 《火花》磁州美術館開幕展 | 邯鄲 |
2014.9 | 《本汐之日》藝術聯展 | 北京 |
2014.9 | 《藝術科技--龐少賢雕塑》 | 國服信奧迪店 |
2014.9 | 《立夏》威尼斯雙年展回顧展 | 北京 |
2014.9 | 《2014中國藝博會開幕展》 | 北京 |
2014.10 | 《禪逸》龐少賢雕塑特展 | 北京 |
2014.10 | 《美麗新世界》藝術聯展 | 北京 |

Pang Shaoxian
Contemporary sculptorLives and works in Beijing
2013.09 "Buddha of the invisible" French "BAPC"
1997.09 "East Fangyu Xiao" China Art Gallery
1996.08 "Catherine Hall as" New Zealand Auckland Cathedral Collection
The exhibition
1997.07 "dawn" stone (and long cooperation) Chinese Art Exhibition National Art Museum of China
2002.12 "the fish" excellent works exhibition of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, China Central Academy of Fine Arts.
2003.08 "blue space" synthetic material "blue space" International Sculpture Exhibition in Beijing
2013.9 "imagination" as the harvest season - autumn exhibition of Beijing
2014.3 "without rein" Chinese horse culture and art exchange exhibition Beijing China century altar
2014.3 "V times of young contemporary art exhibition" Beijing tree Museum
2014.8 "Stone Language" Beijing tree Museum
2014.8 "unspeakable" Beijing 89 art space
2014.8 "first post realism works exhibition" in Yanjiao Art Museum of China Central Academy of Fine Arts
2014.8 "spark" magnetic state art gallery opening exhibition of Handan
2014.9 "the Xi day art exhibition" in Beijing
2014.9 "art and technology -- Pang Shaoxian sculpture" guofuxin Audi shop
2014.9 "summer" Venice Biennale retrospective exhibition in Beijing
2014.10 "Zen" Pang Yi Shaoxian sculpture exhibition in Beijing
2014.10 "beautiful new world" art exhibition in Beijing
2014.9 "2014 Chinese Art Fair opening exhibition" in Beijing