形態描述: 多年生草本,高40-120厘米。莖粗壯,下部直徑約1.2厘米,有溝紋,無毛。葉互生,基生葉有擴大而抱莖長達60厘米的柄;葉片腎形;基部深心形或近戟形,頂端圓形,寬過於長,有時達30餘厘米,邊緣有細齒,兩側有不規則深裂齒,近無毛,有掌狀脈;莖下部葉有基部擴大而抱莖的長柄,葉片寬15-30厘米;上部葉小,有抱莖的短柄。頭狀花序排列成傘房狀;梗長,被短密毛;總苞寬鍾狀,長1.5-2厘米;總苞片1層,8個或較多,矩圓形,短尖,被短密毛;舌狀花1層,舌片長約3-4厘米,黃色;筒狀花多數。瘦果圓柱形,長7-9毫米;冠毛紅褐色。 分布於山西、陝西、甘肅、四川、湖北、湖南、貴州;日本也有。生山間草地或林緣。
序號 | 標題 | 卷冊 | 作者 | 年份 | 頁碼 |
1 | 浙江植物志,v6 | ​ | ​ | ​ | 300 |
2 | 安徽植物志,v4 | ​ | ​ | ​ | 589 |
3 | 貴州植物志,v9 | ​ | ​ | ​ | 276 |
4 | 河北植物志,v3 | ​ | ​ | ​ | 144 |
5 | 河南植物志,v3 | ​ | ​ | ​ | 668 |
6 | 秦嶺植物志,v1(5) | ​ | ​ | ​ | 316 |
7 | 中國植物志,v77(2) | ​ | ​ | ​ | 13 |
8 | Contributions from the United States National Herbarium | v.45 | ​ | 2003 | 165 |
9 | Contributions from the United States National Herbarium | v.45 | ​ | 2003 | 546 |
10 | Contributions from the United States National Herbarium | v.45 | ​ | 2003 | 576 |
11 | Compositae newsletter. | no.41 2004 | ​ | 1975- | 33 |
12 | Compositae newsletter. | no.41 2004 | ​ | 1975- | 48 |
13 | Annals of the Missouri botanical Garden | v.92 (2005) | ​ | 2005 | 289 |
14 | Flora of Japan : in English : combined, much revised and extended translation / by the author of his Flora of Japan (1953) and Flora of Japan, Pteridophyta (1957) ; edited by Frederick G. Meyer and Egbert H. Walker. | ​ | ​ | ​ | 879 |
15 | Flora of Japan : in English : combined, much revised and extended translation / by the author of his Flora of Japan (1953) and Flora of Japan, Pteridophyta (1957) ; edited by Frederick G. Meyer and Egbert H. Walker. | ​ | ​ | ​ | 881 |