

黃清華,北京大學教授,傑青,長江學者,1990年獲中國科學技術大學學士,1993年獲中國地震局地震研究所碩士,1999年獲日本大阪大學博士。 兼任IUGG-EMSEV執委,JGR副主編、教育部地球物理教學指導委員會副主任、國務院學位委員會學科評議組成員,獲中國地球物理科學技術獎科技創新一等獎、“全國優秀科技工作者”榮譽稱號,任第8屆統計地震學國際研討會組委會主席、第6屆環太平洋大學聯盟災害研討會組委會主席。 主要從事地球電磁學與地震物理學研究。迄今已發表SCI論文60餘篇,被SCI引用1000餘次。







•1999年4月-2002年2月,日本物理化學研究所(RIKEN)做博士後/研究員(Research Scientist)



















《JGR-Solid Earth》,Associate Editor

《EPP》,Associate Editor


IUGG-EMSEV(地震與火山電磁研究)工作組,Bureau member


1. Zhang HQ, Huang QH, Zhao GZ, Guo Z, Chen YJ, 2016. Three-dimensional conductivity model of crust and uppermost mantle at the northern Trans North China Orogen: Evidence for a mantle source of Datong volcanoes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 453, 182-192, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.08.025.

2. Ren HX, Huang QH, Chen XF, 2016. Numerical simulation of seismo-electromagnetic fields associated with a fault in a porous medium. Geophysical Journal International, 206: 205-220, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggw144.

3. Huang QH, 2015. Forecasting the epicenter of a future major earthquake. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 112(4): 944-945, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1423684112.

4. Huang QH, Ren HX, Zhang D, Chen YJ, 2015. Medium effect on the characteristics of the coupled seismic and electromagnetic signals. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 91(1): 17-24, doi: 10.2183/pjab.91.17.

5. Xu GJ, Han P, Huang QH, Hattori K, Febriani F, Yamaguchi H, 2013. Anomalous behaviors of geomagnetic diurnal variations prior to the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake (Mw9.0). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 77: 59-65, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2013.08.011.

6. Ren HX, Chen XF, Huang QH, 2012. Numerical simulation of co-seismic electromagnetic fields associated with seismic waves due to finite faulting in porous media. Geophysical Journal International, 188(3): 925-944, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05309.x.

7. Huang QH, 2011. Retrospective investigation of geophysical data possibly associated with the Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 41(4-5): 421-427, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2010.05.014.

8. Huang QH, Li ZH, Wang YB, 2010. A parallel 3-D staggered grid pseudospectral time domain method for ground-penetrating radar wave simulation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115(B12),B12101, doi:10.1029/2010JB007711.

9. Huang Q., 2008. Seismicity changes prior to the Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan, China. Geophysical Research Letters, 35(23), L23308, doi:10.1029/2008GL036270.

10. Huang Q., 2006. Search for reliable precursors: A case study of the seismic quiescence of the 2000 western Tottori prefecture earthquake. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111(B4), B04301, doi:10.1029/2005JB003982.

