

出版社: 同濟大學出版社; 第1版 (2007年11月1日)
叢書名: 高等學校美國文學系列教材
平裝: 275頁
正文語種: 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787560836171, 7560836178
條形碼: 9787560836171
尺寸: 22.6 x 16.6 x 1.2 cm
重量: 422 g




A Letter to Students
Chapter 1 Romanticism and the Beginning(1789-1850)
Part 1 Introduction
Part 2 Plot
Part 3 Anonymous——The Child of Snow
Part 4 Washington Irving——Rip Van winkle
Part 5 Nathaniel Hawthorne——Young Goodman Brown
Chapter 2 Changing Currents and Maturing Forms(1850-1900)
Part 1 Introduction
Part 2 Setting
Part 3 Kate O'Flaherty Chopin——The Story of an Hour
Part 4 Samuel Langhorne Clemens——Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
Part 5 Stephen Crane——The Open Boat
Chapter 3 Maturation and Renewal(1900-1935)
Part 1 Introduction
Part 2 Character
Part 3 Ernest Hemingway——A Day's Wait
Part 4 William Faulkner A Rose for Emily
Part 5 F. Scott Fitzgerald——The Bridal Party
Chapter 4 Tradition and Experimentation(1935-1975)
Part 1 Introduction
Part 2 Theme
Part 3 John Steinbeck——Breakfast
Part 4 Bernard Malamud——The Magic Barrel
Chapter 5 Contemporary flowering(1975- )
Part 1 Introduction
Part 2 Point of View and Mood
Part 3 John Updike——Son
Part 4 Tim O'Brien——Ambush
Chapter 6 Total Effect
Part 1 Faulkner——Bear
Part 2 Sherwood Anderson——Death in the Woods
Appendix——Glossary of Literary Terms


