艾黛妮是英王艾德華三世的被監護人,在國王的命令下嫁給她的敵人。但她誓言絕不屈服!然而,一旦被麥亞力擁入懷中,黛妮發現自己的心正在淪陷,激情迸發得不可收拾…… 麥亞力無法信任自己的妻子,但他卻克制不了她所引發的熱情。他決心要她臣服於自己的意志下,在愛的戰場上成為最終的勝利者……作者介紹
雪儂?朵蕾Shannon Drake 即 蕙瑟?葛理翰(Heather Graham )(born March 15, 1953 in Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA) is a best-selling US writer, who writes primarily romance novels. She also writes under her maiden name Heather Graham as well as the pen name Shannon Drake. She has written over 150 novels and novellas, has been published in approximately twenty-five languages, and has had over seventy-five million books in print.