

浙江大學醫學部公共衛生學院副教授 浙江大學求是青年學者 美國南卡羅萊納大學公共衛生學院博士 研究方向:營養學、肥胖與人體組成、慢性病預防、流行病學等。 研究內容:1. 肥胖的危險因素,預防,危害。2. 心腦血管疾病、糖尿病、骨質疏鬆的危險因素及預防措施。3. 社會環境、食品環境及食品安全的健康影響。4.空間流行病學:地理信息系統GIS在流行病學中的套用。5. 交通安全車禍外傷的危險因素和預防。 發表多項肥胖相關科研成果,食品環境研究得到美國農業部重視。首次闡明食品環境與出生指標關係。證實肥胖與車禍受傷關係,首次提出兒童安全座椅對車禍外傷的潛在風險,引發美國媒體關注。截止到2013年,共發表英文科學論文20篇,其中SCI或SSCI論文17篇,以第一作者在相關領域知名雜誌發表SCI或SSCI論文8篇,總影響因子63.36。







現任職務:浙江大學公共衛生學院慢性病研究所 辦公室主任

浙江大學公共衛生學院人力資源委員會 秘書

浙江大學公共衛生學院教授委員會 秘書


· 心腦血管疾病、糖尿病、骨質疏鬆等慢性非傳染疾病的發病機制、危險因素以及預防

· 食品環境、食品可及性、食品保障等營養和空間流行病學研究

· 肥胖與人體組成研究

· 交通事故傷害等傷害流行病學研究


2000.8 - 2005.6,北京大學,預防醫學學士

2005.9 - 2007.8,香港大學,公共衛生碩士

2010.8 - 2013.8,美國南卡大學,流行病學博士


2007.10 - 2010.8,美國威斯康星醫學院傷害研究中心,博士後

2013.8 -至今,美國南卡大學營養中心,博士後

2014.1 -至今,浙江大學公共衛生學院,副教授



浙江省預防醫學會公共衛生教育委員會 秘書長

浙江省預防醫學會流行病學青年委員會 委員

浙江省預防醫學會臨床流行病學與循證醫學青年委員會 委員

體力中國-中國研究院 兼職研究人員

美國Delta Omega 公共衛生組織 榮譽會員

美國金鑰匙學術榮譽協會 會員

國際行為營養與身體活動協會 會員

美國肥胖協會 會員

國際生活質量研究協會 會員


公共衛生健康教育促進雜誌(Frontiers in Public Health Education and Promotion Journal)


美國預防醫學雜誌(American Journal of Preventive Medicine)

美國公共衛生雜誌(American Journal of Public Health)

國際肥胖雜誌(International Journal of Obesity)


健康與環境(Health & Place)

歐洲臨床營養雜誌(European Journal of Clinical Nutrition)

婦幼健康雜誌(Maternal Child Health Journal)

美國急診協會雜誌(Academic Emergency Medicine)

生活質量研究雜誌(Quality of Life Research)

食品保障環境營養雜誌(Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition)

營養教育行為雜誌(Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior)

英國醫學雜誌公開獲取版(British Medical Journal-Open)

公共衛生營養(Public Health Nutrition)

實習 :

2012年8月 – 2013年5月 流行病學顧問 美國南卡州衛生局

2003年1月 – 2004年8月 臨床實習 北京玉淵潭醫院


美國Delta Omega 傑出公共衛生學者












一、 基金項目

1. 醫療資源可及性與急性心血管疾病事件。CMB美國中華醫學基金會。2015年1月-2017年12月。¥90萬。項目負責人(PI)。

2. 肥胖相關基因多態性與人體脂肪構建的相關性研究及基因-基因和基因-環境互動作用分析。自然科學基金青年項目。2015年1月-2017年12月。¥23萬。項目負責人(PI)。

3. 肥胖與脂肪分布相關SNP檢測。浙江大學基本科研業務費專項資金。2015年1月-2015年12月。¥8萬。項目負責人(PI)。

4. 中國食品環境初步調研。浙江大學基本科研業務費專項資金。2014年1月-2015年12月。¥10萬。項目負責人(PI)。

5. Positioning USC for National Prominence in Food Security and Food Access Research in the United States。南卡大學ASPIRE-II項目。2013年8月 – 2014年8月。¥60萬。主要參與者。

6. Obesity-related Variables and Motor Vehicle Injury。美國國立衛生研究所R01項目。2007年7月 – 2010年10月。¥700萬。主要參與者。

二、 國際期刊論文


Ma X,* Fleischer NL, Liu J, Hardin JW, Zhao G, Liese AD. (2015). Neighborhood deprivation and preterm birth: an application of propensity score matching. Annals of Epidemiology, 25(2): 120-125.

He W, Li Q, Yang M, Jiao J, Ma X, Zhou Y, Song A, Heymsfield S, Zhang S, Zhu S.* (2015). Lower BMI cutoffs to define overweight and obesity in China. Obesity, 23(3): 684-691.

Liese AD, Hibbert JD, Ma X, Bell BA, Battersby SE. (2014). Where Are the Food Deserts? An Evaluation of Policy-Relevant Measures of Community Food Access in South Carolina.Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition,9(1): 16-32.

Ma X,* Liu J, Smith M. (2014). WIC participation and breastfeeding in South Carolina: updates from PRAMS 2009-2010. MaternalandChild Health Journal, 18(5): 1271-1279.

Fu X, Zhu F, Zhao X, Ma X, Zhu S.* (2014) Central fat accumulation associated with metabolic risks beyond total fat in normal BMI Chinese adults. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 64(2):93-100.

Ye S, Song A, Yang M, Ma X, Fu X, Zhu S.* (2014). Duration of television viewing and bone mineral density in Chinese women. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, 32(3): 324-330.

Fu X, Song A, Zhou Y, Ma X, Jiao J, Yang M, Zhu S.* (2013). Association of regional body fat with metabolic risks in Chinese women. Public Health Nutrition, 1-9.

Ma X, Battersby SE, Bell BA, Hibbert JD, Barnes TL, Liese AD.* (2013). Variation in low food access areas due to data source inaccuracies. Applied Geography, 45: 131-137.

Ma X, Griffin R, McGwin G, Allison DB, Heymsfield SB, He W, Zhu S.* (2013). Effectiveness of Booster Seats Compared With No Restraint or Seat Belt Alone for Crash Injury Prevention. Academic Emergency Medicine, 20(9): 880-87.

Ma X, Zhu S.* (2013). Metabolic syndrome in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes - still a matter of debate? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 67: 518–521.

Ma X,* McGhee SM. (2013). A cross-sectional study on socioeconomic status and health-related quality of life among elderly Chinese. BMJ Open,3: e002418.

Liese AD,* Ma X, Maahs DM, Trilk JL. (2013). Physical activity, sedentary behaviors, physical fitness, and their relation to health outcomes in youth with type 1 and type 2 diabetes: A review of the epidemiologic literature. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2(1): 21-38.


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13. Ma X, Barnes TL, Freedman DA, Bell BA, Colabianchi N, Liese AD.* (2013). Test-retest reliability of a questionnaire measuring perceptions of neighborhood food environment. Health & Place, 21c: 65-69.

Kim JE, Kim IH, Shum PC, Shih AM, Pintar F, Shen W, Ma X, Laud PW, Heymsfield SB, Allison DB, Zhu S.* (2012). A computational study of injury severity and pattern sustained by overweight drivers in frontal motor vehicle crashes. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 1-13.

Ma X, Layde P, Zhu S.* (2012). Association between child restraint systems use and injury in motor vehicle crashes. Academic Emergency Medicine, 19(8): 916-23.

Lu H, Fu X, Ma X, Wu Z, He W, Wang Z, Allison DB, Heymsfield SB, Zhu S.* (2011). Relationships of percent body fat and percent trunk fat with bone mineral density among Chinese, black, and white subjects. Osteoporosis International, 22(12): 3029-35.

Fu X, Zhao X, Lu H, Fan J, Ma X, Zhu S.* (2011). Association between sleep duration and bone mineral density in Chinese women. Bone, 49(5): 1062-6.

He W, Zhu F, Ma X, Zhao X, Zheng M, Chen Z, Heymsfield SB, Zhu S.* (2011). Actinic skin damage and mortality - the first national health and nutrition examination survey epidemiologic follow-up study. Public Library of Science One, 6(5): 1-9, e19907.

Ma X, Laud PW, Pintar F, Kim JE, Shih A, Shen W, Heymsfield SB, Allison DB, Zhu S.* (2011). Obesity and non-fatal motor vehicle crash injuries: sex difference effects. International Journal of Obesity (Lond), 35(9): 1216-24.

Zhu S,* Ma X, Tang J. (2011). What is the optimal body mass index for Chinese people? Canadian Medical Association Journal, 183(6): 645-6.

Fu X, Ma X, Lu H, He W, Wang Z, Zhu S.* (2011). Associations of fat mass and fat distribution with bone mineral density in pre- and postmenopausal Chinese women. Osteoporosis International, 22(1): 113-119.

Zhu S,* Kim JE, Ma X, Shih A, Laud PW, Pintar F, Shen W, Heymsfield SB, Allison DB. (2010). BMI and risk of serious upper body injury following motor vehicle crashes: concordance of real-world and computer-simulated observations. Public Library of Science Medicine, 7(3): 1-13, e1000250.

Ma X, Ma Y, Zhu S.* (2009). Current situation of disaster medicine and its countermeasures in China. Chinese Journal of Emergency Medicine, 18: 1005-1008.

He W, Ma X, Gao S, Pan S, Ma Y, Zhu S.* (2009). Child safety seats: make children safe in crashes. Chinese Journal of Emergency Medicine, 18: 568-571.

Zhu S,* Ma X, Heng K. (2007). Is injury predictable and preventable? Chinese Journal of Emergency Medicine, 16: 1013-1016.

Ma X, Zhang T,* Chen Y, Hu H. (2006). Availability and reliability of indicators for evaluating rural medical institutions. Chinese Rural Health Service Administration, 26: 14-15.

Zhang T,* Chen Y, Ma X, Hu H. (2006). Basic framework of indicators of a national re-check on the progress of national PHC guideline (2001-2010). Chinese Rural Health Service Administration, 26: 11-14.


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三、 書籍

X Ma, W He, S Zhu. (2013). Fat and Fat Distribution in Menopause: Chinese Aspects. In Nutrition and Diet in Menopause (pp. 271-279). Humana Press.

四、 會議摘要

Ma X, Jones S, Liese AD. (2015). Neighborhood food access and food security status among households with children. International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2015. June 2015, Edinburgh, Scotland. (口頭)

Ma X, Jones S, Liese AD. (2014). Neighborhood food access and food security status among households with children. 4 Nutrition Center Symposium. March 2014, Columbia, SC, USA. (口頭)

Fleischer NL, Hammond R, Ma X, Jones S, Frongillo E, Gundersen C, Hirschman J, Coleman-Jensen A, Mehta N, Liese AD. (2014). Building a systems map of childhood food security: A qualitative map to inform quantitative modeling. 4 Nutrition Center Symposium. March 2014, Columbia, SC, USA. (口頭)

Fleischer NL, Hammond R, Ma X, Jones S, Frongillo E, Gundersen C, Hirschman J, Coleman-Jensen A, Mehta N, Liese AD. (2014). Building a systems map of childhood food security: A qualitative map to inform quantitative modeling. Conference on Complex Systems, Health Disparities, and Population Health: Building Bridges. February 2014, Bethesda, MD, USA. (海報)

Ma X, Fletcher NL, Liu J, Zhao G, Hardin JW, Liese AD. (2013). Neighborhood Deprivation and Adverse Birth Outcomes in South Carolina. 3 Nutrition Center Symposium. March 2013, Columbia, SC, USA. (海報)

Ma X, Liu J, Smith M. (2012). WIC participation and breastfeeding in South Carolina. Carolina Women’s Health Research Forum 2012. October 2012, Columbia, SC, USA. (海報)

Ma X, Barnes TL, Freedman DA, Bell BA, Liese AD. (2012). Test-retest reliability of a questionnaire measuring perceptions of neighborhood food environment. 8 International Conference on Diet and Activity Methods. May 2012, Rome, Italy. (海報)

Ma X, Barnes TL, Freedman DA, Bell BA, Liese AD. (2012). Test-retest reliability of a questionnaire measuring perceptions of neighborhood food environment. International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2012. May 2012, Austin, Texas, USA. (海報)

Liese AD, Hibbert JD, Ma X, Bell BA, Battersby SE. (2012). Where are the food deserts? An evaluation of policy-relevant measures of community food access in South Carolina. International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2012. May 2012, Austin, Texas, USA. (口頭)

Bell BA, Ma X, Hibbert JD, Battersby SE, Liese AD. (2012). Are food deserts really food swamps? An evaluation of the foodscape in an eight-county area. International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2012. May 2012, Austin, Texas, USA. (口頭)

Ma X, Laud PW, Pintar F, Kim JE, Shih A, Shen W, Heymsfield SB, Allison DB, Zhu S. (2009). Obesity and non-fatal injury in motor vehicle crashes. 27 Annual Scientific Meeting, the Obesity Society. September 2009, Washington DC, USA. (海報)

Fu X, Ma X, Lu H, He W, Wang Z, Zhu S. (2009). The effect of fat mass and fat mass distribution on bone mineral density in pre- and post-menopausal women. 27 Annual Scientific Meeting, the Obesity Society. September 2009, Washington DC, USA. (海報)

He W, Ma X, Lu H, Fu X, Gao S, Wang Z, Zhu S. (2009). Waist circumference cutoffs for identifying metabolic risk factors in Chinese adults. 27 Annual Scientific Meeting, the Obesity Society. September 2009, Washington DC, USA. (海報)

Lu H, Ma X, Fu X, He W, Wang Z, Allison DB, Heymsfield SB, Zhu S. (2009). Trunk fat and metabolic risk factors: influence of ethnicity. 27 Annual Scientific Meeting, the Obesity Society. September 2009, Washington DC, USA. (海報)

Zhu S, Ma X, Shen W, McGinley E, Laud PW. (2008). Does body composition play a role in motor vehicle injury? 8 International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies. May 2008, New York, NY, USA. (口頭)

Ma X, McGhee SM. (2007). Association between SES and QOL among aging people in Hong Kong. Festival of International Conferences on Caregiving, Disability, Aging and Technology. June 2007, Toronto, Canada. (海報)

Ma X, McGhee SM. (2006). The association between socioeconomic status and quality of life among older people in Hong Kong. 11 Research Postgraduate Symposium. December 2006, Hong Kong. (海報)


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