

雷旭:博士,西南大學心理學部教授,博士生導師,劍橋大學訪問學者,西南大學睡眠神經影像中心主任,認知與人格教育部重點實驗室副主任。具有數學(本科)、生物醫學工程(碩博連讀)交叉學科背景,主要研究領域為認知神經科學,研究興趣包括:睡眠與多模態神經成像,睡眠障礙神經影像,EEG-fMRI同步採集/融合技術等。目前主持多項國家自然科學基金、863計畫課題、省部級社科基金項目。已在國際期刊發表論文50餘篇,其中40餘篇被SCI檢索,成果多次登上NeuroImage,Human Brain Mapping等雜誌的封面。獲得國家發明專利,國家軟體註冊登記各一項。據Google Scholar統計,截至2016年6月H-index為16.


2016.6—現在:教授(破格)西南大學心理學部 西南大學睡眠神經影像中心主任 認知與人格教育部重點實驗室副主任。

2013.7—2016.6:副教授西南大學心理學部 碩士生導師。



2014.9—2015.9:訪問學者劍橋大學認知與腦科學所(Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit)。


2001.9—2005.6:理學學士(信息與計算科學),電子科技大學數學科學學院 。

雜誌審稿人:《Cereb Cortex》, 《NeuroImage》,《Human Brain Mapping》,《Cortex》,《International Journal of Psychophysiology》等20多個雜誌。


















2012-2014:主持中央高校基本科研業務費專項基金重點項目:基於多模態功能信號的腦網路研究(SWU1209319) 。



1. Xiaoxiao Xu, Hong Yuan,Xu Lei. Activation and Connectivity within the Default Mode Network Contribute Independently to Future-Oriented Thought. Scientific Reports. Feb 2016 6: 21001。

2. Tianliang Yang,Xu Lei, Michael Anderson. Decreased Inhibitory Control of Negative Information in Directed Forgetting. International Journal of Psychophysiology. Feb 2016 100: 44-51。

3. Jie Zhang, Wei Cheng, Zhaowen Liu, Kai Zhang,Xu Lei, Ye Yao, Benjamin Becker, Yicen Liu, Keith Kendrick, Guangming Lu, Jianfeng Feng. Neural, electrophysiological and anatomical basis of brain-network variability and its characteristic changes in mental disorders. Brain. 2016. In Press. DOI: 10.1093/brain/aww143。

4.雷旭,趙文瑞.睡眠影響記憶鞏固的同步EEG-fMRI研究.心理科學進展. Mar 2016 24(3): 327-334。

5.樊東瓊,李銳,雷旭,喻婧.阿爾茲海默症及輕度認知障礙靜息態大尺度腦網路功能連線的改變.心理科學進展.Feb 2016 24(2): 217-227。


1. Fei Xin,Xu Lei.Competition between frontoparietal control and default networks supports social working memory and empathy. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. Aug 2015 10(8): 1144-1152。

2.Xu Lei, Tianliang Yang, Taoyu Wu. Functional Neuroimaging of Extraversion-Introversion. Neuroscience Bulletin. Dec 2015 31(6): 663-675。

3. Ming Ye, Tianliang Yang, Peng Qing,Xu Lei, Jiang Qiu, Guangyuan Liu. Changes of Functional Brain Networks in Major Depressive Disorder: A Graph Theoretical Analysis of Resting-State fMRI. Plos One. Sep 2015 10(9): e0133775。

4. Yulin Wang, Huan Liu, Glenn Hitchman,Xu Lei. Module Number of Default Mode Network: Inter-Subject Variability and Effects of Sleep Deprivation. Brain Research. Jan 2015 1596: 69-78。

5.Xu Lei, Yulin Wang, Hong Yuan, Antao Chen.Brain Scale-free Properties in Awake Rest and NREM Sleep: A Simultaneous EEG/fMRI Study. Brain Topography. Mar 2015 28(2): 292-304。

6. Peiyang Li, Xurui Wang, Fali Li, Rui Zhang, Teng Ma, Yueheng Peng,Xu Lei, Yin Tian, Daqing Guo, Tiejun Liu, Dezhong Yao, Peng Xu. Autoregressive model in the Lp norm space for EEG analysis. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. Jan 2015 240: 170-178。

7.Xu Lei, Taoyu Wu, Pedro Valdes-Sosa. Incorporating priors for EEG source imaging and connectivity analysis. Frontiers in Neuroscience - Brain Imaging Methods. Aug 2015 9: 284。

8. Changquan Long, Xu Lei, Jie Chen, Yun Chang, Antao Chen, Hong Li. Event-related potential parameters of category and property violations during semantic category-based induction. International Journal of Psychophysiology. April 2015 96(3): 141-148。

9. Hong Yuan, Serik Tabarak, Jing Yu,Xu Lei. Transcranial direct current stimulation in patients with Alzheimer's disease: Challenges and responses. ADMET & DMPK. Sep 2015 3(3): 235-241。

10.徐曉曉,喻婧,辛斐,雷旭.想像未來的認知加工成分及其腦網路.心理科學進展. Mar 2015 23(3): 394-404。

11.楊天亮,辛斐,雷旭.人類大腦結構和功能的性別差異:來自腦成像研究的證據.心理科學進展. Mar 2015 23(4): 571-581。

12.貴文君,雷旭,袁宏,高東,喻婧.老化對睡眠依賴性記憶鞏固的影響.心理科學進展. Sep 2015 23(9): 1568-1578。

13.汪玉林,雷旭.基於Think/No-think範式的動機性遺忘研究:行為與腦機制.心理科學. Sep 2015 5: 1058-1066。


1. Huan Liu, Hong Li, Yulin Wang,Xu Lei. Enhanced Brain Small-worldness after Sleep Deprivation: A Compensatory Effect. Journal of Sleep Research. Mar 2014 23(5): 553-563. (SCI 2013IF: 3.043)。

2. Debo Dong,Xu Lei, Tod Jackson, Yulin Wang, Y Su, Hong Chen, 2014. Altered regional homogeneity and efficient response inhibition in restrained eaters. Neuroscience 266 116-126。

3. Xin Zhang,Xu Lei, Ting Wu, Tianzi Jiang. A review of EEG and MEG for brainnetome research. Cognitive Neurodynamics 8(1), 1-12。

4. Xi-Nian Zuo, Jeffrey S Anderson, […], Xu Lei, […], Michael P Milham. An open science resource for establishing reliability and reproducibility in functional connectomics. Scientific Data 1, 140049。

5.Xu Lei, Yulin Wang, Hong Yuan, Dante Mantini. Neuronal oscillations and functional interactions between resting state networks: effects of alcohol intoxication. Human Brain Mapping. In Press.DOI: 10.1002/hbm.22418.(SCI 2012IF: 6.878)。

6. Tingyong Feng, Pan Feng, Zhencai Chen,Xu Lei. Memory consolidation of fear conditioning: bistable amygdala connectivity with dorsal anterior cingulate and medial prefrontal cortex. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. Nov 2014 9(11): 1730-1737.(SCI 2012IF: 5.042)。

7. Zhenyu Wang,Peng Xu, Tiejun Liu, Yin Tian,Xu Lei, Dezhong Yao. Robust removal of ocular artifacts by combining Independent Component Analysis and system identification. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. Mar 2014 10: 250–259。

8.崔茜,雷旭,楊文靜,王一峰,張慶林.有無反饋對欺騙過程的神經機制的調控作用.中國科學:生命科學. Sep 2014 9:010。


1.Xu Lei, Zhiying Zhao, Hong Chen. Extraversion is Encoded by Scale-free Dynamics of Default Mode Network. NeuroImage. Jul 2013 74: 52–57. (封面文章) (SCI 2012IF: 6.252)。

2. Zhencai Chen,Xu Lei(共同第一作者), Cody Ding, Hong Li, Antao Chen. The neural mechanisms of semantic and response conflicts: An fMRI study of practice-related effects in the Stroop task. NeuroImage. Feb 2013 66: 577–584.(SCI 2012IF: 6.252)。

3.雷旭,劉歡,李紅.睡眠的同步EEG-fMRI研究述評.心理科學進展. Mar 2013 21(3):448-457。


1.Xu Lei, P. Valdes Sosa, D. Yao, EEG/fMRI fusion based on independent component analysis: integration of data-driven and model-driven methods. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience. Sep 2012 11(3):313-337.(SCI)。

2.Xu Lei, Jiehui Hu, dezhong Yao. Incorporating fMRI functional networks in EEG source imaging: A Bayesian model comparison approach. Brain Topogr. Jan 2012 25(1): 27-38. (SCI: 876EU 2011IF: 3.288)。

3. Li Dong, Yuan Shen,Xu Lei, Cheng LUO, Qing-wei Li, Wen-yuan Wu, Dezhong Yao, Chun-bo LI. The heterogeneity of aging brain: altered functional connectivity in default mode network in older adults during verbal fluency tests. Chinese Medical Journal. 2012 125(4):604-610.(SCI: 910XK)。

4. Cheng Luo, Qifu Li, Yang Xia,Xu Lei, Kaiqing Xue, et al. Resting state Basal Ganglia Network in idiopathic generalized epilepsy. Human Brain Mapping. 2012. 33:1279-1294. (SCI 2010IF: 6.256)。

5. Cheng Luo, Chuan Qiu, Zhiwei Guo, Jiajia Fang, Qifu Li,Xu Lei, Yang Xia, Yongxiu Lai, Qiyong Gong, Dong Zhou, Dezhong Yao. Disrupted Functional Brain Connectivity in Partial Epilepsy: A Resting-State fMRI Study. Plos One 2012 7(1), e28196。


(1)Xu Lei, Dirk Ostwald, Jiehui Hu, Chuan Qiu, Camillo Porcaro, Andrew P. Bagshaw, Dezhong Yao. Multimodal Functional Network Connectivity: An EEG-fMRI Fusion in Network Space. Plos One 2011 6, e24642.(SCI IF: 4.351)。

(2)Xu Lei, Peng Xu, Cheng Luo, Jinping Zhao, Dong Zhou, Dezhong Yao. fMRI Functional Networks for EEG Source Imaging. Hum Brain Mapp. 2011 32(7):1141-1160. (封面文章) (SCI IF: 6.256)。

(3)Xu Lei, Jiehui Hu, dezhong Yao.Incorporating fMRI functional networks in EEG source imaging: A Bayesian model comparison approach. Brain Topogr. 2011. In Press. DOI: 10.1007/s10548-011-0187-9 (SCI IF: 2.080)。

(4)Xu Lei, Cheng Luo, Dezhong Yao.Imaging epileptic networks using spatial-temporal EEG-fMRI fusion. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism. 2011 13(4):249-254。

(5)Xu Lei, Chuan Qiu, Peng Xu, Dezhong Yao.A parallel framework for simultaneous EEG/fMRI analysis: Methodology and simulation. NeuroImage. Sep 2010 52(3): 1123-1134 (SCI: 629FY IF: 5.739)。

(6)Xu Lei, Ping Yang, Dezhong Yao. An Empirical Bayesian Framework for Brain Computer Interfaces. IEEE T Neur Sys Reh. Dec 2009 17(6): 521-529. (封面文章) (SCI: 540NU IF: 2.934)。

(7)Xu Lei, Antao Chen, Peng Xu, Dezhong Yao. Gaussian Source Model based Iterative Algorithm for EEG source Imaging. Computers in Biology and Medicine. Nov 2009 39(11): 978-988. (SCI:518KMIF: 1.272)。

(8)Xu Lei, Ping Yang, Peng Xu, Tie-Jun Liu, and De-Zhong Yao. Common Spatial Pattern Ensemble Classifier and Its Application in Brain-Computer Interface. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China (Journal of ESTC). March 2009 7(1): 17-21。

(9)Xu Lei, Dezhong Yao. EEG Source Localization Based on Multiple fMRI Spatial Patterns. In: Wang R, Gu F, eds.Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (II): Springer Berlin / Heidelberg; 2009:381-386. (EI)。

(10)Xu Lei, Huafu Chen, Dezhong Yao, and Guanhua Luo.An Improved Ordered Subsets Expectation Maximization Reconstruction. In: Jiao L, Wang L, Gao X-b, Liu J, Wu F, eds. Advances in Natural Computation: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg; 2006:968-971. (SCI: BFH67)。

(11)Cheng Luo, Chuan Qiu, Zhiwei Guo, Jiajia Fang, Qifu Li,Xu Lei, Yang Xia, Yongxiu Lai, Qiyong Gong, Dong Zhou, Dezhong Yao. Disrupted Functional Brain Connectivity in Partial Epilepsy: A Resting-State fMRI Study. Plos One 2011 7(1), e28196. (SCI IF: 4.351)。

(12)Cheng Luo, Qifu Li, Yang Xia,Xu Lei, Kaiqing Xue, et al. Resting state Basal Ganglia Network in idiopathic generalized epilepsy. Human brain mapping. 2011. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.21286 (SCI IF: 6.256)。

(13)堯德中,羅程,雷旭,薛開慶,夏陽,賴永秀.腦成像與腦連線.中國生物醫學工程學報2011 30(1): 6-10。

(14)Peng Xu, Ping Yang,Xu Leiand Dezhong Yao. An enhanced probabilistic lda for multi-class brain computer interface. Plos One. 2011 6(1), e14634. (SCI IF: 4.351)。

(15)Cheng Luo, Zhiping Yao, Qifu Li,Xu Lei, Dong Zhou et al. Imaging foci of epileptic discharges from simultaneous EEG and fMRI using the canonical HRF. Epilepsy Res. 2010 91:133-142. (SCI: 676LQ IF: 2.479)。

(16)李凌,程識君,雷旭,堯德中.功能磁共振和腦電神經成像技術與大腦刺激相結合的研究進展.生物化學與生物物理進展. 2010 37(11): 1188-1194. (SCI: 686UX)。

(17)Peng Xu, Yin Tian,Xu Leiand Dezhong Yao. Neuroelectric source imaging using 3SCO: A space coding algorithm based on particle swarm optimization and l0-norm constraint. NeuroImage. 2010 51: 183-205. (SCI: 580WC IF: 5.739)。

(18)堯德中,劉鐵軍,雷旭,楊平,徐鵬,張楊松.基於腦電的腦-機接口:關鍵技術和套用前景.電子科技大學學報. 2009 38(5): 550-554。

(19)Nini Rao,Xu Lei, Jianxiu Guo, Hao Huang, Zhenglong Ren. An efficient sliding window strategy for accurate location of eukaryotic protein coding regions. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 2009 39(4): 392-395.(SCI: 436SJ IF: 1.272)。

(20)Ji-Ying Zhong,Xu Leiand Dezhong Yao. Semi-Supervised Learning based on Manifold in BCI. Journal of ESTC. March 2009 7(1): 22-26。

(21)Ping Yang,Xu Lei, et al.Probabilistic Methods in Multi-Class Brain-Computer Interface. Journal of ESTC. March 2009 7(1): 12-16。

(22)AT Chen,Xu Lei, et al., Effect of Level of Processing Prior to Response on Cognitive Control: Evidence from ERP. Journal of ESTC. March 2009 7(1): 82-87。

(23)Y. Huang, Qiang Wu,Xu Lei, Ping Yang, et al., An algorithm for Idle-State Detection and Continuous Classifier Design in Motor-Imagery-Based BCI. Journal of ESTC. March 2009 7(1): 27-33。

(24)Peng Xu; Yin Tian;Xu Lei; Xiao Hu; Dezhong Yao. Equivalent Charge Source Model based Iterative Maximum Neighbor Weight for Sparse EEG Source Localization. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. Dec 2008 36(12): 2051-2067. (SCI: 372YC 2007IF: 2.346)。

(25)徐鵬;雷旭;堯德中.基於fMRI加權約束的FOCUSS疊代腦電源定位方法及其初步套用.生物醫學工程學雜誌. 2008 25(6): 1425-1429。

(26)Wei Liao, Huafu Chen, Qin Yang,Xu Lei. Analysis of fMRI Data Using Improved Self-Organizing Mapping and Spatio-temporal Metric Hierarchical Clustering. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. Oct 2008 27(10): 1472 - 1483.(SCI: 356YI 2007IF: 3.275)。

(27)Antao Chen, Xuchu Weng, Jiajin Yuan,Xu Lei, Qiu Jiang,Dezhong Yao and Hong Li. The Temporal Features of Self-referential Processing Evoked by Chinese Handwriting. J Cognitive Neurosci. 2008 20(5): 816–827. (SCI: 285TD 2007IF: 4.997)。

(28)Huafu Chen,Xu Leiand Dezhong Yao. An improved ordered subsets expectation maximization positron emission computerized tomography reconstruction. Computers in Biology and Medicine. Dec 2007 37(12): 1780-1785.(SCI: 238VM 2007IF: 1.068) 。


(1)雷旭,堯德中.同步腦電-功能磁共振(EEG-fMRI)原理與技術.北京:科學出版社.2014年3月. ISBN978-7-03-039983-0。

(2)Xu Lei.EEG-fMRI Fusion Based on Bayesian Theory. PhD Thesis. 2011. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Keywords: Simultaneous EEG-fMRI; Fusion; Multimodal imaging; Bayesian theory; EEG source imaging; hemodynamic response function。

(3)Xu Lei, Dezhong Yao. EEG Source Localization Based on Multiple fMRI Spatial Patterns. In: Wang R, Gu F, eds. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (II): Springer Berlin / Heidelberg; 2009:381-386。

(4)Xu Lei, Huafu Chen, Dezhong Yao, and Guanhua Luo. An Improved Ordered Subsets Expectation Maximization Reconstruction. In: Jiao L, Wang L, Gao X-b, Liu J, Wu F, eds. Advances in Natural Computation: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg; 2006:968-971。


(1)Xu Lei. Electromagnetic brain imaging based on standardized resting-state networks. 5th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI'12), Oct 16-18, 2012, Chongqing.(EI)。

(2)Xu Lei, Huan Liu, Anbing Xu, Zhiying Zhao, Yanhan Zhu. BOLD Correlates of Upper and Lower Alpha Rhythms. 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping(OHBM2012), June 10-14, 2012, Beijing。

(3)Xu Lei. Stability of resting-state cortical rhythms with and without concurrent fMRI. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC2012), May 26-31, 2012, Beijing。

(4)Xu Lei, Dezhong Yao. fMRI Connectivity Networks Improve the Accuracy of EEG Source Localization. 7th International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS2010), Aug 17-20, Beijing。

(5)Peng Xu, Xu Lei, X Hu, Dezhong Yao. Solving of L0 norm constrained EEG inverse problem. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2009; 1:69-72. 。





4.Xu Lei, Yulin Wang, Michael C Anderson , Neural Substrates Underlying Intentional Forgetting: a Simultaneous EEG-fMRI Study, The 6th International Conference on Memory 17-22 July 2016, Budapest , Hungary。

5.Xu Lei, Simultaneous EEG-fMRI: Methods and Applications. 11April 2012. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong。

6.Xu Lei, Multimodal Functional Network Connectivity International Symposium on Computational Medicine. June 15, 2012, Beijing, China.。

7.Xu Lei, Cheng Luo, Imaging epileptic networks using EEG/fMRI fusion. The 8th International Symposium on Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging of the Brain and Heart & 2011 8th International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism May 13-16, 2011. Banff Alberta, Canada. 。


2016年:西南大學第二屆青年教師成才獎 。

雷旭,趙治瀛. 一種事件相關電位源定位方法,2013.10,中國,CN201210282893.4 。


