
1987年10月至1990年4月,就讀於維也納大學(Universitat Wien)藏學與佛教學研究系。
1991年9月至1996年8月,就讀於普林斯頓大學(Princeton University)東亞研究系。

2006年8月至2007年7月,哈佛大學(Harvard University)東亞語言與文明研究系客座教授。
2007年8月至2011年6月,堪薩斯大學(University of Kansas)歷史系助教授。
2. 《中華文史論叢》、《唐研究》、《中國學術》、《 唐史論叢》編委。
1. 專書章節
“西方唐史研究概觀”,收入《北美中國學研究-概述、專題及資源》(Chinese Studies in North America — Research, Teaching and Resources),中華書局,2010,第83-110頁。
“Managing Locality in Early Medieval China: Evidence from Changsha”,收入Early Medieval China: A Sourcebook, edited by Wendy Swartz, Robert Ford Campany, Yang Lu, and Jessey Choo(預期於2012年春由Columbia University Press出版)。
2. 論文
“從碑誌資料看 9 世紀唐代政治中的宦官領袖-以梁守謙和劉弘規為例”,《文史》2010年第四輯,第93-146頁。
“《中國古代官名辭典》影印版導言”,A Dictionary of Official Titles in Imperial China,中國古代官名辭典, reprint, Beijing University Press, 2008。
“從墓誌的史料分析走向墓誌的史學分析—以《新出魏晉南北朝墓誌疏證》為中心”,《中華文史論叢》84.4 (2006),第95-127頁。
“解讀《鳩摩羅什傳》:兼談中國中國早期的佛教文化與史學”,中國學術(China Scholarship)21(2006),第30-90頁(此為英文論文“Narrative and Historicy of Buddhist Biographies in Early Medieval China”的增訂擴充)。
“Narrative and Historicy of Buddhist Biographies in Early Medieval China: The Case of Kumārajīva,“ Asia Major, Vol. 17-1 (2004): 1-42。
“Tension and Reconciliation in Medieval Chinese Buddhist Thought: the Case of Vimalakirtinirdesa Sutra and Pure Land Buddhism,“ in The Proceeding to the Third Chung Hwa International Conference on Buddhism. Taipei: The Chung-hua Institute of Buddhist Studies, 1998。
3. 主編論著
與Wendy Swartz, Robert Ford Campany, Yang Lu, and Jessey Choo合編,Early Medieval China: A Sourcebook (《早期中國中古文獻導讀》)(預期於2012年春由Columbia University Press出版)。
4. 學術活動
“Web of Knowledge: Itinerant Learning and Monastic Authority in Medieval China,” Ritual, Religion and Institution in Medieval China: An International Symposium, Fudan University, 11/6-8, 2010。
“Visualizing Wenin Early 10th Century China — Evidence from Mortuary Arts,” Tenth Century China and Beyond: Art and Visual Culture in a Multi-Centered Age, Part II ,Center for the Arts of East Asia, University of Chicago, 5/14-15, 2010。
“Veritable Records or Cultural Imagination: Xuanzang’s Account of India and Central Asia Revisited” International Symposium for the Center for the Study of Asian Culture 2009, Kansai University, 6/27, 2009。
“A Civilized Warlord in Early 10th Century Hebei: The Tomb of Wang Chuzhi and Its Cultural Significance,”Tenth Century China and Beyond: Art and Visual Culture in a Multi-Centered Age, Part I,Center for the Arts of East Asia, University of Chicago, 5/ 29-30, 2009。
Roundtable Panelist, “Archives and Sources Across Cultures,”MAMA XXXIII (Urban Life and Culture),University of Missouri — Kansas City, 2/27-28, 2009。
“The Itinerary of Fame Building: Itinerant Learning and Abbotship in Medieval Chinese Buddhism,”Buddhism Across Asia: Networks of Material, Intellectual and Cultural Exchange, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, National University of Singapore, 2/16-18, 2009。
“Dao'an, Huineng, and the Monkey King: The Birth of the Genealogy of Chinese Buddhist Patriarchs,” invited lecture, Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore, 2/11, 2009。
“Prosopography in Medieval Chinese Studies: Information that are Database Friendly and Otherwise —Literacracy as a Case Study,”1st International Workshop on Biographical Databases for China’s History, Harvard University, 11/21-23, 2008。
Roundtable Panelist, "The Beijing Olympics and the Global Community," Hall Center, The University of Kansas, 9/25, 2008。
“Imagining Buddhism: Xuanzang’s Journey to India Revisited,” invited lecture, University of the West,4/25, 2008。
“A Journey of Illusion? Re-examining Xuanzang’s Vision of Central Asia and India,”Workshop on the Kinetic Vision in Early Medieval China, Harvard University, 5/25 - 26, 2007。
“Views of Confucius and the Duke of Zhou in the Tang,”Conference on “The Rituals of Zhou(Zhouli) in East Asian History: Premodern Asian Statecraft in Comparative Context,”Princeton University, 12/8-11, 2006。
“From Dao’an to Huineng: The Making of Buddhist Patriarchs in Medieval China,” invited lecture, The Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 7/14, 2006。
“The Making of Literocracy and the Imagination of Literary Success in Late Medieval China,” invited lecture, Pre-modern China Lecture Series, Columbia University, 4/13, 2006。
“The ‘Middle Kingdom’ that was India: Discourses on Indian Culture in Medieval China,”Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 4/6-9, 2006。
“Why did the Tang Fall: A Re-assessment of the Ninth Century,” invited lecture, East Asian Studies Seminar, Institute for Advanced Studies, 1/17, 2006。
“Modernizing humanities: The study of the history of Buddhism in China from the 1890s to the 1940s,”The XIV Conference of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, London, United Kingdom, 8/29-9/3, 2005。
“The Rise of Buddhist Commentarial Tradition in Eastern Jin,”A Workshop on the Eastern Jin, Harvard University, 5/6-7, 2005。
“Narrative, Spirituality, and Representation of Foreign Monks in Early Medieval China: The Case of Huijiao's Biography of Kumārajīva,“The 9th Conference on Redefining Chinese Culture: Chinese and Comparative Historical Thinking in the 21st Century, Fudan University, 4/8-10, 2004。
“Literocracy and the Transformation of Medieval Culture,”Chinese Medieval Studies Workshop, Columbia University, 12/13, 2003。
“Narrative, Spirituality and Historical Interpretations in Buddhist Biography: A Close Reading of Huijiao's Biography of Kumārajīva,” invited lecture, Seminar on Buddhist Studies, Columbia University, 12/4, 2003。
“Narrative, Spirituality, and Voices of Inner Conflicts in Buddhist Biography: The Case of Kumārajīva,”The International Conference on Poetic Thoughts and Hermeneutics in Traditional China: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, Yale University, 5/1-4, 2003。
“Travel and Learning in Medieval Chinese Buddhism,”University of British Columbia Conference on Buddhist Monasticism, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2/21-2, 2003。
“The Characteristic of Medieval Buddhism — The Monastic Network,” invited lecture, Hualin Lecture Series, The School of Literature and the Center for the Study of Chinese Social History, Nankai University, 10/31, 2002。
“Rethinking Late Tang Culture: the Case of Literary Families and Social Concept of Purity,” invited lecture, Institute of History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 10/30, 2002。
“A New Reading of an Old Problem: The Origin of Chinese Buddhist Scholasticism in the Biographies of Foreign Monks of the Six Dynasties,”History of Chinese Foreign Relations in the Ancient Time: An International Conference on the Research and Collection on the Newly Discovered Materials, Peking University, 10/25-26, 2002。
“New Trends in Social and Cultural History of China: A Survey of Western Sinology,” invited lecture, Department of Chinese Literature, Fudan University, 10/23, 2002。
“The Trends and Problem of Western Historiography in the Recent Decades,” invited lecture, Key Research Institute of Social Science of China in Nankai University, 10/19, 2002。
“The Transformation of Mid- and Late Tang Social Elite and Two Bodies of Civil Service Examinations,” invited lecture, Key Research Institute of Social Science of China in Nankai University, 10/18, 2002。
“The Characteristic of Medieval Buddhism — The Monastic Network,” invited lecture, Key Research Institute of Social Science of China in Nankai University, 10/17, 2002。
“Eunuch Power, Legitimacy, and Medieval Chinese Kingship: the Case of Tang,” invited lecture, Key Research Institute of Social Science of China in Nankai University, 10/16, 2002。
“Aristocracy, Meritocracy, or Literocracy: Re-mapping the Structure of Mid and Late Tang Elite,”New Perspectives on the Tang: An International Conference, Princeton University, 4/18-20, 2002。
“Quest of Knowledge: Travel and Learning in Medieval Chinese Buddhism,”Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., 4/4-7, 2002。
“A Buddhist Interpretation of Culture and Learning in Ninth Century China: The Case of Shenqing's Beishan lu,”Interpretation and Intellectual Change: An International Conference on the History of Hermeneutics, Rutgers University, 10/4-6, 2001。
“The Transformation of Mid- and Late Tang Social Elite and Two Bodies of Civil Service Examinations,” invited lecture, High-Tang Project Lecture Series, Department of History, Peking University, 6/6, 2000。
“Official Writing and Social Transformation in Late Tang,” invited lecture, China Humanities Seminar, Harvard University, 4/17, 2000。
“Body Matters: Appearance, Virtue, and Career in Medieval China (200-900),”Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Boston MA, 4/11-14, 1999。
“Body Matters: Appearance, Virtue, and Career in Medieval China (200-900),” invited lecture, Center for East Asian Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 2/22, 1999。
“Tension and Reconciliation in Medieval Chinese Buddhist Thought: The Case of Vimalakirtinirde?a and Pure Land Buddhism,”The Third Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism, Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, Taipei, Taiwan, 7/19-21, 1997。
“The Legacy of the Yuan-ho Era (805-820): A Re-examination of the Political Structure of the Late T'ang Court,”Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Honolulu HI, 4/11-15, 1996。