序號 | 項目名稱 | 項目級別 | 項目編號 | 起訖時間 | 任務 |
1 | 面向廣域環境的高速列車先進焊接設計基礎研究 | 國家973 前期研究 | 2014CB660807 | 2015-2017 | 主持 |
2 | 高寒高速列車制動盤表面複合材料逆向設計及動態失效機理 | 國家自然 科學基金 | 51474178 | 2015-2017 | 主持 |
3 | 高速列車車體鋁合金焊接接頭疲勞可靠性 | 國家科技 支撐計畫 | 2009BAG12A07-B03 | 2009-2011 | 主持 |
4 | 高速列車車體結構焊接工藝及焊接殘餘應力研究 | 國家科技 支撐計畫 | 2009BAG12A04-B03 | 2009-2011 | 主持 |
5 | 高速列車車體結構焊接殘餘應力研究 | 國家科技 支撐計畫 | 2009BAG12A04- D02-1-XN | 2009-2011 | 主持 |
6 | 高速動車組車體焊接技術規範研究 | 鐵道部 重點項目 | 2009J002-E | 2009-2010 | 主持 |
7 | 新一代高速動車組8輛編組車體解剖殘餘應力測試及分析 | 橫向 | 2010-2011 | 主持 | |
8 | 高速重載鐵路關鍵配件及消耗材料 | 四川省科技廳戰略新興產業計畫 | 2012-2014 | 主持 | |
9 | 鐵路大型搗固車長壽命搗鎬國產化研究 | 鐵道部 成都市科技局 | 10GGYB889JH-023 | 2010-2012 | 主持 |
10 | CRH2-300二階段高速動車組鋁合金車體關鍵焊接接頭殘餘應力殘餘變形研究 | 橫向 | 2009-2011 | 主持 | |
11 | 高速列車車體關鍵技術 | 中央高校基本科研業務費專項 | SWJTU09CX046 | 2010-2012 | 主持 |
12 | 高速列車車體壽命技術 | 國家科技 支撐計畫 | 2009BAG12 A04-D02-1 | 2011-2012 | 主持 |
13 | 下一代城際列車雷射複合焊接技術 | 國家科技 支撐計畫 | 2015-2018 | 主持 |
1、王元良, 陳輝. 焊接科學與工程. 西南交通大學出版社, 150萬字,2008 年11月
2、王元良,陳輝.高速列車鋁合金車體的焊接技術. 西南交通大學出版社, 120萬字,
1.Hui Chen*, Yunfei Hao, Hongying Wang, and Weijie Tang. Analysis of the Microstructure and Thermal Shock Resistance of Laser Glazed Nanostructured Zirconia TBCs. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, vol 19, issue 3, pp 558-565,2010(SCI)
2.Hui Chen*, Guoqing Gou, Mingjing Tu, Yan Liu. Research on the Friction and wear behavior at elevated temperature of plasma sprayed nanostructured WC-Co coatings. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, vol 19, issue 1,pp 1-6,2010 (SCI)
3.Hui Chen*, Guoqing Gou, Mingjing Tu, Yan Liu. Characteristics of Nano Particles and Their Effect on the Formation Of Nanostructures in Air Plasma Spraying WC-17Co Coating. Surface & Coatings Technology, issue 203,pp1785–1789, 2009 (SCI)
4.Hui Chen*, Guoqing Gou, Mingjing Tu, Yan Liu. Structure and wear behavior of nanostructured and ultra-fine HVOF WC-17Co coatings. Surface Engineering, vol 25, issue 7,pp502-506,2009 (SCI)
5.陳輝*, 苟國慶,塗銘旌. 噴塗工藝對Fe-Ni-B噴塗塗層組織性能的影響. 材料科學與工藝, 第18卷,第1期,145-148頁,2010 (EI)
6.陳輝*, 苟國慶, 劉艷, 塗銘旌. 等離子噴塗納米WC-17Co塗層高溫磨損性能. 焊接學報, 第29卷,第12期,53-60頁,2008 (EI)
7.陳輝*, 苟國慶, 劉艷, 塗銘旌. 等離子噴塗WC-Co納米塗層形成及強韌化機理. 西南交通大學學報, 第43卷,第5期,633-637頁,2008 (EI)
8.陳輝*, 吳冰, 塗銘旌.奧—貝合金鋼道岔與U75V鋼軌閃光對焊接頭組織與性能分析;焊接學報, 第29卷,第4期,41-44頁,2008 (EI)
9.陳輝*, 苟國慶, 塗銘旌.等離子噴塗納米粒子混合WC-Co塗層性能研究. 中國表面工程, 第21卷,第2期,20-25頁,2008
12.Yan Shaohua, Nie Yuan, Zhu Zongtao, Chen Hui*, Gou Guoqing, Yu Jinpeng, Wang Guiguo. Characteristics of microstructure and fatigue resistance of hybrid fiber laser-MIG welded Al-Mg alloy joints. Applied Surface Science, 2014, 298: 12-18 (SCI, SSCI)
13.Wang LJ, Qiu PX, Liu Y, Zhou WX, Gou GQ,Chen H*. Corrosion behavior of thermal sprayed WC cermet coatings containing metallic binders in saline environment. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2013, 23 (9):2611-2617 (SCI, SSCI)
14.D.Li, G.Q.Gou, Y.Liu, T.H.Zhu, H.Ji, H.Chen*. Effect of Al on microstructure and impact property of surfacing repair layer of rail. Surface Engineering, vol 28, issue 7, pp548-553,2012 (SCI, SSCI)
15.Da Li, Yuan Nie, Guoqing Gou, Yan Liu, Yonghui Zhu, Qiuying Wang, Hui Chen*, Zhiyi Zhang. Phase transformation behavior of the SMA490BW weathering steel, Phase transitions, ,2012 85(6):512-522 (SCI, SSCI)
16.Yan Liu, Hui Chen*, Guoqing Gou, Mingjing Tu. Research on dynamic wear behavior at elevated temperature of HVOF sprayed nanostructured WC-17Co coating; Journal of Physics: Conference Series 240 (2010) 012165; (SCI)
17.江超,陳輝*,王曉敏,馬紀軍,李恆奎. 高速列車車體鋁合金抗應力腐蝕性能. 西南交通大學學報, 2013, 48(3):66-69 (EI)
18.江超,陳輝*,車小莉,苟國慶,馬紀軍. 高速列車A6005A鋁合金焊接接頭斷裂韌性研究. 材料科學與工藝, 2013,21(2):55-60 (EI)
19.吉華,陳輝*,苟國慶,李達,馬傳平,閆少華,田愛琴. 新型列車鋁合金攪拌摩擦焊焊接殘餘應力研究. 西南交通大學學報, 第46期,130-134頁,2011(EI)
20.郝雲飛, 湯偉傑,王紅英, 陳輝*. 納米氧化鋯熱障塗層組織結構和抗熱衝擊性能分析. 2010,31(3):109-112. (EI)
21.劉艷, 陳輝*, 苟國慶, 塗銘旌.等離子噴塗過程對納米WC-17Co塗層組織結構的影響;材料科學與工藝, 2009,17(2):141-146(EI)
22.Yang Jun, Li, Bo, Jia, Qiang, Li Yuan Xing, Zhang Ming Yue, Chen Hui*. Influence of stress concentration on fatigue property of welded joints of 5083 aluminum alloy. 2014, 2013 International Conference on Mechanical, Material Engineering: pp 451-455(EI)
23.Zhang Mingyue, Nie Yuan, Wang Qiuying, Chen Hui*. Effect of welding heat cycle peak temperature and heat input on HAZ grain size of SMA490BW corrosion resistance steel. Advanced Materials Research, 2013: 415-420(EI)
24.WANG Qiuying, HU Zhibo, ZHANG Mingyue, ZHOU Yilin, LIU Jinbo, CHEN Hui*. Research on Repair Welding processes of a Bainite Steel Frog. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 652-654: 2274-2278. (EI)
25.ZHOU Yilin, LIU Jinbo, WANG Qiuying, ZHANG Mingyue, CHEN Hui*. Failure Analysis of A7N01S-T5 Aluminum Alloy buffer beam for High-Speed Train. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 652-654:1290-1294. (EI)
10.陳輝, 苟國慶, 塗銘旌. 鋼軌鋁熱焊工藝及焊接接頭性能研究. 電焊機, 2008, 38(8):
11.陳輝. 高速列車制動盤/片動態失效機理及其材料逆向設計方法研究. 學術動態, 2008,2:7-9
12.Yan Shaohua, Nie Yuan, Zhu Zongtao, Chen Hui*, Gou Guoqing, Yu Jinpeng, Wang Guiguo. Characteristics of microstructure and fatigue resistance of hybrid fiber laser-MIG welded Al-Mg alloy joints. Applied Surface Science, 2014, 298: 12-18 (SCI, SSCI)
13.Wang LJ, Qiu PX, Liu Y, Zhou WX, Gou GQ,Chen H*. Corrosion behavior of thermal sprayed WC cermet coatings containing metallic binders in saline environment. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2013, 23 (9):2611-2617 (SCI, SSCI)
14.D.Li, G.Q.Gou, Y.Liu, T.H.Zhu, H.Ji, H.Chen*. Effect of Al on microstructure and impact property of surfacing repair layer of rail. Surface Engineering, vol 28, issue 7, pp548-553,2012 (SCI, SSCI)
15.Da Li, Yuan Nie, Guoqing Gou, Yan Liu, Yonghui Zhu, Qiuying Wang, Hui Chen*, Zhiyi Zhang. Phase transformation behavior of the SMA490BW weathering steel, Phase transitions, ,2012 85(6):512-522 (SCI, SSCI)
16.Yan Liu, Hui Chen*, Guoqing Gou, Mingjing Tu. Research on dynamic wear behavior at elevated temperature of HVOF sprayed nanostructured WC-17Co coating; Journal of Physics: Conference Series 240 (2010) 012165; (SCI)
17.江超,陳輝*,王曉敏,馬紀軍,李恆奎. 高速列車車體鋁合金抗應力腐蝕性能. 西南交通大學學報, 2013, 48(3):66-69 (EI)
18.江超,陳輝*,車小莉,苟國慶,馬紀軍. 高速列車A6005A鋁合金焊接接頭斷裂韌性研究. 材料科學與工藝, 2013,21(2):55-60 (EI)
19.吉華,陳輝*,苟國慶,李達,馬傳平,閆少華,田愛琴. 新型列車鋁合金攪拌摩擦焊焊接殘餘應力研究. 西南交通大學學報, 第46期,130-134頁,2011(EI)
20.郝雲飛, 湯偉傑,王紅英, 陳輝*. 納米氧化鋯熱障塗層組織結構和抗熱衝擊性能分析. 2010,31(3):109-112. (EI)
21.劉艷, 陳輝*, 苟國慶, 塗銘旌.等離子噴塗過程對納米WC-17Co塗層組織結構的影響;材料科學與工藝, 2009,17(2):141-146(EI)
22.Yang Jun, Li, Bo, Jia, Qiang, Li Yuan Xing, Zhang Ming Yue, Chen Hui*. Influence of stress concentration on fatigue property of welded joints of 5083 aluminum alloy. 2014, 2013 International Conference on Mechanical, Material Engineering: pp 451-455(EI)
23.Zhang Mingyue, Nie Yuan, Wang Qiuying, Chen Hui*. Effect of welding heat cycle peak temperature and heat input on HAZ grain size of SMA490BW corrosion resistance steel. Advanced Materials Research, 2013: 415-420(EI)
24.WANG Qiuying, HU Zhibo, ZHANG Mingyue, ZHOU Yilin, LIU Jinbo, CHEN Hui*. Research on Repair Welding processes of a Bainite Steel Frog. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 652-654: 2274-2278. (EI)
25.ZHOU Yilin, LIU Jinbo, WANG Qiuying, ZHANG Mingyue, CHEN Hui*. Failure Analysis of A7N01S-T5 Aluminum Alloy buffer beam for High-Speed Train. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 652-654:1290-1294. (EI)
26.LIU Jinbo, ZHOU Yilin, WANG Qiuying, ZHANG Mingyue, CHEN Hui*, LI Hengkui. The Effect of UIT on the Residual Stress of 7N01 Al-Alloy Welding Joints. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 652-654:1301-1306. (EI)
27.Xu Xiao Long, Yang Jun, Cui Yun Long, Zhu Zhong Tao, Chen Hui*. Thermal simulation on coarse grained region of L415 pipelines in high sour gas field, International Conference on Metallic Materials and Manufacturing Technology, 2013:200-203 (EI)
28.Da Li, Guiguo Wang, Yu Chen*, Guoqing Gou, Yan Liu, Hua Ji, Hui Chen* Analysis of crack on rail web after flash welding. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 472-475:1271-1274,. (EI)
29.Da Li, Hua Ji, Yan Liu, Guoqing Gou, Hui Chen*, Lichun Meng. Simulation on Temperature and Residual Stress Field of Laser-MIG Hybrid Welding of A6N01-T5 Alloy. Advanced Materials Research, 2012,399-401:2040-2043. (EI)
30.Hua Ji, Hui Chen*, Guoqing Gou, Da Li, Yan Liu, Wenbin Chen. Research on Stress Calibration Technology on Aluminum of High-Speed Train Body Structure by Nondestructive X-Ray Method Measurement, Advanced Materials Research, 2011,189-193: 734-742,. (EI)
31.Ji Hua, Gou Guoqing, Chen Hui*, Li Da, Ma Chuanping, Tian Aiqin, Guo Zhicheng. Residual stress characterization of A7N01-T5 welds for high speed train by X-ray diffraction and verification. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 291-294: 896-900(EI)
32.Zhu Yonghui, Chen Hui*, Zhu Zhongyin, Ma Chuanping, Wang Lijun, Wang Guiguo, Yu Jinpeng. Research on the failure mechanism of flash welded rail. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 314-316: 1100-1106(EI)
33.Yan Shaohua, Chen Hui*,Gou Guoqing, Li Da, Liu Yan, Zhu Zhongyin. Reaserch on measurement of residual stresses in flash-butt-weld rails using X-ray diffraction. Advanced Materials Research, 2011: 934-940(EI)
34.Wang Lijun, Chen Hui*, Liu Yan, Gou Guoqing, Li Da. Effects of Cr on microstructure and hardness of HVOF-sprayed WC-Co coating. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 317-319:301-306, (EI)
35.Ma Chuanping, Nie Yuan, Wang Lijun, Zhu Yonghui, Liu Yan, Chen Hui*. Failure analysis of U71Mn rail welded joints. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 337,665-669(EI)
36.Nie Yuan, Wang Lijun, Ma Chuanping, Zhu Yonghui, Li Da, Chen Hui*, Zhang Zhiyi, Wu Xiangyang. Effect of heat input on HAZ properties and microstructure of SMA490BW corrosion resistance steel. Advanced Materials Research, 2011,337: 517-521(EI)
37.Yan Shaohua, Zhu Zhongyin, Ma Chuanping, Su Lei, Li Da, Chen Hui*, Meng Lichun. Investigation on the residual stress redistribution under cyclic loading. Advanced Materials Research, 2011,337: 588-593(EI)
38.Zhu Yonghui, Zhou Wei, Nie Yuan, Zhu Zhongyin, Chen Hui*, Wang Guiguo, Yu Jinpeng. Failure Analysis of a Welded Aluminum Alloy Component in High-speed Train, Advanced Materials Research, 2011: 670-673(EI)
39.Su Lei, Nie Yuan, Ji Hua, Ma Chuanping, Yan Shaohua, Wang Lijun, Chen Hui*, Meng Lichun. The effect of single pulse, double pulse and forceArc MIG welding technology on mechanical properties of Welding joint for 5083 aluminum alloy used in high-speed train body. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 337:460-465(EI)
40.Ming Li, Yue Yang, Hui Chen*. Effect of WC Grain Size on the Abrasive Wear Resistance of HVOF Spraying WC-Co Coatings. Advanced Materials Research, 2010, 97-101: 1344-1347; (EI)
41.閆少華, 朱宗濤, 聶媛, 陳輝*. 7N01鋁合金雷射-MIG複合焊接工藝研究. 熱加工工藝, 2014, (03): 37-39+43
42.張明月, 譚夢蕾, 張民安, 陳輝*, 周弋琳, 劉金博, 陳煜. 高速列車A7N01S鋁合金車體橫樑失效原因分析. 材料科學與工程學報, 2013,31(1):
43.張明月, 王曉敏, 張民安, 陳輝*, 馬傳平, 李恆奎. 高速列車擋風板安裝座用5083鋁合金斷裂原因分析. 電焊機, 2013,43(4):67-71
44.王曉敏, 馬傳平, 苟國慶, 劉艷, 陳輝*, 李恆奎. 高速列車A7N01S-T5鋁合金橫樑斷裂原因. 腐蝕與防護, 2013, (3): 258-261+264
45.朱藤輝, 趙建倉, 陳輝*, 李達, 王淦剛, 苟國慶.稀土對鋼軌耐磨堆焊層金屬組織及韌性的影響. 電焊機, 2012, 42(5):37-42
47.周偉, 陳輝*. 振動時效法消除SMA490BW耐候鋼焊接殘餘應力研究. 電焊機, 2012, 42(9):62-65
48.厲曉笑,苟國慶,車小莉,陳輝*. 鐵路用搗鎬表面高鉻鑄鐵堆焊層的組織與性能;機械工程材料, 2011,35(1): 58-61.
49.趙軍靜, 王曉敏, 陳輝*. 車體鋁合金腐蝕失效分析. 電焊機, 2011,41 (3): 87-90
50.李科, 陳輝*, 朱騰輝. 一種新型耐高溫表面複合層的研製;材料科學與工程學報, 2011, 29(1):112-116.
51.謝劍和,陳輝*,趙軍靜. 雙脈衝MIG 焊對5052 鋁合金焊接接頭力學性能的影響. 電焊機2011,41(4):81-85.
52.朱藤輝, 陳輝*, 劉艷, 朱勇輝, 蔣勇, 王建剛. Al對鋼軌堆焊焊縫中氣孔、夾雜物及衝擊韌性的影響. 焊接, 2011, (8):25-29
53.王曉敏, 苟國慶, 劉艷, 陳輝*, 孟立春. 高速列車A7N01S-T鋁合金焊接接頭晶間腐蝕性能研究. 電焊機, 2011, 41(11):15-19+43
54.苟國慶, 於金朋, 張立民, 張衛華, 陳輝*, 李明高. 鋁合金車體結構焊接殘餘應力研究. 電焊機, 2011, 41(11): 35-38
55.朱藤輝, 陳輝*, 王建剛, 蔣勇, 厲曉笑. 自保護藥芯焊絲雙絲堆焊修復鋼軌技術研究, 電焊機, 2010, 40(12):67-72
56.王慶偉, 陳輝*, 趙曦. 採用藥芯焊絲堆焊修復後的鋼軌組織性能. 電焊機, 2010, 40(1):79-82
57.王曉東, 陳輝*,高速列車制動盤的溫度場、熱應力場的數值模擬, 鐵道車輛, 2009, (4)
58.苟國慶, 陳輝*. HVOF噴塗納米WC-17Co塗層組織結構及力學行為研究, 材料導報, 2009, (2)
59.吳冰, 陳輝*. X80管線鋼的焊接冷裂紋試驗, 電焊機, 2008,38 (10): 66-69
60.陶濤, 程夢曉, 陳輝*. 奧-貝鋼心軌與貝氏體鋼軌閃光焊接頭組織性能研究. 電焊機, 2008, 38(8):16-18
61.苟國慶, 黃楠, 陳輝, 田愛琴. X射線衍射法測試高速列車車體鋁合金殘餘應力. 西南交通大學學報, 2012,47(4): 618-622(EI)
62.苟國慶, 黃楠, 陳輝, 孟立春, 吳沛沛.高速列車A7N01S-T5鋁合金應力腐蝕行為研究. 材料科學與工藝, 2012, 20(4):134-139(EI)
63.苟國慶, 黃楠, 陳輝, 李達, 孟立春.高速列車A7N01S-T5鋁合金焊接接頭鹽霧腐蝕行為分析. 焊接學報, 2011,32(10):17-20 (EI) (EI)
64.王紅英, 郝雲飛, 陳輝, 湯偉傑. 納米氧化鋯熱障塗層組織結構和高溫穩定性能分析;焊接學報,2008,29(11):37-40; (EI)
65.王紅英, 湯偉傑, 陳輝, 李志軍, 英守形. YPSZ等離子塗層雷射重熔組織性能.焊接學報, 2007, 28(04):105-107+118 (EI)
《塗裝與電鍍》,《熱噴塗技術》編委,Surf. & Coating Tech., JTST 等論文評閱人。
組建“ 高速列車關鍵材料及服役安全可靠性”四川省青年科技創新團隊,有一批高水平教授、也有一批青年骨幹老師和高級實驗室人員,充滿活力,具有很強的合力,是國內相關領域的核心團隊。