

2007年畢業於中國科學技術大學生物化學與分子生物學系,獲理學博士學位。2007至2009年赴美國梅奧醫學院(Mayo Clinic)從事博士後工作,2009至2011年赴南加州大學從事鋅指蛋白的設計與篩選相關研究。2011年3月作為中國科技大學優秀人才引進。 現任中國科學技術大學生命科學學院副教授。



陳 泉,女,博士,副教授。2007年畢業於中國科學技術大學生物化學與分子生物學系,獲理學博士學位。2007至2009年赴美國梅奧醫學院(Mayo Clinic)從事博士後工作,研究G蛋白偶聯受體的結構和功能。2009至2011年赴南加州大學從事鋅指蛋白的設計與篩選相關研究。2011年3月作為中國科技大學優秀人才引進,現任生命科學學院副教授。2009年獲17多肽調控國際會議優秀博士後獎。主要研究成果發表於Journal of Biological Chemistry, Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab, Protein Science等相關領域國際重要期刊。





1、Miller, L.J., Chen, Q., Lam, P.C., Pinon, D.I., Sexton, P.M., Abagyan, R. and Dong, M.Refinement of glucagon-like peptide 1 docking to its intact receptor using mid-region photolabile probes and molecular modeling. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2011, In press

2、 Chen, Q., Pinon, D.I., Miller, L.J., and Dong, M. Spatial approximations between residues 6 and 12 in the amino-terminal region of glucagon-Like peptide 1 and its receptor. a region critical for biological activity. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010, 285:

3、 Chen, Q., Miller, L.J., and Dong, M. Role of N-linked glycosylation in biosynthesis, trafficking, and function of the human glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor. Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. 2010, 299(1): E62-8

4、 Chen, Q., Pinon, D.I., Miller, L.J., and Dong, M. Molecular basis of glucagon-like peptide 1 docking to its intact receptor studied with carboxyl-terminal photolabile probes. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2009, 284:

5、 Chen, Q., Niu, X., Xu, Y., Wu, J., and Shi, Y. Solution Structure and Backbone Dynamics of AF-6 PDZ domain/Bcr Peptide Complex. Protein Science, 2007, 16:

6、Niu, X., Chen, Q., Zhang, J., Shen, W., Shi, Y., and Wu, J. Interesting structural and dynamical behaviors exhibited by the AF-6 PDZ domain upon Bcr peptide binding. Biochemistry, 2007, 46(51):

7、Ding, H., Xu, Y., Chen, Q., Dai, H., Tang, Y., Wu, J., and Shi, Y. Solution structure of human SUMO-3 C47S and its binding surface for Ubc9. Biochemistry, 2005, 44(8):

8、Zhang, X., Zhang, J., Li, X., Xu, J., Huang, H., Chen, Q., Wu, J., and Shi, Y. Compact molten globule-like state of hUBF HMG Box1 at extremely low pH. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 2005, 1748: 66–73

9、 Chen, Q. and Shi, Y. Progress in SUMO modification research. Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences, 2004, 16: 1-6

10.Xiao, Y., Chen, Q., Hang, J., Shi, Y., Wu, J., Hong, Y. and Wang, Y. Selective induction, purification and characterization of a laccase isozyme from the basidiomycete Trametes sp. AH28-2. Mycologia, 2004, 96(1):26-35


