



近幾年來以第一、二作者身份在Advanced Materials(IF 8.121)、Advanced Functional Materials(IF 6.808)、Chemistry of Materials(IF 5.046)、The Journal of Physical Chemistry B(IF 4.194)等國際著名期刊上發表論文12篇(第一作者7篇),論文他引共102次(其中第一作者論文他引71次),其中發表在Advanced Materials(10.1002/adma.200902901)關於酶誘導調控TiO晶型的論文被自然出版集團下屬的NPG-Asia Materials雜誌作為research highlight予以介紹,2009年入選北京市科技新星培養計畫。


(1) Ge Chen, Min Li, Fan Li, Shaorui Sun, Dingguo Xia*,Protein-mediated Synthesis of Nanostructured Titania with Different Polymorphs at Room-temperature, Advanced Materials 2010 22 1258.

(2) Ge Chen,Zhenyao Wang,Dingguo Xia*,One-Pot Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube@SnO-Au Coaxial Nanocable for Lithium-Ion Batteries with High Rate Capability, Chemistry of Materials 2008,20, 6951.

(3) Ge Chen, Zhenyao Wang, Dingguo Xia*, Lei Zhang, Rob Hui, Jiujiu Zhang, Whelk-like helixes of polypyrrole synthesized by electropolymerization, Advanced Functional Materials 2007,17, 1844.

(4) Ge Chen, Dingguo Xia*, Zuoren Nie, Zhenyao Wang, Lei Wang, Lei Zhang, Jiujun Zhang, Facile synthesis of Co-Pt hollow sphere electrocatalyst, Chemistry of Materials 2007,19, 1840.

(5) Dingguo Xia*, Ge Chen, Zhenyao Wang, Jiujun Zhang, Rob Hui, Dave. Ghosh, Haijiang Wang, Synthesis of ordered intermetallic PtBinanoparticles for methanol-tolerant catalyst in oxygen electroreduction, Chemistry of Materials, 2006,18, 5746.

(6) Ge Chen, Zhenyao Wang, Tao Yang, Daidi Huang, Dingguo Xia*, Electrocatalytic hydrogenation of 4-chlorophenol on the glassy carbon electrode modified by composite polypyrrole/palladium film, Journal of Physcial Chemistry B 2006,110, 4863.

(7) Ge Chen, Zhenyao Wang, Dingguo Xia*, Electrochemically reductive dechlorination of micro amounts of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol in aqueous medium on molybdenum oxide containing supported palladium, Electrochimica Acta 2004,50, 933.

(8) Ge Chen, Zhenyao Wang, Dinguo Xia*, Electrochemically codeposited palladium/molybdenum oxide electrode for electrocatalytic reductive dechlorination of 4-chlorophenol, Electrochemistry Communications 2004,6, 268.

(9) Xiang Li, Ge Chen, Jia Xie, Lijuan Zhang, Dingguo Xia*, Ziyu Wu, An Electrocatalyst for Methanol Oxidation in DMFC: PtBi/XC-72 with Pt Solid-Solution Structure, Journal of The Electrochemcial Society 2010available online(DOI: 10.1149/1.3309725)

(10) Zhenyao Wang, Ge Chen,Dingguo Xia*,Coating of multi-walled carbon nanotube with SnOfilms of controlled thickness and its application for Li-ion battery, Journal of Power Source 2008,184, 432.

(11) Zhenyao Wang, Ge Chen,Dingguo Xia*,Coating of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with SnOfilms of controlled thickness, Materials Letters 2008,62, 2855.

(12) Zhenyao Wang, Ge Chen,Dingguo Xia*,Lijuan Zhang,Studies on the electrocatalytic properties of PtRu/C-TiOtoward the oxidation of methanol, Journal of Alloys and Compounds2008,450, 148.

