釀酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)[3]是啤酒釀造中必不可少的,此外有的菌種還套用於麵包發酵、石油脫蠟、生產甘油和有機酸等工業中,但假絲酵母屬(Candida)的一些菌種也可以使人致病。
界: 真菌界
門: 子囊菌門
亞門: Saccharomycotina
O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997[1]
綱:酵母綱 Saccharomycetes
1Eriksson, O.E. & K. Winka(1997年).“Supraordinal taxa of Ascomycota”.Myconet1:1–16.
2 See the Ascomycota article on the Paleos site for a definition and explanation of Saccharomycotina.
3.0 3.1 See for instance the Systema Naturae 2000 classification or the O. E. Eriksson (2006) classification in 4Taxonomicon for the taxonomic tree. Other classification systems do not necessarily recognize the subphylum level, for instance Index Fungorum puts Saccharomycetes directly as a daughter of Ascomycota.