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出版社: 北京理工大學出版社; 第1版 (2010年7月1日)
平裝: 234頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787564032333, 7564032332
條形碼: 9787564032333
尺寸: 22.6 x 16.8 x 1.2 cm
重量: 358 g






Chapter One Introduction
Ⅰ. Definitions of rhetoric
A. Denotation of rhetoric
B. Connotation of rhetoric
C. Six basic features of good expressions
Ⅱ. Functions of rhetoric
A. Being more appropriate
B. Being more attractive
C. Being more forcible
D. Being more humorous
Ⅲ. Classification of rhetoric
Ⅳ. Rhetoric in the perspective of cross-cultural communication
Chapter Two Comparison and Contrast Between English and Chinese Rhetoric
Ⅰ. Language and rhetoric
Ⅱ. Language, rhetoric and thought
Ⅲ. English and Chinese rhetoric
A. Passive rhetorical techniques
B. Active rhetorical techniques
Chapter Three The Faculty of Rhetorical Invention
Ⅰ. The origin of rhetorical invention
Ⅱ. The essence of rhetorical invention
Ⅲ. The cases of rhetorical invention
A. Controversial topic
B. Non-controversial topic
Chapter Four Passive Rhetorical Techniques
Section One Contextual Choice of Words and Expressions
Ⅰ. Being fit for a certain situation
Ⅱ. Being appropriate stylistically
A. English examples
B. Chinese examples
Ⅲ. Being idiomatic
A. Using idioms
B. Using words in their figurative sense in English vs.
words with vague reference or enigmatic folk similes in Chinese
Section Two Textual Choice of Words, Expressions and Sentence Structures
Part 1 English Prominent Feature: Elegant Variation
Ⅰ. The solid basis
A. Vocabulary
B. Grammar
Ⅱ. Various forms of variation
A. Forms in diction
B. Forms in sentence structures
Part 2 Chinese Prominent Features
Ⅰ. Sentence structure: elegance of balance
Ⅱ. Elegance of artistic conception
Section Three Application
Part 1 Application of the English Prominent Features
Ⅰ. Elegant variation
A. Forms in diction
B. Forms in sentence structures
Ⅱ. English words in their figurative sense
Part 2 Application of the Chinese Prominent Features
Ⅰ. Chinese balanced structures
Ⅱ. Periodic sentences
Ⅲ. Chinese words with vague reference
Ⅳ. Xiehouyu
Part 3 Application of English/Chinese Idiomaticness
Chapter Five Active Rhetorical Techniques
Section One Devices Whose Rhetorical Effects Can Generally Be Retained
A. Apostrophe
B. Asyndeton, poly-syndeton
C. Climax, anticlimax
D. Contrast
E. Epanorthosis
F. hyperbole, understatement
G. Paradox, oxymoron
H. Parallelism
Ⅰ. Personification, Niwu
J. Rhetorical question
Section Two Devices Whose Rhetorical Effects Can Partly Be Retained
Ⅰ. On the psychological basis
A. allusion
B. Metonymy, simile, metaphor
C. Parody
D. Symbol
E. Synaesthesia
F. Transferred epithet
G. zeugma, syllepsis
Ⅱ. On the aesthetical basis
H. Anadiplosis
Ⅰ. antithesis
J. Euphemism
K. Irony, sarcasm, innuendo
L. malapropism
M. onomatopoeia
N. palindrome, antimetabole
Ⅲ. On the emphatic basis
P. Anastrophe
Q. Repetition
Section Three Devices Whose Rhetorical Effects Cannot in General Be Retained
Ⅰ. Figure of sound
A. End rhyme
B. Internal rhyme
C. assonance
D. alliteration
E. Half rhyme
F. consonance
G. Paregrnenon
Ⅱ. Other figures of speech
A. Cangci
B. Chaizi
C. Xiangqian
D. Qianci
Bilingual Glossary of Terms


