
趙東升,男,博士,中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所 副研究員。1997-2004年間,在東北師範大學獲得理學學士和碩士學位;2004-2007年,在中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所獲自然地理學博士學位;






1. 國家自然科學基金青年基金“青藏高原高寒草甸生態系統回響氣候變化的脆弱性研究”

2. 國家自然科學基金面上基金“藏北高寒草地土壤有機碳庫時空動態及對氣候變化的回響”

3. 國家973計畫專題“內蒙古天然草地土壤固碳情景研究”

4. 國家科技支撐專題“三江源區生態補償核算研究”

5. 國家科技支撐專題“未來氣候變化對草地影響的綜合預測及風險評估”

6. 國家科技支撐專題“西藏高原生態環境脆弱分區研究”

7. 國家環保公益專題“氣候變化對青藏高原土壤碳吸收功能的影響研究”

8. 國家環境保護專項青藏環保專項專題“青藏高原生態系統的綜合評估”

9. 國家自然科學基金重點基金課題“陸地表層關鍵要素相互作用的效應定量研究”


1. Zhao Dongsheng, Wu Shaohong, Yin Yunhe. Vegetation distribution on Tibetan Plateau under climate change scenario. Regional Environmental Change

2. Zhao Dongsheng, Wu Shaohong, Yin Yunhe. Dynamic responses of soil organic carbon to climate change in the three-river headwater region of the Tibetan Plateau. Climate Research

3. Zhao Dongsheng, Wu Shaohong, Yin Yunhe. Responses of terrestrial ecosystem’s net primary productivity to future regional climate change in China, PLOS ONE

4. Zhao Dongsheng, Wu Shaohong. Responses of vegetation distribution to climate change in China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology

5. Zhao Dongsheng, Wu Shaohong. Vulnerability of natural ecosystem in China under regional climate scenarios: An analysis based on eco-geographical regions. Journal of Geography Sciences

6. Zhao Dongsheng, Wu Shaohong, Dai Erfu, Yin Yunhe. Effect of climate change on soil organic carbon in Inner Mongolia. International Journal of Climatology

7. Zhao Dongsheng, Wu Shaohong. Spatial and temporal variability of key bio-temperature indicators on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau for the period 1961–2013. International Journal of Climatology

8. Guo Linghui, Wu Shaohong, Zhao Dongsheng*, Leng Guoyong, Zhang Qingyu. NDVI-based vegetation change in Inner Mongolia from 1982 to 2006 and its relationship to climate at the biome scale. Advance in Meteorology

9. Yuan Quanzhi, Zhao Dongsheng, Wu Shaohong, Dai Erfu. Validation of the integrated biosphere simulator in simulating the potential natural vegetation map of China. Ecological Research

10. Yin Yunhe, Wu Shaohong, Zhao Dongsheng. Past and future spatiotemporal changes in evapotranspirationand effective moisture on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

11. 趙東升, 吳紹洪. 氣候變化情景下中國自然生態系統脆弱性研究. 地理學報

12. 趙東升, 吳紹洪. 近40年青藏高原主要生物溫度指標的變化趨勢. 地理研究

13. 趙東升, 吳紹洪, 尹雲鶴. 氣候變化情景下中國自然植被淨初級生產力分布. 套用生態學報

14. 趙東升, 吳紹洪, 鄭度, 楊勤業. 青藏高原生態氣候因子的時空特徵. 套用生態學報


