

趙建文,哈爾濱工業大學,教授,博士生導師,主要從事軟體機器人及穿戴式軟感測器的研究。近年來承擔國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫、國家科技支撐計畫、863計畫等項目,受邀為Soft Robotics,IEEE/ASME transaction on mechatronics,Applied Physics Letters等國際知名期刊的審稿人,國家自然科學基金、山東省重點研發計畫等項目的評審專家。


· 軟體機器人結構、工藝及控制

· 基於介電彈性體驅動的仿生結構

· 基於矽橡膠的可穿戴式軟感測器


1997年09月—2001年07月 哈爾濱工程大學 機械設計及製造專業 本科

2001年09月—2003年07月 哈爾濱工業大學 機械電子工程 碩士

2003年09月—2007年07月 哈爾濱工業大學 機械電子工程 博士


2007年07月—至今 哈爾濱工業大學(威海) 教師

2012年08月—2017年7月 哈爾濱工業大學材料科學與工程博士後流動站 博士後

2014年02月—2015年02月 加州大學洛杉磯分校軟材料實驗室 訪問學者




•2017.01-2019.12, 基於多元智慧型材料的超輕質軟體機械臂大變形致動及變剛度機理研究,國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫培育項目,91648106

•2017.01-2019.06, 基於介電彈性體結構變形的超輕質軟操作手驅動機理及設計方法研究,山東省自然科學基金面上項目,ZR2016EEM16



•2013.01-2015.12,基於介電彈性體驅動的MRI 相容操作手系統模型及控制方法研究,國家自然科學基金青年基金,51205076 。





•2012.01-2013.12,240測速化學發光免疫分析系統研發,山東省科技發展計畫,2012GGX10111 。


•2009.01-2009.12,微電腦血液採集儀的研製, 企業合作。

•2009.01-2009.12,模組化配平儀的研製, 企業合作。

•2009.06-2009.12,呼氣冷凝液採集系統樣機設計及加工, 企業合作。

•2008.01-2009.12,3-PTT並在線上構運動特性分析及性能圖譜庫建立, 國家重點實驗室開放基金。SKLRS200720

•2010.01-2012.12, 基於自運動流形的移動操作機避障能力評價及運動規劃方法研究。 哈工大創新基金。



*corresponding author


1 Bo Huang, Mingyu Li, Tao Mei, David McCoul, Shihao Qin, Zhanfeng Zhao, Jianwen Zhao*. Wearable Stretch Sensors for Motion Measurement of the Wrist Joint Based on Dielectric Elastomers, Sensors, 2017, Published: 23 November 2017

2 Shu Wang; Zhaogang Hao; Mingyu Li; Bo Huang; Lining Sun; Jianwen Zhao*. DEMES rotary joint: theories and applications. Proc. SPIE 10163, Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) 2017, 101630O (April 17, 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2258208 WOS:000406532300019

3 Junshi Zhang, Jianwen Zhao*, Shu Wang, Hualing Chen and Dichen Li, Large stable deformation of dielectric elastomers driven on mode of steady electric field, Smart Materials and Structures. 2017,26(5) 05LT01 (7pp) WOS:000399279000001

4 Junshi Zhang, Jianwen Zhao, Hualing Chen and Dichen Li, Dynamic analyses of viscoelastic dielectric elastomers incorporating viscous damping effect, Smart Materials and Structures. 2017,26(1):015010, WOS:000391289700003

5 Tao mei, yong ge, zhanfeng zhao, Mingyu Li, Jianwen Zhao*, Optimal Design and experiments of a Wearable Silicone Strain Sensor, The 10th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 2017, Wuhan, August 16, 2017 - August 18, 2017, pp 130-137 EI: 20173504095581


6 Jianwen Zhao*, Shu Wang, David McCoul, Zhiguang Xing, Bo Huang*, Liwu Liu, Jinsong Leng. Bistable dielectric elastomer minimum energy structures. Smart Materials and Structures, 2016, 25(7):075016 (SCI:000381517900019, 影響因子:2.909,中科院2區,JCR 1區) EI:20162602535544

7 Jianwen Zhao*, Shu Wang, Zhiguang Xing, David McCoul, Junyang Niu, Bo Huang, Liwu Liu, Jinsong Leng. Equivalent dynamic model of DEMES rotary joint, Smart Materials and Structures, 2016, 25(7):075025 (SCI:000381517900028, 影響因子:2.909,中科院2區,JCR 1區) EI: 20162602535450

8 Jianwen Zhao*, Yong Ge, Shu Wang, and Bo Huang. New resonance mode of dielectric elastomer minimum energy structure, Proceeding of CIMTEC, 2016 (invited paper)


9 Jianwen Zhao*, Junyang Niu, David McCoul, Zhi Ren, and Qibing Pei. Phenomena of nonlinear oscillation and special resonance of a dielectric elastomer minimum energy structure rotary joint. Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 106(13): 133504. DOI:10.1063/1.4915108, (SCI收錄號:000352310700055 影響因子:3.302,中科院2區,JCR 1區) EI收錄號:20151500727957

10 Jianwen Zhao*,Junyang Niu,David McCoul,Yong Ge,Qibing Pei,Liwu liu,Jinsong Leng. Improvement on output torque of dielectric elastomer minimum energy structures. Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 107(6): 063505. DOI:10.1063/1.4928629 (SCI收錄號:000359794200039, 影響因子:3.302,中科院2區,JCR 1區) EI收錄號: 20153401185305

11 Jianwen Zhao*, Junyang Niu, David McCoul, Jinsong Leng, Qibing Pei. A rotary joint for a flapping wing actuated by dielectric elastomers: design and experiment. Meccanica, 2015, 50:2815–2824. DOI: 10.1007/s11012-015-0241-x (SCI收錄號:000363985900012, 影響因子:1.949,中科院3區,JCR 2區) EI 收錄號:20152901044741

12 Liwu Liu, Jinrong Li, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng, Junqing Zhao, Jianwen Zhao. Electric field induced variation of temperature and entropy in dielectric elastomers, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2015; 29(1):109-114 (SCI:000347959500017 影響因子:0.838)


13 Jianwen Zhao*, Bo Huang*, Dingguo Hua, A Study of Sharp Increase Phenomenon in Constraint Torque on the Universal Joint of 3-PUU Parallel Manipulator, International Journal of Robotics and Automation. 2014,29(4):378-386 (SCI收錄號:000342963800007,影響因子:0.408,JCR 4區)(EI:20151700771887)

14 Jianwen Zhao*, Junyang Niu, Liwu Liu, Jiangcheng Yu*. A soft creeping robot actuated by dielectric elastomer. Proceedings Of SPIE Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices 905608, 2014,3月,(WOS:000344010900007) EI:20143318060383

15 Jianwen Zhao, Jiangcheng Yu, Junyang Niu*, Yong Ge. Liwu Liu. Research on the automatic spraying of single-walled carbon nanotube and the detection of the spraying effect. International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials. 2014, 5(2): 86-98 (EI:20142417802640)

16 姚玉峰; 趙建文*; 李全超. 面向化學發光免疫檢測的複合物磁分離技術研究. 分析科學學報,2014,30(3): 297-302


17 Jianwen Zhao*, Shengrong Fan, A method of friction disturbance compensation based on velocity feedback, TELKOMNIKA, 2013,11(7): 3648-3655. (EI:20133116560236)

18 Jianwen Zhao, Wei Xie. Study on Open CNC Control System Based on GUC Motion Controller. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, 241-244, 1482-1486 (EI: 20130515973546)

19 Jianwen Zhao*,Shengrong Fan.A Method for Parameter Identification of Mechanical System Based on Differential Motion Equations. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, v 278-280:1664-1669, (EI: 20130615997599)

20 姚玉峰,趙建文*,賈向陽,路士州,張金祥. 基於化學發光原理的高通量免疫分析儀的研製,儀器儀表學報,2013,34(1):85-93(EI:20131016087711)


21 趙建文*,陳艷寧,路士州.化學發光免疫檢測儀涉及的關鍵技術,發光學報,2012,33(12):1381-1388(EI: 20130315910466)


22 Yao Yufeng, Zhao Jianwen, Huang Bo. Motion Planning Algorithms of Redundant Manipulators Based on Self-motion Manifolds. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (Eng. Ed.)..2010,23(1):80-87(SCI/EI源刊)(SCI:000274451800012,影響因子:0.194)(EI: 20101312812674) DOI: 10.3901/CJME.2010.01.080

23 黃博,趙建文,姚玉峰,孫立寧. 面向可避障域的移動操作機運動規劃解析方法. 機械工程學報,2010,46(15):8-16 (EI:20103613222397)

24 Yao Yu-feng, Zhao Jian-wen, Sun Li-ning. Self-Motion Manifolds of an 8-DOF Non-Holonomic Mobile Manipulator. Journal of Donghua University (Eng. Ed.). 2010,27(3):400-406 (EI: 20121414926349)

25 黃博,趙建文,孫立寧. 基於靜平衡的四足機器人直行與樓梯爬越步態.機器人(EI源).2010,32(2):226-232 (EI: 20101712896713)

26 Yao Yufeng, Lu Shizhou, Huang Bo, Zhao Jianwen. Automated Chemiluminescence Immunoassay Analyzer. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation. 2010:829-832


27 趙建文, 杜志江, 孫立寧. 虎克鉸干涉判定準則及其最佳化設計方法的研究,機械設計,2004,21(11):45~48

28 趙建文, 杜志江, 孫立寧. 速度子空間在3-PTT並在線上構運動耦合分析中的套用,機械設計,2006,23(7):51~53

29 Zhao Jianwen, Sun Lining, Du Zhijiang. Self-Motion Analysis on A Redundant Robot with A Parallel/Series Hybrid Configuration, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Singapore,2006:2239~2244 (EI:073110719148)

30 孫立寧, 趙建文, 杜志江. 單冗餘度機器人避障能力指標的建立及其在七自由度冗餘手臂上的實踐. 機械工程學報,2007,43(5):223~229(EI: 072510662686)

31 趙建文, 杜志江, 孫立寧. 7自由度冗餘手臂的自運動流形. 機械工程學報,2007,43(9):132-137 (EI: 074210875572)

32 Lining Sun, Jianwen Zhao, Zhijiang Du, Wei Dong. Development of a nurse robot served in infectious disease isolation wards, High Technology Letters, 2007,13(3):261~266 (EI: 073910834439)

33 趙建文,李來航,左志遠. 冗餘度機器人梯度投影逆解算法的改進. 機械科學與技術,2009,28(5):618-621

34 趙建文,姚玉峰,黃博. 一種位姿耦合式冗餘度機器人的自運動流形. 機械科學與技術,2009,28(8):1012-1017

35 趙建文,姚玉峰,黃博,劉海涌.紅細胞洗滌機的研究. 儀器儀表學報. 2009,30(6):1-5 (EI:20093812327277)

36 Zhao Jianwen, Huang bo, Zhu feibai, Lu shizhou. Dynamic Analysis and Safety Monitoring of Tank Truck. IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics,2009: 301-304(EI: 20094812516991)

37 Yao Yufeng, Zhao Jianwen, Huang Bo. Research on Portable Instrument for Determining Hemoglobin Concentration in Whole Blood. IEEE International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation.2009: 334-337(EI: 20094712476053)

38 Huang Bo, Zhao Jianwen, Su Yanyu, Lu Shizhou. Ship oscillation simulation system based on direction spectrum, IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics,2009: 385-388(EI:20094812516977)

39 姚玉峰,趙建文,孫立寧. 一種直接面向位移尋優的冗餘度機器人運動規划算法. 西安交通大學學報. 2009,43(11):75-79 (EI:20095012535731)


