



[1] 國家自然科學基金:生物活性對骨組織生物摩擦學特性的影響機理(51205327),2013.1~2015.12,主持

[2] 高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金:生物活性對人工骨生物摩擦學性能影響的研究(20120184120019),2013.1~2015.12,主持

[3] 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金:殘餘生物活性對骨組織摩擦學特性影響及作用機理的研究(A0920502051202-15),2011.1~2013.12,主持



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[2] J. Zhao, K. Duan, J.X. Wang, X. Lu, J. Weng, “The influence of polymer concentrations on the structure and mechanical properties of porous HA/PCL composite tissue engineering scaffolds”, Applied Surface Science 256: 4586-4590 (2010). (SCI, EI)

[3] J. Zhao, X. Lu, K. Duan, L.Y. Guo, S.B. Zhou, J. Weng, “Improving mechanical and biological properties of macroporous HA scaffolds through composite coatings”, Colloids and Interface B: Biointerface 74:159-166, (2009). (SCI, EI)

[4] J. Zhao, X. Lu, J. Weng, “Macroporous Ti-based composite scaffold prepared by polymer impregnating method with calcium phosphate coatings”, Materials Letters 62: 2921-2924, (2008) (SCI, EI).

[5] J. Zhao, L.Y. Guo, X.B. Yang, J. Weng, “Preparation of bioactive porous HA/PCL composite scaffolds”, Applied Surface Science 255: 2942-2946, (2008). (SCI, EI)

[6] J. Zhao, S.G. Xiao, X. Lu, J.X. Wang, J. Weng, “A study on improving mechanical properties of porous HA tissue engineering scaffolds by hot isostatic pressing”, Biomedical Materials 1:188–192 (2006). (SCI)

[7] J. Zhao, S.G. Xiao, J.X. Wang, J. Weng, “The effect of particle morphologies on mechanical properties of porous hydroxyapatite scaffold”, Key Engineering Materials 361-363: 179-182, (2008). (EI)

[8] 趙婧,魯雄,汪建新,翁傑. 具有生物活性的多孔鈦金屬複合支架的製備. 生物醫學工程學雜誌, 2009, 26(4): 795–798. (核心期刊)


