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•2009年7月至今 電子科技大學通信抗干擾國家重點實驗室,副教授



•(1)頻譜異構環境下基於協作感知的認知無線ad hoc網路MAC技術研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,編號:61471104,2015年1月~2018年12月,第一負責人

•(2) 認知無線通信國家級項目1項,2011年1月~2015年12月,第一負責人






•2004年10月—2009年6月 香港中文大學訊息工程學系,副研究員



•(1) 分配器及其遞歸構造的數學理論,香港研究資助局資助

•(2) 卷積網路編碼理論,香港研究資助局資助

•(3) 網路編碼在無線網路和Avalanche增強型路由器中的套用,香港研究資助局資助

•(4) 光纖與交換機的結合在光通信器件構造中的套用,香港研究資助局資助

•(5) 網路編碼的新研究方向,香港研究資助局資助

•(6) 代數交換與網路編碼,國家自然科學基金與香港研究資助局聯合資助資助

•1998年9月—2001年6月 電子科技大學通信與信息工程學院,助研



•2015年9月至今 電子科技大學


•李碩彥教授長期致力於建立抽象數學與工程之間的新橋樑,套用於無線通信、網路通信、網路安全、信息編碼、生物信息學、計算機科學、最佳化處理、博弈等 領域。李教授是網路編碼理論的創立者之一,也是代數交換理論的創立者,他將用日常的語言以說故事的形式來與學生探討一些數學與工程連結方面的問題。“數學 與工程的對話”課程目前已規劃的有如下四個研究領域:

•隨機過程 (stochastic processes)

•網路編碼 (network coding)

•交換網路 (switching networks)

•代數編碼理論 (algebraic coding theory)


•2009年9月至今 電子科技大學,教授本科生課程《交換原理》

•2001年9月—2004年7月 香港中文大學訊息工程學系,助教




•[1] Xuesong Jonathan Tan and W. Zhan, “Cluster-based Control Information Exchange in Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks with Heterogeneous Spectrum,” submitted to IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing.

•[2] Xuesong Jonathan Tan, S.-Y. R. Li, and P. Chen, “Timeslot interchanging by efficient optical switches,” to appear at IET Communications.

•[3] S.-Y. R. Li, Xuesong Jonathan Tan, P. Chen, and S. Ho, “Emulation of multistage interconnection networks by fiber memory,” IET Communications, vol. 8, no. 15, pp. 2591-2598, October 2014.

•[4] Xuesong Jonathan Tan, L. Li, and W. Guo, “A game-theoretic approach for opportunistic spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks with incomplete information,” IEICE Trans. Communications, vol.E95-B, no.4, pp.1117-1124, April 2012.

•[5] 譚雪松,楊潢. 基於非預留層雙層曼哈頓模型的多級互連網路布線設計[J]. 電子科技大學學報,2011,40(suppl 2): 128-133.

•[6] S.-Y. R. Li and Xuesong Jonathan Tan, “Mux/Demux Queues, FIFO Queues, and Their Construction by Fiber Memories,” IEEE Trans. Info. Theory, vol. 57. no. 3, pp. 1328-1343, March 2011.

•[7] Xuesong Jonathan Tan and S.-Y. R. Li, “Hybrid Preservation of Conditionally Nonblocking Switches under 2-stage Interconnection,” IEEE Trans. Communications, vol. 57. no. 4, pp. 940-942, April 2009.

•[8] S.-Y. R. Li and Xuesong Jonathan Tan, “On Rearrangeability of Tandem of Banyan-type Networks,” IEEE Trans. Communications, vol. 57. no. 1, pp. 164-170, Jan 2009.

•[9] S.-Y. R. Li and Xuesong Jonathan Tan, "Recursive Construction of Parallel Distribution Networks,” Journal of Parallel Distributed Computing, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 617-634, June 2007.

•[10] S.-Y. R. Li and Xuesong Jonathan Tan, “Preservation of Conditionally Nonblocking Switches under Two-stage Interconnection,” IEEE Trans. Communications, vol. 55. no. 5, pp. 973-980, May 2007.

•[11] Xuesong Jonathan Tan and S.-Y. R. Li, “Rearrangeability of the Tandem Cascade of Banyan-type Networks,” IEICE Trans. Information and Systems, vol. E90-D, no. 1, pp. 67-74, Jan 2007.


•[1]Xuesong Jonathan Tanand W. Zhan, “A Novel Traffic-adaptive Spectrum Leasing Scheme between Primary and Secondary Networks,” IEEE ICC 2015, London, United Kingdom, June 2015.

•[2]Xuesong Jonathan Tanand W. Zhan, “Control Information Exchange in Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks with Heterogeneous Spectrum,” IEEE GLOBECOM 2014, Austin, USA, December 2014.

•[3]Xuesong Jonathan Tan, L. Li, and W. Guo, “Bargaining-based Spectrum Sharing for Cognitive Radio Network with Incomplete Information,” GLOBECOM 2012, pp. 1216-1222, Los Angeles, USA, Dec. 3-7, 2012.

•[4]Xuesong Jonathan Tan, L. Li, and W. Guo, “A game-theoretic approach for opportunistic transmission scheme in cognitive radio networks with incomplete information,” CROWNCOM 2011, pp. 76-80, Osaka, Japan, June 1-3, 2011.

•[5] S.-Y. R. Li andXuesong Jonathan Tan, "Fast Control over Fiber Memory,” IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, pp. 2411-2415, Nice, France, June 24-29, 2007.

•[6]Xuesong Jonathan Tanand S.-Y. R. Li, “Mixed preservation of Conditionally Nonblocking Switches under 2-stage Interconnection,” International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT), pp. 17-22, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2006.

•[7] S.-Y. R. Li andXuesong Jonathan Tan, "Fiber memory,” Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, pp. 799-808, Champaign, USA, September 2006.

•[8] S.-Y. R. Li andXuesong Jonathan Tan, "Analog Memory by Recursive 2-stage Switching,” IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, pp. 2779-2883, Seattle, USA, July 2006.

•[9] S.-Y. R. Li andXuesong Jonathan Tan, "Theory on Switching Preservation under 2-stage Interconnection,” International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, pp. 26-30, Dalian, China, December 2005. Outstanding paper award.

•[10]Xuesong Jonathan Tan, S.-Y. R. Li, and Y. Shen, “Rearrangeability of the Tandem Cascade of Banyan-type Networks,” International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, pp. 11-15, Dalian, China, December 2005.

•[11]Xuesong Jonathan Tanand S.-Y. R. Li, “On Rearrangeability of Cascaded Banyan-type Networks,” the 18th International Conference on Parallel Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS), pp. 79-84, Las Vegas, USA, September 2005.

•[12] S.-Y. R. Li andXuesong Jonathan Tan, "Recursive Construction of Distributors by Merging," the 23rd IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks, pp. 680-685, Innsbruck, Austria, February 2005.



•[2] 楊璜,譚雪松,呂林軍,韓波,一種中繼傳輸的方法、設備及系統,申請號:201310043334.2,申請日期:2013年2月4。

•[3] 劉仁婷,譚雪松,周靈眉,一種基於不完全網路環境信息的分散式頻譜共享方法,申請號:CN201510178275.9。

•[4] 劉仁婷,譚雪松,顏凱,董倩,一種能源自動分配方法及管理系統,申請號:CN201510096337.1。


•[1] 認知無線網路無線傳輸技術,國防工業出版社,出版日期:2014年8月。


