









1994-1998年 北京大學套用化學本科

1998-2001年 北京大學環境科學碩士


2005.12-2006.6 博士後(佛羅里達國際大學、俄勒岡州立大學聯合項目)

2006.6-2008.12 多倫多大學博士後

2008.12-至今 北京大學城市與環境學院“百人計畫”研究員


1、《Environmental Processes》(Springer;coming soon)副主編

2、《The Scientific World Journal-Environmental Chemistry》編委


4、《Organic Geochemistry》、《Applied Geochemistry》、《International Journal of Climate Change》《EPSL》、《Continental Shelf Research》、《Frontiers in Earth Sciences》《中國科學D輯》、 《海洋科學》等期刊審稿人






有機地球化學實驗室是在北京大學“優秀青年人才項目”(百人計畫)的支持下,於2009年創建,隸屬於城市與環境學院地表過程分析與模擬教育部重點實驗室。實驗室主要研究方向包括:1)生物有機地球化學;2)古環境與古氣候變化。實驗室強調生物標誌物和同位素技術,通過研究海洋、湖泊和土壤等環境體系,揭示全球變化背景下關鍵元素(如C、N、 P等)的生物地球化學過程,發展高解析度的分子環境代用指標,重建環境和氣候演化過程。實驗室配備有安捷倫氣相色譜質譜聯用儀(GC-MS 7890A-5975C MSD)、安捷倫氣相色譜儀(GC7890A)、安捷倫高效液相色譜儀(HPLC 1200)、Gerstel 製備氣相色譜儀、冷凍乾燥儀等大型儀器及完備的樣品前處理系統。








3.973項目土壤系統碳動態、機制及對全球變化的回響(2014-2018; 子課題)






1.W Wu§(§代表指導學生), J Ruan, L Zhao, S Ding, H Yang, W Ding, Y Pei, Xu Y*(通訊作者), Source and distribution of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers along lower Yellow River-estuary-coast transect, Marine Chemistry, 2014, 158, 17-26

2. Belt, S.T., Brown, T.A., Ampel, L. Cabedo-Sanz, P., Fahl, K., Kocis, J., Massé, G., Navarro-Rodriguez,A., Ruan§, J., Xu, Y. An inter-laboratory investigation of the Arctic sea ice biomarker proxy IP25 in marine sediments: Key outcomes and recommendations. Climate of the Past,2014,10, 155-166.

3. Zhang, X§, Xu, Y*, Zhang, L. Optimization of programmed temperature vaporization injector-preparative capillary gas chromatography for compound specific radiocarbon analysis, Journal of Separation Science, 2013,36,2136-2144

4. Wu, W§, Zhao, L, Pei, Y., Ding, W, Yang, H, Xu Y*, Variability of tetraether lipids in Yellow River-dominated continental margin during past eight decades: implications for organic matter sources and river channel shifts, Organic Geochemistry, 2013, 60, 33-39

5. Wu, W§, W. Tan, L. Zhou, H. Yang, Xu Y*, Sea surface temperature variability in southern Okinawa Trough during last 2700 years, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2012, doi:10.1029/2012GL052749

6. Sun, D§, Tan, W., Pei, Y., Zhou, L., Wang, H., Yang, H., Xu Y*, Late Quaternary environmental change of Yellow River Basin: An organic geochemical record in Bohai Sea (North China). Organic Geochemistry, 2011, 42, 575-585

7. Wang, G., Zhang, L§., Zhang X§., Wang Y§., Xu Y*, Chemical and carbon isotopic dynamics of grass organic matter during litter decompositions: a litterbag experiment,Organic Geochemistry (已接受)

8. Xu Y*, Jaffé, R, Occurrence, distribution and origin of C30 cyclobotryococcenes in a subtropical wetland/estuarine ecosystem, Chemosphere, 2010, 81:918-924

9. Feng, X., Xu Y., Jaffé, R, Schlesinger, W.H., Simpson M.J. Turnover rates of hydrolysable aliphatic lipids in Duke Forest soils determined by compound specific 13C isotopic analysis, Organic Geochemistry, 2010, 41:573-579.

10. Xu Y., Simpson M.J., Eyles, N., Chemical characterization of organic components in cryoconite from Athabasca Glacier, western Canada, Organic Geochemistry, 2010,41:177-186

11. Xu, Y., Eyles, N., Simpson, M. Terrigenous organic matter sources in mid-Pleistocene sediments from the Orphan Knoll, northwest Atlantic Ocean, Applied Geochemistry 2009, 24:1934-1940

12. Xu Y., Jaffé, R. Geochemical record of anthropogenic impacts on Lake Valencia, Venezuela, Applied Geochemistry, 2009, 24:411-418

13. Simoneit BRT, Xu, Y., Neto, R. and Jaffé, R. Photochemical alteration of 3-oxy-triterpenoids:implications for the origin of seco-triterpenoids in aquatic sediments, Chemosphere, 2009, 74:543-550

14. Xu, Y., Cooke, M., Talbot, H. Simpson, M. Bacteriohopanepolyol signatures of bacterial populations in western Canadian soils, Organic Geochemistry,2009, 40:79-87.

15. McKelvie, J., Yuk, J., Xu, Y., Simpson, A., Simpson, M., 1H NMR and GC/MS metabolomics of earthworm responses to sub-lethal DDT and endosulfan exposure. Metabolomics. doi: 10.1021/es800115b

16. Shirzadi, A., Simpson, M.J., Kumar, R., Baer, A.J., Xu, Y., Simpson, A.J., 2008. Molecular interactions of pesticides at the soil-water interface. Environmental Science& Technology 42, 5514-5520.

17. Xu, Y*, Jaffe, R., Simoneit, BRT. Oxygenated spiro-triterpenoids probably related to arborenes in sediments of a tropical, freshwater lake, Organic Geochemistry; 2008, 39, 1400-1404

18. Xu, Y., Jaffé, R. Biomarker-based paleo-record of environmental change for an eutrophic, tropical freshwater lake, Lake Valencia, Venezuela. Journal of Paleolimnology, 2008, 40: 179-192

19. Shirzadi, A, Simpson, M. J., Xu, Y., Simpson, A J. Application of saturation transfer double difference NMR to elucidate the mechanistic interactions of pesticides with humic acid, Environmental Science & Technology, 2008, 42: 1084-1090.

20. Xu, Y., Jaffé, R. Lipid biomarkers in suspended particles from a subtropical estuary: Assessment of seasonal changes in sources and transport of organic matter. Marine Environmental Research, 2007, 64: 666-678.

21. Xu, Y., Simoneit, B.R.T. and Jaffé, R. Occurrence of long-chain n-alkenols, diols, keto-ols and sec-alkanols in a sediment core from a hypereutrophic, freshwater lake. Organic Geochemistry, 2007, 38: 870-883.

22. Xu, Y., Holmes, C., Jaffé, R. Paleoenvironmental assessment of recent environmental changes in Florida Bay, USA: A biomarker based study. Estuarine,Coastal and Shelf Science, 2007, 73: 201-210.

23. Xu, Y., Mead, R.N.,Jaffé, R. A molecular marker based assessment of sedimentary organic matter sources and distributions in Florida Bay, Hydrobiologia, 2006, 569: 179-192.

24. Xu, Y., Jaffé, R., Wachnicka, A., Gaiser, E. Occurrence of C25 highly branched soprenoids in Florida Bay: a novel paleoenvironmental indicator, Organic Geochemistry, 2006, 37: 847-859.

25. Mead, R. Xu, Y., Chong, J., Jaffé, R. Sediment and soil organic matter sourceassessment as revealed by the molecular distribution and carbon isotopic composition of n-alkanes, Organic Geochemistry, 2005, 36: 363-370

26. Xu, Y., Zhu, T. Li, SJ. Measurement of rate constant for gas-phase reaction of DDVP with OH radical by using LP-FTIR, Progress in Natural Sciences, 2002, 12: 185-187


