

蘇霍伊T4MS戰略轟炸機在1967 美國提出了先進有人駕駛戰略轟炸機計畫(AMSA)也就是未來的 B-1 ,這促使蘇聯軍事當局重新評估了本國在這一領域內的能力和需求。


1967 美國提出了先進有人駕駛戰略轟炸機計畫(AMSA)也就是未來的 B-1 ,這促使蘇聯軍事當局重新評估了本國在這一領域內的能力和需求。

1969 年 1 月 10 日蘇聯航空工業部部長下令研製一種超音速戰略轟炸機。一場競爭在 Tupolev, Myasishchev 和 Sukhoi 設計局之間展開。同時發動機和武器系統以及機載設備也開始研製。

1969 年 5 月 25 日蘇聯電子工業部部長發布命令研製新轟炸機用的電子設備。

Sukhoi 設計局以 T-4MS 為代號開始了研發工作(其中“S” 代表戰略的意思)。新轟炸機是在該局以前製造的 T-4 超音速轟炸機的基礎上設計的。T-4MS 保留了 T-4 的發動機、機載設備和電子系統,並採用了原來的材料、技術方案以及生產工藝。T-4MS 代號為“Izdeliye 200”(“物品 200”)因為它的起飛重量接近 200 噸。而早期 T-4 的代號則是“物品100”。 在發展過程中 Sukhoi 設計師們研究了幾種空氣動力模型,他們同時研究了把 T-4M 按比例放大成為 T-4MS 的可能性。但是這樣做在尺寸加大的同時武器攜帶量卻達不到要求。







蘇霍伊T4MS戰略轟炸機 蘇霍伊T4MS戰略轟炸機

基於以上要求和在 T-4M 上進行過的探索,Sukhoi 的設計師們認為 T-4MS 應該具備完全的升力體機身----也就是“飛翼”,同時採用可變後掠翼以獲得相對小的表面積。

這種結構被命名為“2B“,於 1970 年由 L.I. Bondarenko 完成並被設計局批准。

這個機體設計由 TsAGI 進行了測試並且在亞音速區和超音速區都獲得了很高的氣動質量係數(M=0.8 時 17.5 M=3.0 時 7.3)。

新的升力體機身解決了機翼的彈性變形問題。小型的可變翼和堅固的機身相連,可以承受低空超音速飛行的巨大載荷。機翼可以在 30 度到 70 度之間轉動。

在 1971 年 Sukhoi 設計局傾盡全力修改飛機機翼的厚度和外形以達到提升飛機氣動性能的目的;使用超臨界翼形提高亞音速巡航速度;研究機翼上反對垂尾和發動機的影響;選定能達到最佳穩定性和控制性的機翼外形並且努力提高燃油利用效率。

在 TsAGI 進行風洞試驗期間,工程師們發現飛機有 5% 的空氣動力不穩定性。為了解決該問題把機頭部分加長並增加了一些水平控制面。這些工作於 1971 年 9 月完成。

蘇霍伊T4MS戰略轟炸機 蘇霍伊T4MS戰略轟炸機

設計師們對減小飛機的雷達反射面積也下了很多功夫。T-4MS 由四台推力各 20,000 公斤的 NK-101 噴氣發動機推動,發動機兩個一對安裝在機身下狹長的短艙內。

T-4MS 計畫在 1972 年秋天被報送蘇聯航空工業部科技技術委員會審議,同時亮相的還有 Tupolev 設計局在 圖-144 基礎上設計的“160M”計畫以及 Myasishchev 設計局的 M-20 計畫。

該委員會認為 Tupolev 設計局的“160M”計畫未能滿足所有設計要求,它更合適作為民航機使用,而 Myasishchev 設計局的 M-18/M-20 計畫過於前衛,技術難度過大以至於該局無法將它變為現實。

蘇聯空軍司令員 P.S. Kutakhov 宣布 Sukhoi 設計局的 T-4MS 計畫獲勝。但在此時設計局還在同時進行 T-10 戰鬥機計畫(未來的 Su-27),和 T-6 計畫(Su-24 的前身)。科技技術委員會擔心 Sukhoi 設計局無法承擔如此沉重的工作,於是決定把發展工作轉移到 Tupolev 設計局,但技術方案沿用 T-4MS。

Tupolev 設計局拒絕了這一建議,堅持繼續改進“160M”方案。這導致了 Tu-160 超音速轟炸機的問世,它是蘇聯最重的轟炸機。和 T-4MS 計畫相比,Tu-160 要重 35%,在相同載彈量下的超音速航程要少一半。

蘇霍伊T4MS戰略轟炸機 蘇霍伊T4MS戰略轟炸機

許多 T-4MS 計畫採用的技術解決方案和設計原理後來被用在其他蘇聯飛機上,比如 Su-27,MiG-29 和 Tu-160。Sukhoi 最新的戰略轟炸機計畫 T-60S 基本上是 T-4MS 縮水版。 T-4MS 的重要意義在於它是 Sukhoi 設計局最新的聯合洲際轟炸機計畫 T-60S 的基礎。這是一種可變後掠翼,升力體機身的中程超音速轟炸機。新飛機明顯小於 T-4MS。飛機尺寸大小會影響機體的總體設計。在細節上機頭部分不必做成尖形,這將使飛機獲得更大的升力體面積從而減少機翼面積或者允許後掠角縮到更小。相對大的升力體面積也可以增加航程和獲得更好的燃油經濟性。

T-60S 能夠以兩倍音速巡航並配備二維矢量推力噴管。 後者將能夠解決在 T-4MS 上曾遇到的高速下水平控制面面積不足的問題。它將取代 Tu-22M 在空軍中的位置。


On 28th November 1967 the Soviet Union's

Council of Ministers issued directive

NO.1 098-378 ordering the commencement of

design work on what was referred to as a

strategic intercontinental aircraft; this was the

RFP mentioned earlier. The design bureaux

participating in the tender were required to

develop a delivery vehicle possessing outstanding

performance. Suffice it to say that

cruising speed at 18,000 m (z 59,000 ft) was

specified as 3,200-3,500 km/h (1,987-2,174

mph; 1,730-1,890 kts); range in this mode

was 11,000-13,000 km (6,830-8,075 miles).

Maximum range in high-altitude subsonic

cruise and at sea level was to be 16,00018,000

km (9,940-11,180 miles) and 11,00013,000

km respectively. The armament was to

vary according to the nature of the mission,

consisting of air-to-surface missiles - four

Kh-45 Molniya (Lightning) missiles, or twentyfour

Kh-2000 missiles etc. - or free-fall and

guided bombs of various types. The missiles

were products of the Moscow-based Raduga

design bureau (MKB Raduga, pronounced

rahdooga - Rainbow), although development

of the Kh-45 had been initiated by the Sukhoi

OKB as the main weapon for the T-4. The

specified maximum ordnance load was 45

tons (99,200 Ib).

Two design bureaux - the Sukhoi OKB

and the Myasishchev OKB (which, as already

mentioned, was reborn in the mid-1960s) took

on the task; the Tupolev OKB was probably

not in a position to join the contest at this

stage, having other important programmes to

complete. Proceeding from the government

directive and the provisional operational

requirement issued by the WS, the two OKBs

had completed their advanced development

projects in the early 1970s. Both contenders

were four-engined aircraft with variablegeometry

(VG) wings but utilised completely

different aerodynamic layouts.

The Sukhoi OKB started work on a twomode

strategic bomber bearing the manufacturer's

designation T-4MS or izdeliye 200. The

engineers paid special attention to ensuring

maximum commonality with the earlier T-4

sans suffixe (izdeliye 100). Among other

things, the powerplant consisting of four

16,OOO-kgp (35,273-lb st) Kolesov RD36-41

afterburning turbojets was retained. So were

the predecessor's systems and equipment,

structural materials, detail design features

and the manufacturing technologies mastered

during the T-4 programme.

Several general arrangements of the

T-4MS were studied at the preliminary design

(PD) stage. At first the engineers considered

simply scaling up the earlier T-4M project featuring

VG wings (aka izdeliye 1001; the I stood

for izmenyayemaya strelovidnost' - variable

sweep). However, they soon realised it was a

bad idea; this approach led to a dramatic

increase in the bomber's overall dimensions

and structural weight while still offering insufficient

internal space for weapons stowage.

The OKB had to seek other solutions. The

general arrangement of the future T-4MS had

to meet the following main criteria. The internal

volume had to be maximised while keeping

the surface area (and hence drag) to a

minimum. The weapons bays had to be capacious

enough to accommodate the required

range of armament. The structure had to be

as stiff as possible to permit high-speed ultralow-

level operations. (This flight mode, which

increased the chances of penetrating the

enemy's air defences, placed high demands

on structural strength because in low-level

flight turbulence might occur and terrain


Project specifications of the Sukhoi T·4MS bomber


project Stage A

project Stage B

Engine power, kgp (Ib st):

project Stage A

project Stage B

Thrust/weight ratio at take-off power:

project Stage A

project Stage B

Wing loading for overall wing area, kg/m2 (Ib/sq It)

Length overall

Height on ground

Wing span:

inner wings

at minimum sweep (30')

at maximum sweep (72')

Landing gear track

Landing gear wheelbase

Outer wing area, m2 (sq It):

at maximum sweep

at minimum sweep

Inner wing area, m2 (sq It)

Overall wing area, m2 (sq It):

at maximum sweep

at minimum sweep

Inner wing leading edge sweep

Outer wing leading edge sweep

at maximum sweep

at minimum sweep

Aspect ratio with respect to overall wing area:

at maximum sweep

at minimum sweep

Empty weight, kg (Ib)

Maximum take-off weight, kg (Ib)

Normal take-off weight, kg (Ib)

Internal fuel load, kg (Ib)

Ordnance load, kg (Ib):

normal (internal)

maximum (internal bays and external hardpoints)*

Top speed, km/h (mph; kts):

at sea level

at altitude

Cruising speed, km/h (mph; kts):

above 18,000 m(59,000 It)

at medium altitude

at sea level

Maximum range with K-1 01 engines at cruising speed

with normal warload, internal fuel only, km (miles):

above 18,000 m(59,000 It)

at medium altitude

Take-off run, m(It)

Landing run, m(It)



long-range air-to-surface missiles

s.hort-range air-to-surface missiles

bombs/total weight, kg (Ib)

* with partial fuel load


4xKolesov RD36-41

4x K-101

4x16,000 (4 x35,270)

4x20,000 (4 x44,090)



335 (68.6)

41.2 m(135 It 2in)

8.0 m(26 It 3in)

14.4m(47 It 3in)

40.8 m(133 It 10~ in)

25.0 m(82 It Xin)

6.0 m(19lt8 Xin)

12.0 m39 It 4~ in)

73.1 (786)

97.5 (1,048)

409.2 (4,400)

482.3 (5,186)

506.8 (5,449)





123,000 (271,160)

170,000 (374,780)

170,000 (374,780)

97,000 (213,845)

9,000 (19,840)

45,000 (99,200)

1,100 (683; 595)

3,200 (1,987; 1,730)

3,000-3,200 (1,863-1,987; 1,621-1,730)

800-900 (497-559; 432-486)

850 (528; 459)

9,000 (5,590)

14,000 (8,695)

1,100 (3,610)

950 (3,120)



24 xKh-15

45,000 (99,200)

avoidance manoeuvres may be needed.) The

powerplant had to be located externally so as

to facilitate eventual re-engining (ie, buried

engines were out of the question because

integrating new engines might require drastic

structural changes). Finally, the layout had to

offer the potential of continuously improving

the aircraft's performance and handling.

As work progressed on the final versions

of the T-4M project utilising the so-called integral

or blended wing/body (BWB) layout

where the fuselage contributes a large

amount of lift, Sukhoi OKB engineers decided

that a 'flying wing' BWB layout would meet the

demands described above. A while earlier,

their colleagues at the Tupolev OKB had

arrived at the same conclusion. Unlike

Tupolev, however, the Sukhoi OKB proposed

variable-geometry wings with movable outer

portions of relatively small area. This 'flying

wing'l'swing wing' combination was probably

unique in aircraft design practice.

Known in-house as 'version 2B', the 'flying

wing'l'swing wing' layout was developed

in August 1970 by engineer L. I. Bondarenko.

In due course it was approved by PD section

chief Oleg S. Samoylovich, then by the

TAMS's chief project engineer N. S. Chernikov

and finally by General Designer Pavel O.

Sukhoi, and served as the basis for the

advanced development project.

Wind tunnel tests at the Central Aerodynamics

& Hydrodynamics Institute named

after Nikolay Yeo Zhukovskiy (TsAGI - Tsentrahl'nyy

aero- i ghidrodinamicheskiy institoot)

showed that the chosen layout offered a

high lift/drag ratio in both subsonic and supersonic

modes. Actually 'high' is too modest a

description; the results were truly fantastic an

LID ratio of 17.5 at Mach 0.8 and 7.3 at

Mach 3.0. The new integral layout also took

care of aeroelasticity problems. The limited

area of the movable outer wings, coupled with

the stiff structure of the wing centre

section/fuselage (lifting body), enabled highspeed

flight at low altitude.

Work on defining and refining the

advanced development project (ADP) of

izdeliye 200 to the degree when it could be

submitted for the tender continued throughout

1971 . Wind tunnel models were manufactured

that year, allowing different versions of

the lifting body, outer wings, vertical and horizontal

tail to be tested in TsAGI's wind tunnels.

The tests showed that the TAMS was

catastrophically unstable because the centre

of gravity shifted too radically when wing

sweep was altered. Chief project engineer

N. S. Chernikov decided to alter the layout. As

a result, several project versions emerged

featuring an extended nose and additional

(conventionally placed) horizontal tail surfaces;

one of them (version 8) had a needlesharp


The configuration selected eventually featured

an extended forward fuselage with an

extremely streamlined flight deck canopy so

that the upper fuselage contour was virtually

unbroken; apart from this, there were no

changes as compared to the original ADP.

The T-4MS project was completed in September

1971. The bomber's design specifications

are given in the table on page 6.

Now we will turn our attention to the competitor.

The Myasishchev OKS (officially known as

EMZ Eksperimentahl'nw mashi-nostroitel'nw

zavod, experimental machinery

plant) received orders from the Ministry of Aircraft

Industry (MAP - Ministerstvo aviatsionnay

promyshfennostt) to develop a PO project

of a strategic multi-mode missile carrier as far

back as 1968. This was to be a multi-mission

strike aircraft with three distinct operational


The EMZ design team set to work with a

will, ignited by the enthusiastic approach of its

leader, Vladimir M. Myasishchev. The project

was known in-house as tema dvahdsat' ('subject

20'), alias the M-20 multi-mode

bomber/missile carrier. The basic strike/

reconnaissance configuration was intended

for attacking remote targets of strategic

importance with nuclear-tipped missiles or

bombs and performing strategic reconnaissance.

The second configuration was a

counter-air version designed to seek and

destroy transport aircraft flying transoceanic

routes and airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft.

Finally, the third version was a longrange

anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft

intended to seek and destroy submarines at

up to 5,000-5,500 km (2,700-2,970 nm) away

from base. The aircraft's maximum range in

subsonic cruise was specified as 16,00018,000

km (9,940-11,180 miles).

As he did before, V. M. Myasishchev

believed the creation of a heavy fast strike aircraft

to be the main task of his reborn OKS.

After the PO work on 'subject 20' had been

completed he succeeded in getting the EMZ

entered into the tender for the supersonic

strategic missile carrier. MAP orders to this

effect were issued on 15th September 1969

(No. 285), 17th September 1970 (No. 134)

and 9th October 1970 (No. 321). The OKS

started work on a new project - tema vosemnahdsat'

('subject 18'), alias M-18.

On 15th February 1971 Myasishchev delivered

a report to the assembled representatives

of various research establishments and OKSs,

describing the progress the EMZ had made on

the programme jointly with TsAGI and several

research institutes within the frameworks of the

Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Electronics

Industry and the Ministry of Defence Industry.

In his report he pointed out that the general

operational requirement (GOR) for the new

Above and below: With the wings fully swept back, the T-4MS had an almost perfectly triangular shape.

The entire tr ";ng edge of the lifting body between the engine nozzles was a four-section elevator.

An artist's impression of the T-4MS (izde/iye 200) in flight. Note the small area of the flight deck glaZing.


Above: Another desktop model of the T-4MS. This one features a larger flight deck glazing area.

A three-view of the T-4MS illustrating the stalky undercarriage with 12-wheel main bogies. The diagram on the right shows the placement of the 24 Raduga Kh-15




project Stage A

project Stage B

Engine power, kgp (Ib st):

project Stage A

project Stage B

Thrust/weight ratio at take-off power:

project Stage A

project Stage B

Wing loading for overall wing area, kg/m2 (Ib/sq It)

Length overall

Height on ground

Wing span:

inner wings

at minimum sweep (30')

at maximum sweep (72')

Landing gear track

Landing gear wheelbase

Outer wing area, m2 (sq It):

at maximum sweep

at minimum sweep

Inner wing area, m2 (sq It)

Overall wing area, m2 (sq It):

at maximum sweep

at minimum sweep

Inner wing leading edge sweep

Outer wing leading edge sweep

at maximum sweep

at minimum sweep

Aspect ratio with respect to overall wing area:

at maximum sweep

at minimum sweep

Empty weight, kg (Ib)

Maximum take-off weight, kg (Ib)

Normal take-off weight, kg (Ib)

Internal fuel load, kg (Ib)

Ordnance load, kg (Ib):

normal (internal)

maximum (internal bays and external hardpoints)*

Top speed, km/h (mph; kts):

at sea level

at altitude

Cruising speed, km/h (mph; kts):

above 18,000 m(59,000 It)

at medium altitude

at sea level

Maximum range with K-1 01 engines at cruising speed

with normal warload, internal fuel only, km (miles):

above 18,000 m(59,000 It)

at medium altitude

Take-off run, m(It)

Landing run, m(It)



long-range air-to-surface missiles

s.hort-range air-to-surface missiles

bombs/total weight, kg (Ib)

* with partial fuel load

4xKolesov RD36-41

4x K-101

4x16,000 (4 x35,270)

4x20,000 (4 x44,090)



335 (68.6)

41.2 m(135 It 2in)

8.0 m(26 It 3in)

14.4m(47 It 3in)

40.8 m(133 It 10~ in)

25.0 m(82 It Xin)

6.0 m(19lt8 Xin)

12.0 m39 It 4~ in)

73.1 (786)

97.5 (1,048)

409.2 (4,400)

482.3 (5,186)

506.8 (5,449)





123,000 (271,160)

170,000 (374,780)

170,000 (374,780)

97,000 (213,845)

9,000 (19,840)

45,000 (99,200)

1,100 (683; 595)

3,200 (1,987; 1,730)

3,000-3,200 (1,863-1,987; 1,621-1,730)

800-900 (497-559; 432-486)

850 (528; 459)

9,000 (5,590)

14,000 (8,695)

1,100 (3,610)

950 (3,120)



24 xKh-15

45,000 (99,200)

*英文資料提供:Ping yang

*翻譯:Jiang tianwen


