逝世於2008年1月17日 (美國加州)
1950年代崛起於舞台表演的蘇珊娜·普萊薛特除了演過希區柯克的《群鳥》中女教師一角,最讓影迷印象深刻的就是在電視情境喜劇影集《The Bob Newhart Show》里飾演心理醫師巴布紐沃特的妻子,兩度因該劇入圍艾美獎。
1. The Last Mogul: Life and Times of Lew Wasserman (2005) .....Herself
Lew Wasserman: The Last Mogul
2. 千與千尋 Spirited Away (2001) .....Yubaba/Zeniba (voice: English version)
Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi
Miyazaki's Spirited Away
3. 威爾和格蕾絲 Will & Grace (1998) .....Lois Whitley (3 episodes, 2002-2004)
Will and Grace
4. 獅子王2:辛巴的榮耀 The Lion King II: simba's Pride (1998) .....Zira (voice)
Simba's Pride
5. 爭奪嬰兒 Battling for Baby (1992) .....Marie Peters
Guerre des mamies, La
Spoiled Rotten
6. 一個做飯,另一個不做 One Cooks, the Other Doesn't (1983) .....Joanne Boone
L'une cuisine, l'autre pas
One Cooks, the Other Doesn't
7. Oh, God! Book II (1980) .....Paula Richards
Tracy and Friend
8. Hot Stuff (1979) .....Louise Webster
Fourgueurs, Les
Goracy towar
9. 長毛檢察官 The shaggy D.A. (1976) .....Betty Daniels
10. 鮑勃·紐哈特秀 The Bob Newhart Show (1972) .....Emily Hartley
11. 小鎮槍手 Support Your Local Gunfighter (1971) .....Patience
L'infallibile pistolero strabico
12. 坦克大進擊 Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came? (1970) .....Ramona
A gdybysmy tak nie poszli na wojne?
Esta noche vamos de guerra
13. Target: Harry (1969) .....Diane Reed
How to Make It
Kohteena Harry
14. The Power (1968) .....Professor Margery Lansing
Aivojen sota
Cérebro, O
15. 黑胡鬼 Blackbeard's Ghost (1968) .....Prof. Jo Anne Baker
Fantasma del pirata Barbanera, Il
Fantasma do Barba Negra, O
16. 格里芬歷險記 The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin (1967) .....Arabella Flagg
Bullwhip Griffin oder Goldrausch in Kalifornien
Enas entimotatos tyhodioktis
17. 長相憶 Mister Buddwing (1966) .....Fiddle
Gesicht ohne Namen
18. 萬里殲仇 Nevada Smith (1966) .....Pilar
Kostaja Nevada Smith
Nevada kaatilleri
19. 蠢狗記 The Ugly dachshund (1966) .....Fran Garrison
4 bassotti per 1 danese
Geliebter Haustyrann
20. 號角震天 A Distant Trumpet (1964) .....Mrs. Kitty Mainwarring
21. 空難追蹤案 Fate Is the Hunter (1964) .....Martha Webster
22. Youngblood Hawke (1964) .....Jeanne Green
Huset Hawke
Mujer espera, Una
23. 群鳥 The Birds (1963) .....Annie Hayworth
Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds
Oiseaux, Les
24. 亡命天涯 The Fugitive (1963) .....Ellie Burnett / ... (2 episodes, 1964-1965)
Fugitivo, El
Auf der Flucht
25. 四十磅的煩惱 40 Pounds of Trouble (1962) .....Chris Lockwood
Forty Pounds of Trouble
26. 堅決之夏 Summer of Decision (1959) .....Susan
27. 男藝妓 The Geisha Boy (1958) .....Sgt. Pearson
Der Geisha Boy
Jerry außer Rand und Band