

學院的學科帶頭人在學界具有影響力, 陳玉琨教授為 國務院學位委員會公共管理學科評議組成員、全國教育幹部培訓專家委員會主任;行政管理學科帶頭人吳志華教授為上海市行政管理學會副會長、上海市政治學會副會長,在公共部門人力資源管理研究領域具有重要學術影響。
學院教師主持了多項國家自然科學與哲學社會科學基金項目,以及教育部哲學社會科學重大攻關項目。在這些高水平研究工作的基礎上,學院形成一批高層次的學術研究成果。在2006年第三屆全國教育科學研究優秀成果獎中,獲得一等獎1項、二等獎3項、三等獎3項; 在2008年上海市第九屆哲學社會科學優秀成果獎中,該院教師獲 一等獎1項、三等獎2項。


The School of Public Administration was established in June of 2006, based on the integration of the School of ducational Management,part of the School of Laws and Political Science.Professor Yukun Chen heads the school which consists of more than 50 faculty members.Among of them,10 are professors,22 are associate professors while nearly 30 of them was conferred PhD.
The School of Public Administration has well done with more than 100 social scientific research projects including ational Social Science Funds, Provincial and Ministerial Research Funds and other projects. The faculties published over 150 academic books and textbooks and nearly 1500 papers on journals. These brought more than 70 rewards including over 20 provincial and ministerial rewards and 50 other rewards from different channels.
The Training Center for Presidents of Primary and Secondary School of the Ministry of Education and the MPA Center are affiliated to the School.Main disciplines and research interests as follows: educational economy and management including educational evaluation, educational management, educational economy, educational administration, laws and regulations of education, educational HR Development;public administration including the institutions of public administration of contemporary China, HR management in public sectors, public administration in economy, public policy; social security including theories and policies of social security, comparative social security, funds and management of social insurances, research methodology of social security and labor relationships and so on.


