
研究員,博士,博士生導師,特殊環境藻類生物學 學科帶頭人。1996-1999年中國科學院水生生物研究所博士生,2000-2002年挪威奧斯陸大學(Oslo University)藥學院(Institute of Pharmacy)糖化學方向客座研究員、博士後。


研究員,博士,博士生導師,特殊環境藻類生物學 學科帶頭人。1996-1999年中國科學院水生生物研究所博士生,2000-2002年挪威奧斯陸大學(Oslo University)藥學院(Institute of Pharmacy)糖化學方向客座研究員、博士後。






Hu CX*, Gao KS, Whitton BA. Semi-arid Regions and Deserts. In: Ecology of Cyanobacteria II: Their Diversity in Space and Time (Whitton BA ed.).

劉永定, 胡春香, 張文軍等著. 荒漠藍藻環境生物學與生物土壤結皮固沙. 科學出版社, 北京

劉永定主編. 藻-草-灌(-喬)綜合治理荒漠化與區域可持續發展. 科學出版社, 北京


Yang HJ, He QN, Rong JF, Xia L, Hu CX* Rapid neutral lipid accumulation of the alkali -resistant oleaginous Monoraphidium dybowskii LB50 by NaCl induction. Bioresource Technology

Lan SB, Wu L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Desiccation provides photosynthetic protection for crust cyanobacteria Microcoleus vaginatus from high temperature. Physiologia Plantrum

Xia L, Yang HJ, He QN, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Physiological responses of freshwater oleaginous microalgae Desmodesmus sp. NMX451 under nitrogen deficiency and alkaline pH-induced lipid accumulation. Journal of Applied Phycology

Zhou XP, Xia L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Effect of outdoor conditions on the biomass and lipid accumulation of six green algae. Energy sources part A-Recovery utilization and environmental effects (Energ Source Part A),

Yue T, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Comparative studies on phosphate utilization of two bloom-forming Microcystis sp. (Cyanobacteria) isolated from Lake Taihu (China). Journal of Applied Phycology

Wu L, Zhang GK, Lan SB, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Longitudinal photosynthetic gradient in crust lichens’ thalli. Microbial Ecology

Lan SB, Zhang QY, Wu L. Liu YD, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Artificially accelerating the reversal of desertification: cyanobacterial inoculation facilitates the succession of vegetation communities. Environmental Science & Technology

Ge HM, Zhou XP, Xia L, Hu CX*. Effects of light intensity on component and topographical structure of extracellular polysaccharide from the cyanobacteria Micrococcus vaginatus. Phycologia

Ge HM, Xia L, Zhou XP, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Effects of light intensity on component and topographical structure of extracellular polysaccharide from the cyanobacteria Nostoc sp. Journal of Microbiology

Li H, Rao B, Wang G, Shen S, Li D, Hu C, Liu Y. Spatial heterogeneity of cyanobacteria -inoculated sand dunes significantly influences artificial biological soil crusts in the Hobq Desert (China). Environ. Earth Sci,

吳麗, 張高科, 陳曉國, 蘭書斌, 張德祿, 胡春香*. 生物結皮的發育演替與微生物生物量變化. 環境科學

吳麗, 陳曉國, 張高科, 蘭書斌, 張德祿, 胡春香*. 人工生物結皮的發育演替及表土持水特性研究. 環境科學

葛紅梅, 周旭萍, 夏令, 張德祿, 胡春香*. 光強和氮源對念珠藻胞外多糖分泌的影響. 水生生物學報

岳濤, 張德祿, 胡春香*. 太湖三種優勢微囊藻對不同形態磷的吸收利用. 湖泊科學

Xia L, Rong JF, Yang HJ, He QN, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. NaCl as an effective inducer for lipid accumulation in freshwater microalgae Desmodesmus abundans. Bioresource Technology

Xia L, Zhou XP, Ge HM, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Photoautotrophic outdoor two-stage cultivation for oleaginous microalgae Scenedesmus obtusus XJ-15. Bioresource Technology

Zhou XP, Ge HM, Xia L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Feasibility of biodiesel production by microalgae Chlorella sp. (FACHB-1748) under outdoor conditions. Bioresource Technology

Zhou XP, Ge HM, Xia L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Evaluation of oil-producing algae as potential biodiesel feedstock. Bioresource Technology,

Zhang DL, Hu CX*, Li DH, Liu YD. Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant response in zebrafish brain induced by Aphanizomenon flosaquae DC-1 aphantoxins. Aquatic Toxicology.

Zhang DL, Hu CX*, Li DH, Liu YD*. Zebrafish locomotor capacity and brain acetylcholine -esterase activity is altered by Aphanizomenon flos-aquae DC-1 aphantoxins. Aquatic Toxicology.

Lan SB,Wu L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. 2013. Assessing level of development and successional stages in biological soil crusts with biological indicators. Microbial Ecology

Wu L, Lan SB, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Functional reactivation of photosystem II in lichen soil crusts after long-term desiccation. Plant and Soil,

Wu L, Zhang GK, Lan SB, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Microstructures and photosynthetic diurnal changes in the different types of lichen soil crusts. European Journal of Soil Biology

Wu L, Lan SB, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Recovery of chlorophyll fluorescence and CO2 exchange in lichen soil crusts after rehydration. European Journal of Soil Biology

張玉, 胡春香*, 張德祿. 迴轉處理對雨生紅球藻細胞結構、光合活性、糖及蝦青素代謝的影響研究. 空間科學學報

Zhang DL, Hu CX, Wang, GH Li DH, Li GB, Liu YD*. Zebrafish neurotoxicity from aphantoxins -cyanobacterial paralytic shellfish poisons (PSPs) from Aphanizomenon flos-aquae DC-1. Environmental Toxicology

Hu MM, Li YH, Wang Z, Wang Y, Hu C, Shen Y, Liu Y*, Li G, Li D. Seasonal dynamics and phylogenetic analysis of analysis of bacterioplankton in Lake Erhai, SW-China. Fresen Environ Bull

Zhang Y, Li XY, Ge HM, Wu L, Xia L, Wang GH, Hu CX*, Liu YD. Influence of clinorotation on cellular structure, photosynthetic activity, carbohydrate and astaxanthin metabolism of Haematococcus pluvialis. Fresen Environ Bull.

Zhang Y, Li XY, Wang GH, Hu CX*, Liu YD. Physiological responses of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 under clinorotation. Microgravity Science and Technology

Lan SB, Wu L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Composition of photosynthetic organisms and diurnal changes of photosynthetic efficiency in algae and moss crusts. Plant and Soil

Lan S.B., Wu L., Zhang D.L., Hu CX*. Successional stages of biological soil crusts and their microstructure variability in Shapotou region (China). Environ. Earth Sci

Lan SB, Wu L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*, Liu YD. Ethanol outperforms multiple solvents in the extraction of chlorophyll-a from biological soil crusts. Soil Biology & Biochemistry

Wu L, Lan SB, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Small-scale vertical distribution of algae and structure of lichen soil crusts. Microbial Ecology

張德祿, 胡春香, 等. 斑馬魚腦細胞凋亡基因對束絲藻毒素致毒的回響. 水生生物學報

蘭書斌, 吳麗, 張德祿, 胡春香*. 南四湖沼澤化現狀及其驅動因素的研究. 湖泊科學

張德祿, 劉永定, 胡春香*. 基於營養鹽的中國湖泊生態分區框架與指標體系初探. 湖泊科學

徐娟娟, 張德祿, 吳國樵, 王高鴻, 劉永定, 胡春香*. 風力脅迫對具鞘微鞘藻結皮光合活性的影響, 水生生物學報

Lan SB, Hu CX*, Rao BQ, Wu L, Zhang DL, Liu YD. Non-rainfall water sources in the topsoil and their changes during formation of man-made algal crusts at the eastern edge of Qubqi Desert, Inner Mongolia. Science China Life Sciences

Lan SB, Wu L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*, Liu YD. Effects of drought and salt stresses on man-made cyanobacterial crusts. European Journal of Soil Biology

蘭書斌,胡春香*,饒本強,吳麗,張德祿,劉永定. 人工藻結皮形成過程中表土非降雨型水分吸收的變化情況. 中國科學: 生命科學

Wang GH, Hao ZJ, Huang ZB, Li XY, Hu CX, Liu YD*. Raman spectroscopic analysis of a desert cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. in response to UV-B radiation. Astrobiology


