

1992年起在史丹福大學醫學院工作期間歷任研究科學家、高級科學家、高級副研究員和高級研究員; 2003年度高層次留學人才回國資助人員;
現已在JCI、JBC和Mol. Endocrol等雜誌發表論文三十多篇, 參與編寫英文《分子生物學方法》、《藥理學》、《臨床藥理學》、《受體藥理學》和中文《組合化學和新藥篩選》《藥理學方法》《當代藥理學》《器官纖維化基礎及中醫藥防治》等專著和教科書八部,並與其他合作者有六份專利申請,分別涉及抗病毒化合物、抗腫瘤化合物和抗心血管疾病藥物,正在中國、美國專利局待批。
1. Hu ZW: Drugs and Cardiovascular System. in Clive Page et al.(eds.) Integrated Pharmacology: Basic Science to Therapeutics. The Second Edition, 2002, Mosby, London.
2. Hu ZW: 新藥發現和篩選的藥靶選擇. 劉剛等編著:尋找新藥中的組合化學( Combinatorial Chemistry
for Drug Lead Discovery and Optimization ). 北京:科學出版社, 2003
3. Hu ZW and Lin RZ: Drugs and the Blood. in Clive Page et al.(eds.) Integrated Pharmacology: Basic Science to Therapeutics. 1997, Mosby, London.
4. Lin RZ and Hu ZW: Therapeutics of Hematological Disorders. in Carruthers SG et al.(eds.) Melmon & Morrelli’s Clinical Pharmacology: The principles and practical application of therapeutics. The Fourth Edition, 2000, McGraw-Hill, New York.
5. Hu ZW and Hoffman BB: Nuclear run-on assays for measurement of adrenergic receptor transcription rate. in Machida (ed.) Adrenergic Receptor Protocols. The Methods in Molecular Biology ( series editor: John Walker), 1999, Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey.
[1]. Hu ZW, Kerb R, Shi XY, Wei-Lavery T, Hoffman BB: Angiotensin II increases expression of cyclooxygenase-2: implications for the function of vascular smooth muscle cells. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2002, 303:563-573.
[2]. Hoffman BB and Hu ZW: Alpha(1)-adrenoceptors (alpha(1)-AR) and vascular smooth muscle cell growth. Prostate Suppl. 2000, 9:29-33.
[3]. Hu ZW, Shi XY, Lin ZR, and Hoffman BB: Alpha1-Adrenergic Receptor Stimulation of Mitogenesis in Human VSMCs: Role of Tyrosine Protein Kinases and Calcium in Activation of MAP Kinase. J. Pharmacol. Exper. Ther. 1999, 290:28-37
[4]. Chen J, Lin RZ, Hu Z-W, and Hoffman BB: Alpha1-Adrenergic receptor activation of c-fos expression in transfected rat-1 fibroblasts: role of Ca2+. J. Pharmacol. Exper Ther. 1999, 289:1376-1384.
[5]. Hu ZW, Shi XY, Lin ZR, and Hoffman BB: Differential Signaling Pathways Mediate Alpha1 AR Subtype Activation of Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase in transfected NIH3T3 Cells. Role of Gbeta/gama subunits. Mol. Endocrol. 1999, 13:3-14
[6]. Hu ZW, Shi XY, and Hoffman BB: Doxazosin inhibits proliferation and migration of human vascular smooth muscle cells. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 1998, 31:833-839
[7]. Lin RZ, Chen J, Hu ZW, and Hoffman BB: Phosphorylation of the cAMP response element binding protein and activation of transcription by alpha1 adrenergic receptors. J. Biol. Chem. 1998, 273:30033-30038
[8]. Lin RZ, Hu ZW, Chin JH, and Hoffman BB: Heat shock activates c-Src tyrosine kinase and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in NIH3T3 fibroblasts. J. Biol. Chem. 1997, 272:31196-31202
[9]. Okazaki M, Hu ZW, Fujinaga M, and Hoffman BB: Alpha1 adrenergic receptor activation of protooncogene expression in arterial smooth muscle: regulation by NO and vascular injury. Rec. Sign. Trans. 1996, 6:165-178
[10]. Hu ZW, Shi XY, and Hoffman BB: Insulin and insulin-like growth factor I differentially induce alpha1 adrenergic receptor subtype expression in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. J. Clin. Invest. 1996, 98:1826-1834.
[11]. Hu ZW, Shi XY, Lin RZ, and Hoffman BB: Alpha1 adrenergic receptors activate phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in human vascular smooth muscle cells: roles in mitogenesis. J. Biol.Chem. 1996,271:9887-92
[12]. Chin JH, Okazaki M, Hu ZW, Miller JW, and Hoffman BB: Stimulation of alpha1 ARs induces transcription activation of heat shock protein 70 gene by enhancement of heat shock protein transcription factor in rat aortic smooth muscle. J. Clin. Invest. 1996, 97:2316-2323
[13]. Chin JH, Okazaki M, Frazier JS, Hu ZW, and Hoffman BB: Impaired cAMP-mediated gene expression and decreased cAMP response element binding protein in senescent fibroblasts. Am. J. Physiol. 1996, 271:C362-C371
[14]. Thomas JM, Frazier JS, Hu ZW, and Hoffman BB: Phosphorylation of cAMP response element binding protein and induction of c-fos gene expression upon withdrawal from chronic treatment with carbachol in NG108-15 cells. Mol. Pharmacol. 1995, 48:593-600
[15]. Fujinaga M, Hu ZW, Okazaki M, Baden JM and Hoffman BB: Expression of mRNA for alpha1 ARs subtypes at the beginning of neurulation in rat embryos. Teratology 1995, 9:601-6
[16]. Hu ZW, Shi XY, Okazaki M and Hoffman BB: Angiotensin II induces transcription and expression of α1-adrenergic receptors in cultured rat vascular smooth muscle cells. Am. J. Physiol. 1995, 268:H1006-H1014
[17]. Okazaki M, Hu ZW, Fujinaga M, and Hoffman BB: Alpha1 adrenergic receptor-induced c-fos gene expression in rat aorta and cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. J. Clin. Invest. 1994, 94:210-218.
[18]. Hu ZW and Hoffman BB: Cycloheximide activates transcription of alpha1B AR gene expression in DDT1 MF-2 smooth muscle cells. Mol. Pharmacol. 1993, 44:1105-1112
[19]. Hu ZW, Shi XY, Sakaue M, and Hoffman BB: prolonged activation of protein kinase C by phorbol esters induces transcription and expression of the alpha1B-AR gene in DDT1 MF2 cells. J. Biol.Chem.1993,268:3390-95
[20]. Hu ZW, Miller J W, and Hoffman BB: Induction of enhanced release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor following prolonged exposure to alpha adrenergic agonists: role in desensitization of smooth muscle contraction. J. Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 1994, 23:337-343
[21]. Hu ZW, Arzha S, and Hoffman BB: Prolonged activation of alpha 1 adrenergic receptors resulted in down-regulation of protein kinase C in rat aortic smooth muscle. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 1992, 20:982-989
[22]. Hu ZW, Honda K, Murad F, and Hoffman BB: Prolonged exposure to catecholamines enhances sensitivity of SM relaxation induced by sodium nitroprusside and atrioptin. J. Pharmacol. Exp.Ther. 1992, 260:756-61
[23]. Hu ZW, Billingham M, Tuck M, and Hoffman BB: Captopril Improves hypertension and cardiomyopathy in rats with pheochromocytoma. Hypertension 1990; 15:210-215
[24]. Hu ZW. Effect of nifedipine on platelet function. Chung Hua Hsin Hsueh Kuan Ping Tsa Chih 1986, 14:145-146
[25]. Hu ZW. Abnormalities of myocardial lipid metabolism and advances of drug intervention in acute myocardial ischemia. Sheng Li Ko Hsueh Chin Chan 1984, 15:35-40 [2]