
1. Kui Wang , Wei Cui , Gang Hu , Jianzhao Gao , Zhonghua Wu , Xingye Qiu , Jishou Ruan , Yi Feng , Zhi Qi , Yiming Shao and Jack A. Tuszynski, Computable features required to evaluate the efficacy of drugs and a universal algorithm to find optimally effective drug in a drug complex. Plos One, 2012 (accepted)
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3. Gang Hu, Shenyi Shen, Kui Wang, On the evolution rate in mammalian mitochondrial genomes. Computational Biology and Chemistry, Volume 35, Issue 3, June 2011, Pages 137–142
4. Shiyi Shen, Jack A Tuszynski, Gang Hu, Analysis of protein three-dimension structure using amino acids depths. Protein J. 2007(26).
5. Jishou Ruan,Kui Wang,Jie Yang, Lukasz A. Kurgan ,Krzysztof Cios. Highly accurate and consistent method for prediction of helix and strand content from primary protein sequences.Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 35(1),19-35, 2005.
6. Shi-Yi Shen,Kui Wang, Gang Hu,Shu-Tao Xia et al.,On the Alignment Space, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference Shanghai, China, September 1-4, 2005,.
7. Shiyi Shen,Liuhuan Dong,Kui Wang,Gang Hu, SMA: An Efficient Tool for Large-Scale Multiple Alignment., Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference Shanghai,China,September 1-4,2005.
8. 沈世鎰,胡剛,王奎,高建召,信息動力學與生物信息學-蛋白質與蛋白質組的結構分析,科學出版社,2011
9. 楊晶,胡剛,王奎,沈世鎰,生物計算:生物序列的分析方法與套用,科學出版社,2010