本書為第二冊,共15個單元,每單元由三大部分組成:聽說訓練(ustening and speaking activitics)、閱讀理解和語言操練(reading comprehension and language activities)以及擴展性練習(extended activities)。第二冊在diyi冊的基礎上加大了語言訓練難度,對學生聽說讀寫技能的發展提出了新的要求。
1 someone waiting
2 football
3 the snake bite
4 he was my fater
5 the english countryside
6 suffering to be beautiful
7 waiting for a call
8 secret messages to ourselves
9 all that s happening
10 teenager s nightmare
11 understanding your owner
12 transforming mars
13 the mud-backs
14 the japanese ageing suit
15 have you seen the tree?
word list
本書為第二冊,共15個單元,每單元由三大部分組成:“聽說訓練”(Listening and Speaking Activities)、“閱讀理解和語言操作”(Reading Comprehension and Languagc Activities)及“擴展性練習”(Extended Activties)。第二冊在第一冊的基礎上加大了語言訓練難度.對學生聽說讀寫技能的發展提出了新的要求。